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<br /> ; 97- 10i60i ,
<br /> WHEREAS, by Mortgaqe dated �h� 8`T� day of �O►t LI���3. �.�Z}� �d
<br /> Count �Ll�i! of raaord �nd�r sook # �6• �49�' 19,
<br /> recorded in HAL� Y• AAN� AN9 WIFPi �ACH IN HIS �
<br /> TnRA7�K IiOFFMAN ANA M�►i1R8gN B HOFSMAN,_E�3..&1
<br /> ptlp NExt OWN RIaHT� E�►C.g�AB �HE SPOUSIE oP murr 8pOU8E OF TFxE mortgaqed ,
<br /> � real Qstate deecribed thereint for the purpose of eecurinq the payment of ..•,w��.••.
<br /> an indebtedness also daeoribod tharein= and
<br /> WHEREAB, all of th� indabtedness seaured by eaid Mortqage haa been ; •-.=
<br /> �aid in full, and thera is nothinq due of owinq in connectian thesewith: _
<br /> NOW THEREFORE, in conaidoration of the preraisea, Loudor Federal 8ank ;,_.i�-�;;:
<br /> £or Savinge E/k/a LesdQr Fadoral Savinqo and Loan Association k/n/a Union
<br /> Plantere National Sank , ae owner of the indebtednesa eecured by eaid "1.:.� �
<br /> Mortqage, acknowledgeo Eul� pa}rmant and oatiefaction thereof and doeo ` `�����°
<br /> hereby releaee and di�charg� tho lion to eecuro same in full. ��
<br /> ,.:�, -'�y: .
<br /> The undereiqned covenant• that thv party named above ae euch was the � "
<br /> • sole and unconditional ownwr o� the indAbtedno�■ at time of the final ,� �
<br /> �� ' ,� pnyment and havinq the lnw fu l r ig h t d o e e h e r e b y e xecute thie releaee. .ti.,.
<br /> ..�
<br /> Lot TTAC D , , ,.
<br /> . . k ,
<br /> - EXECUTED thia ).7TH day of k'EBRUARY, 1997• � n . �
<br /> .. �,E...o!�� `�� I t
<br /> �� � -Z� . — _
<br /> LEADER FEDERAY� SANK BOR SAVZNtiB f/k/a ��.•,. ��':n , ,
<br /> " Leader FQdaral Savinq� and Loan A�ooaiation : � . � �
<br /> K/N/A UNION PL�NTY�RIS J►TIONAL H . • . , � ' '
<br /> + � , . . .��; � � t; .
<br /> ,. BY:/ i . .' :, ,' .� :." '+�
<br /> ' �, BIS ANT SECRE AItY ''', _:J o' . !i .
<br /> PA DALTON ^
<br /> � Q STATE OF TENNESSEE ' , '��`�• .: +
<br /> � N,.,.
<br /> � COUNTY OF SIiELBY ..,,�, �f•7
<br /> Personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public :" � �
<br /> � within and for enid State and County, at Memphis, duly commieeioned and ,�: .
<br /> qualified, Pnul Dniton, with whom I am poraonally acquaiated, and who, _. %-.
<br /> ', k upon oath, acknowledgsd him�slf to b� tho As�istant 3earatsry of LEADER s�.
<br /> , . � FEDERAL 91►N1C FOR 3AVINOS 1�/N/A LF.lIDER FEDERAI. 37►VINti3 AND LObN � `-�__ .�
<br /> . } A&SOCIATION R/N/A TJNiON PLANTER6 N7ITION7IL SANK. the within namcd �y.v---_—
<br /> �. : ba►icqainer, and that ha a� ouoh oflicer, beinq authorized eo to do, �:
<br /> ' � : � ezbouted thQ foreqoinq inatrument for the purposa� therain contained by �_;.-�_
<br /> � f� eiqninq thWITNESe �nyt3rsand andrNotarial S al�latnoffice,�thi�ethe TH day �_.'�i�E.-�
<br /> � of FEB�UARY, 1997. -
<br /> � � �.'+-::_�.�
<br /> ��-M� . `; ; -��
<br /> ; My commieeion �xpiroa: „ }
<br /> CAR L. MCDANIEL-NUTARY PUBLIC �Q ��< r:5-��.�'�
<br /> Jb7.Y 15. 1997 ��• .
<br /> . ' �PU9i.IC '
<br /> Lonn Number �2044-9 .
<br /> Property 1lddreee: �02� W �6TH ST. aR.AND 13LAND� NE 688Qa �T •
<br /> Prepared bys UNION PI.AHTERB Nl1TION7�L SAtJR/ P.I.F. DEPT. - �A N � ��
<br /> • 158 MADISON AVBNUE� klEMPHEB� TN. 38103 c? .
<br /> or�buNrr.�`�`,�
<br /> -�
<br /> ,
<br /> .� _._
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