<br /> , , . . .
<br /> T R U S T E E S� D E E D
<br /> THIS Dr..-'ED made this 18th day of October, 195�� by and between The First National
<br /> Bank of Grand Island, a corporation organized and exi.sting under and by virtue of
<br /> the Bankino Laws of the United States of America, with its principa.l place of busi-
<br /> ness at Grand Island, Nebraska, as Trustee, and Ric'r.ard E. Stepr,ens, of Grand
<br /> Island, Nebraska, as Trustee, they being Trustees under and b;� virtue of the provi-
<br /> sions of the Last �ill and Zestanent of rred �. :dinter, deceased, late o� Grand
<br /> Island, in the County of Hall and �tate of Nebraska, parties of the first part, and
<br /> Leroy E. Ray, of Grand Island, Hall County, Idebraska, uarty of the secend part,
<br /> WITNESSETH: That the said parties of the iirst part, Lein;; the duly appointed,
<br /> qualified and acting Trustees of the said rred �. �inter, deceased, under his Iast
<br /> Ydill and Testament� which is of record in the County Co•art of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> by virtue oi the power and authority granted and. conferred upon tnem under the s aid
<br /> Will, and in consideration of the exchange of property, the receipt whereof is
<br /> hereb;� confessed and acknowledned, do by these presents, �rant, bargain, sell, remise,
<br /> release, alien, convey and confirm unto the said part;� of the secord part and to his
<br /> heirs and assigns forever all of the undivided one-:zalf interest of the said r'red
<br /> B. ?rlinter, deceased, now belon;�ing to f irst parties in and to the followinK described
<br /> '�ract, piece and parcel of land situate, lying and b ein� in the County of Hall and
<br /> State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> A tract of land in the Southeast �uarter of the �iorthwest �uarter
<br /> (sL4r��d4) of Section Twenty-one (21) in Tot�rnship Eleven (ll) North,
<br /> �ange Nine (9), �est o� the 6th P.':., described more particularly
<br /> as follows: Beginring at a point on the :iorth riRht-o°-4Tay of
<br /> the C. B. Fc Q. ?3.. R. 2l�9�7 feet south*�resterly fro:�. intersection .
<br /> of said ri�ht-c�'-:ra�r tzith the North and�SUU h center line of said__.sL�l�
<br /> Section 21 wnich intersection point is!�8,. eet North of the
<br /> center of Section 21 thence in a northeas�erly direction at an
<br /> angle of 90° and 17' with said ri�ht-of-way line along the east
<br /> line extended of �Kon�oe Street in the Citv of iirand Island,
<br /> i�lebraska, a distance of 353.7 feet, thence left 90° in a south-
<br /> i:esterly direction along a line parallel to and 300 feet South
<br /> of the South line oi Anna Street a distance of 230 feet, thence
<br /> left 90° a distance of 353.7 feet, thence East at an angle 89°
<br /> and 1�3', a distance of 230 feet to the place of beginninQ, con-
<br /> taining 2.h88 acres, a little :nore or less;
<br /> Together witn all and sinrzlar the ten2nents, hereditaments and appartenances there-
<br /> unto belon;ing or in anywise apperi;aining and also all of the cstate, ri�ht, title,
<br /> interest, property, �ssession, claim and de:r:and wnatsoever, whicn the said rred B.
<br /> Z^linter nad in his lifeti�ne and at the tirne of 'tnis decease, and �a:�ich the said par-
<br /> ties o£ the first nart nave by virt��e of said Last rlill and Testa�ent, or otherwise,
<br /> of, in or to all of the above granted nre;aises and e very part an� parcel thereoi,
<br /> with ihe appurtenances;
<br /> TO HAV� �TD � HOLD THE above described premises with the appurtenances unto
<br /> the said Leroy li. Ray and to his heirs and assigns forever; an�. the said.first
<br /> parties, the said The rirst National �ark of Grand Island, for itself and its suc-
<br /> cessors,' and the said nichard E. 5tephens for himselF, his heirs, executors and
<br /> administrators, do each severally, and not jointly nor the one for the otner,
<br /> ner for the act or deed of the other, but each for its and his own acts only,
<br /> covena.nts� promises and agrees to and :rith the said seco�:d party that it and
<br /> he respectivel;�, eacn is lawfully the Tr�istee of and uncer the I,ast ��ill and
<br /> Testament of the said rred B. '�vinter� deceased; that it and he each is lawfully
<br /> seized of said pren:ises; that said pre.nises are iree from encumbrance and t!Lat
<br /> it and he nave power to convey as aforesaid, and each has in all respects acted
<br /> in making this conveyance, in pursuance oi the authority granted in and by the said
<br /> Last Will and Zestament of said r'red �. �inter, ceceased, and that it arr1 he respec-
<br /> tively each has not made, dene or saifered any act, matLer or thin� whatsoever, since
<br /> it and He eacn was jrustee as aforesaid, w,zereby the above granted premises or any
<br /> part thereoi, are, snall or may be impeached, charged or encumbered in any manner
<br /> whatsoerer.
<br />