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<br /> ' � �3�i PARTITION 1
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<br /> '✓ '' ��T� ���I.��N ���.T�S��� � 5��� 'I'T�� �ber-eas, ; in an; act�ion
<br /> �� �� 4 - . � � , ."
<br /> ?of� g�,x'����.on �e�cU.�g�ln `fi� i.s�ar�:,ct r Eo�trt t��`Ha11 �ounty;'- Nebraska, • � ` ��.
<br /> ,x,� r
<br /> � � and=���Bo"�z, ��."s wi�e;. were:" Tai�tiffs and
<br /> , .�rh��c�i.���Gt°�lte�'"`Bo�.ft� P ...
<br /> ',�'r3�eda Gu��ow a�d' ��� Gt�l�o�, �i�r; hu��?and,. ;Emma Rohweder, and : �
<br /> f �l.bert RoliE+reder,` h�er li�.sl�and,' Bertha i�uebbe and Art Luebbe,, her �; �
<br /> ' ��'f hv:sban.d,z�elia -Hue�ce and Lou.is Hneneke, her husband, Gladys
<br /> ,°s �" � �,Haden��eldt� and�Walter Ha.denfeldt,�w�her husband, �Fred 'and �dna Boltz, ��� �� �
<br /> � his w�.fe, were defendants, for the partition of the premises herein-
<br /> ' � 'vafter described, ���ii`�c��vndea�sigi�ed:�`e�eree appointed by said Court ,
<br /> `ta make, partition :o� said real estate,, made repor� in writing,' du].y � �. •
<br /> signed, setting �a�E�i that partition of sasa l�a could not be ,.> � :�
<br /> � zttade :�withou� great .prej�udice���to fihe owners���thereof,�� which_;xeport � �; ,"
<br /> � ���.� � �was �,duly, examined�by_"said Court and said Court being satisfied �� ��
<br /> � thex,ewith confirmed'the same 'and thereupon made an order and" caused
<br />�` the 'same to be entered, directing"me, as said Referee �a sell said �
<br /> premises on the following terms, to-wit: fifteen (155 per cent of, �
<br /> �� `the high bid cash�at time of sale 'and the bal•ance upon confirmation. :
<br />�� ; . > � ' � �
<br />�t ��And in pursuance of-�said order, I�_caused a n;otice to �be published ��� ,
<br />� �� 'in the Grand Isiand Dai1y "Sndepenclent, ���a� newspaper printed and���in ��
<br /> - general circulation in Ha11 County, that I would offer said laxlds ; .
<br /> ' ; for sale 'at the north front door of the Court House, :an;said county, ;
<br /> �° ����on the 14th day of �`Januarp, �1�956�����at 10:00 0'.clock A�. ldi �o�. saicl � � �
<br /> '; day, and that at the time and place stated in said,�.notice 'and after �
<br /> °, j said nofice had been published for more than thirty,� days, 'I offered 4 "
<br /> ;` , said lands, to-wit: : � :: ,
<br /> :�.� . �� � . �..�� � � � -�� .� ��. � �� � � �,.
<br /> ` � Lot Eight (8) , in Section Twenty-three (23) , Lots Two (2)
<br /> r - and Three (3) and the Northeast Quarter of-the Northwest . ' �
<br /> � , ,
<br /> �i ! Quarter (NE4NW�), in Section '�renty-six (26) and Lots Five ;'
<br /> . '(5) , Six °(6) , Seven (7) and Eight (8) , in Secfion 'Iwrenty- ; '
<br /> -� i Seven (27), �Township Ten (10), North, Range Ten (]D), West �
<br /> of the 6th'P. M., Hal1 County, Nebraska, i
<br /> . for°sale at public auction and sold the same to A.. A. Nielsen and ?
<br /> , i Geo. W. Nielsen,".as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, for �
<br /> � the sum of Sixteen Thousand Four Hundred Fifty & No/100 Dollars
<br /> � (�16,450..00},. they being the highest bidder therefor. And afterwards '
<br /> " � on the !?�6�,day of Tanuary, 1956, said Court approved and affirmed ,
<br /> E said sale �nd:by an order directed me, as said Referee, to execute �:
<br /> �to A. A. Nielsen and Geo. W. Nielsen, as joint tenants and not as
<br /> � tenants in common, a deed cnnveying said lands to them iz� fee simple. '.
<br /> � . � , .
<br /> s NQW, THEREFORE, I, John R. Higgins, Referee, in co�sideration ;
<br /> ` of the premises .and af the sum of Sixteen Thousand Four Hundred Fifty �'
<br /> � Dollars ���16,450.00) so bid and paid by s.aid A, A. Nielsen and', ;
<br /> = Geo. W. Nielsen and by virtue of the powers vested in me by Taw, ;:
<br /> t do by t�Cese presents
<br /> grant, sell and cnnvey unto the said A. A. Nielsen ;
<br /> ���, a,ztd Geo. W. Nielsen, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, �
<br /> � .` �nd to their assigns or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor - '
<br /> ;: �� � cz� th�sn, �the real es�a�e described��as�:�fol3,ows: � � '
<br /> f �
<br /> Lo� Eight �(8), in Section 'Itirenty-three (23) , Lots Two (2) '
<br /> and Three` (3) ''a,nd the �Tortheast Quarter..of. the Northwest.. f �
<br /> � Quarter (NE�1�TF�T�.�, in Section 'I�renty-six (26) and Lots Five �
<br /> � �� (�),:��ix ���(6).:���rven (7) �� and ��Bigh�� (8) ,� in���Section..Twe�ty- �
<br /> ; � =. Se�ren (27) , Tow�`ship Ten (10), Noxth, Range Ten. (10), West �
<br /> !� af the 6th, P. M:, Ha11 County, Nebraska, �
<br /> k i �
<br /> ��tp 4$ E
<br /> k � �
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