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<br /> �ril6epai��?I� . ,.. . r
<br /> p1 die:srieat oF a iot�!'t�of d�,�liioQaty.the p�ooeeds shall be appliecl w the sums sRCVCad by tlas Secacity -
<br /> Ipiuti�Arie¢,wbdhe�4s oot t6m d��tb aay�xc�ss p�ud to BaROwar. In�e eva�of a p�tial t�tiea af d�e Pippe�ty in
<br /> whic�i�r�md�et value of the Ptopatp i�nodiatctY befa�the nicing is alual to or g�atcr tl�tbe amount of t�e sums
<br /> eeca�ly dds Sea�ricy Insu�eat aeme��Y beta�e the taicing,uniess Baaowa aM Lender atbaMnse a,gtea Ia writing.
<br /> du st�s secsed 6y tms Sec�iiy��iwqrnt s1�ai1 be teduced by tl�amomrt of the P�aeeeds�nu�iiod bY the idiowinS
<br /> � (s)Poe ta(at amo�c ot i�st�secu�ed iauaed'�ateefy 6cfo�thc alcing div�ded by tb)tl�e fair muk+et v�luo of the
<br /> phip�eii�+i�d'i�ety fiefar��e[akit�. Any bs3�oe sball be paid w Bar�wu. M the eva�t of a paniat utdng of tbe
<br /> Pt�npaity i�w��tbe fau mar'at s�io af the PropertY.imtr�ediatsly before t!a t�kiog is kss th�n the a�m�nt ot tho sums
<br /> - �• ' �g,�ess Seurawcc aaM fr+nder ot�e��s-.-s�g�r:e i�t_�rtaii�tg or unksa a�pplic�le IatMr
<br /> od�errvise piYryid�s.the poceods s�p bo�pplied to t6o sams secucad by tlus Socurity►lnsuurt�t whe�her ar not the sums aoe
<br /> _- - --�t�;�,_-_--- -_.'-_•...- � , . ---.. . ----- -
<br /> , i�d�e,AropeKy is ab�doned by$vrmwu,or . ._ to - rver t6�t th�coidem�wc of�ers w m�lce
<br /> �Vaaa+�+d'6c swl�a claim for�es.RaRnwer fa�s to c�espood to i�ender withia 30 days after tAe daoe tbe natk�is givea.
<br /> :_�is'si�6orirsd w cakcc,wa�p�ly tne pra�o�eeds„at its apt�oo,either co oestorsc�on or�pair of tbe I�npe�cy ac m aie
<br /> ����tiiii�,�try t6is S�curity L�roment,whetllet ar iwt d�at due. .. . . _.� • , , .�•. .,
<br /> ���:���.snder aod Ba�otderwise a�nee:in�writing.en�'�� of ptaceods to peioicipaJ sbaU nci'rEatep¢?or�:. -
<br /> , ��Pa�uiae�'t�e date e�€d�e mamhtg W�,�w in �- :�iod 2 orc6�ng�e the�tdpum of such�ayroa�rs.� :�;:,::::"�-'
<br /> 111at �deased•` �u� , , s:`;=.,.
<br /> ���aver �.�;�:. �iaAiCr`�:�R'.�'e� .Extensi�.ut'c6e time tor paymeot.:vr�:'•.:�: ., .:
<br /> ;;:':'f'�nf amortization of t6e s�a'�s`��1�S S�uuy`�8�!!��k"�Id¢�io a�ry soccessar in 6��aesk. , t
<br /> :,;�::�i''e�'s6su na operrce w rek�se���j.�1�-ibe ariginal-$orr�awerc�$ar�oercra��cesso�s in intt«e.a.t.eader� ` �� � :
<br /> ,;�'���.��1Si�,ce�i�ed to camperce p�op�"mgs agwut:Yly saRCrsSai in a�a�rt-4is rtfu�ss�r�+cte�td time fo�'piyt[Ieat o[`,,�;;?�,1,:.,.:�;
<br /> ,. '+�l i��f Y a a�o�i o�o f t i i e s u s a s�e c�c e d b y t h i s S e�a u i t y i�m e�e t b S►�e a s o n a f a�!�'�c t�made b Y the°r i�n�C '� t;
<br /> �3�i�:�ar�u�er's su�eces�s im i�eiest. �1�,n�;y,,�fo,grb�earanoe t+�►������;�ar•ismedy a1�1T nat b�� 4�`� r,
<br /> ,I r.:'�- �r�`•�...,.h.,1�E�1�C1�C[CISE OF'J�Ily I(g�lt Of��.suw� � \" .�; ,� -•"..':� . :S-, , ` 't'
<br /> �� r��nau.�.
<br /> ���OOq�Off�a l+�f�OMM�;�U�t�r:slill7��C��IC COYC�qllis alld agOCnfC�S Of t�!!s�'..
<br /> �`-'� �ty insuument shaU bind and brnefit tlie svcoes�s and assigns of l�et±u1�.l�'araa�ei:subjact co tI�e.�provisiaas of .
<br /> �;:-.:`;`��°agr�h 1?.Bortowa�s cavenantg aad �a116e nt and sever`�;�';BqmRe�wiw co-sigtrs'this Secvriry
<br /> ' �;����:. ��. l�
<br /> "t ;�f�ttumant tx�d�oes mt execute tbe Na�'��f.is s�si�tti$this SCCUriq►[�,�k3�v�,1�:���.S�and.cnnvey that
<br /> ,,•,�:��;:•�;''�oriower's idte�est in the Pioperty unde�2���n?s�this Savriry Insuumen�'I��i��isp�obligated ta pay tlie sums
<br /> ; ::.;:':%,�8cuied by thts Suurity ImuumcnC an�tc}_��i�,at l,ettder a�nd anY other B�inaY a�e to eatend.modify.forbear
<br /> �?'�'�_:, ,':�iS�make arry sccanur�odations Writh�iil�:!,�r:die.�ii�s of this Serutiry�ei�ic`Ar the Nae witl�out that Boaawer's �
<br /> �.��sinse�. . ::. ��..:�..,:-. ;: .�:.,•;����`���` '
<br /> . ��?,;•,�• �'!�s C�es !f the toan�vi�'�:�-Security Lns�Ceunetu is,'.y�tjj�t to a law whicb sets maximum loan
<br /> ,�''ct�r�is�t�at law is finapy inteiptei'e¢.�!xif�s��'ii��rest oro�-�#ian chaF��ra�lected or w be colkcted in coru�ection
<br /> .v�Ith tri,�-f%i�excood the permitted Gmi�tl�r��t'��i��'�uct�taa�ti c#�€si�Cl�r�d by the art�ount t�eassary w�educe �,
<br /> ,.;�ie charg`e to the pemiiued limi�and(li�:i�'.��,;���s.�r3y+colkcted from Roavw��which exceeded permitt�limits will be �:_
<br /> _..'r,�u n d o d to B a t aw e r. L e n d e r m a y c t a o s e't a�d i s i�n:f u n d 6 y r e d u c i n g t h e�a l o w c d w�d e r t h e N a e o r b y r m k i n g a `. ' . ':`
<br /> �:. <:: ..
<br /> ;:�..c�aect paymene Eo Borrower. lf a refund reduces p�eii�pal.the reduction aitl tic����s!as a partial prepayaxnt wititout any, ��'�:;.:�',:
<br /> • `;„piepaymentcAugeundcrtheNotc , .: `' '''�•
<br /> " 14. Notk�es. Any notice to 8ortower pm�vided for in this Securiry lasuuine�t:�>bz given by delivering it or by
<br /> maiting it by first class mail unless apprcabte law requims use of artother methpd.'i;��r�fir,r:�be directed to Ux Pruperty
<br /> Add�ess or a�ry otfKr address Borrower designates 6y nwice to Lender. My iw�c�a��:�a�t3�r*h�!be giv�by Grst cla�s .
<br /> ,`�:, mail to Lender's address stated herein or any aher address[.ender designates by dd�±#'v.i��.tii�rc�s: My nati��rovided tor
<br /> . in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given ta 8o�rawer or�.est3�k i��er"t givea asi gr'm}YdeA in this
<br /> , `..<'.� P�Ph• - .
<br /> ' 15. Governia�LAw; Se,verability. 71tis Security In.rtrument shall be governed by fedetal law and the law of•�'.,.
<br /> . jurisdiction,jn which the Pr+opeety is lacated. Ir�the eveAt�fiat any provision or clause of this Security iaunmieat a the Ntai�,.��,
<br /> :: conflicts with applicablG�w,such con�lict shall nat affect other pcavi�ianc of�his Secarity tnstmment ot the�at,e whfc�t�;ai�: � ,'
<br /> ; be given eifect wilhouX.�conflicting provicion. Ta this end the piavisions of this Security lnstrumem as��ifiz�oi�:di% •�.� `.
<br /> . . doclaued to be severabt� ' ''>.`'•;,•''� - `
<br /> 16 Borrower's�v:'Harrawer shall be given one confortned capy af the Nate and of this Seeudty 1�tia�G;'`:::_'��•�!
<br /> 17. 7lransfer ot the Prt�pt►ty or A&neflcial lntercst in Boreower. Ii'all or any pan of the Property or any mt���a•.
<br /> it is sdld vr transfetred(ot ii a benefcial interest in Harrower i��a1d or t�an�ferred and Barrower is tat a naturat�};'%•
<br /> wlthout Lender�c prior written conser���xader may.at its opticm.require immediate paytnent in full of all sq,tt�s �?��•,' •
<br /> � this Security ln.urument��'t�'ua�;v'r�:.rls��:„�;ion.sh�j not be exercised by l�eti��r af exercisc is prohibited bY _,. . taw��ef
<br /> - ` the date of thi.c Seeurit�,�'.�ces:�.�r�ro�:... : , �- ',.-` :�` • . �. : `•',
<br /> . . �` If Lender eaercist-��tii�,M�iroo,�f�;t':+tt�Ct:,�ire�i3artoKet nptice of t�ccetr,�aei�Hi: 'f9iP�iotii�.shall pravttle a perioii'.at�:�.,
<br /> -�.:•;.-�>.-„' nvlles�:d�an..3adays Fn;rri�9� ,�t�.>e�oti!:e is b�tir+:r�.�i or mailed wiihln+��hieti}i3+�r�wer rtw�paj a!!sums secuned by d`��:
<br /> �,.r"�:��'�5ecuril��.,Cii��mrt�,.,���.13�xtnwer���pay the�yumt pr"ruF.f��_ti�c�xpu�►���i},+af Ihic �;sd. Lender may invotce assy
<br /> ' �. � ' a�.amedie9 de�nitt�d.1�`l.i��<s..�i�ity lntitrument w�!l�o;-�r tditherr�����::�iSes�rH�3.��i±�i,rtower.
<br /> - � li�.��3`r���:t��tt to RelnstLte. If B�rn�rr ri�era.y:��:i�aiii,�,tuxii�siaifa: &utaN�cr�hall have the right to have _
<br /> ;.�nfor�i:�u��t�n`�aiii��fntitniment di.continasf qt;:�.1y�tir�i���fxi►�iiy.it�'.+:�fil�r nf tal S days lor+uch dhcr period ac
<br /> 5ingk 6.unity-,C�unnie Hat�FitAAie�fae I:�ti111�E.'�i+I1 s�f'i!51x:�ii'•-t'nifam�('urennnt. 1M IAu��1 r�JA pa,e�.+I
<br /> � t• � '.
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