- _ : .- ;;..�;:�.
<br /> _ :<�::.--
<br /> _--- - , --,— ___—, — . _ � ������ ; . , - � .
<br /> -�a�de�an+otcthert�biq�of rmy patt of the Ptapaty.ar fQC coa+rc7a�in lien of aarndaon�tioo,a�a 1�cri�by ssi�� .
<br /> '�`-`���id!4:�.an�le� " '` . : .
<br /> ia�e.rarait af a total c�n�of the�op�y.We peaaeo�shall ba�pQtiod w tk sums s�od by t6is S�ity
<br /> - � <Im�n�,ti�6Cha�ur not t6�du�with aay exor�pvid�o.Baro�er. In the evem ot�p�ti�l Wcing of d�eAnpeRy in
<br /> � �wluch dfe hir m�tic,a vsiue of thc Piaperiy immediudy 6efae tbe taicing is eqwd to or�at�ttan the amouru ot't6�sums
<br /> • ' ae�a�b�tbis 5ec�uity Instrument immediao�ty 6eforc tb�talciag.unkss 8omowcr and I.ender otherwise sg�a in v�rcim�.
<br />- tbt�securod 6y this Secu�iey U�uroent st�tt be aducat by tLe anxwot of tbe p:qoeods mWGptied by t6e fdbwing
<br /> [saatipn: {�j_the iopd amount o�the sums seca�ced.immodiately 6efooe the taiciug.divided by lb)tha i�ir m�rket value of tl�e
<br /> ' ptqie�ty iannediateiy bd'aie the Wcmg. My lmt�noe s!�!1 be p�id w 8artowu In the eve�t ofi a�utial taicing of We �
<br /> . ' Pkope�ty io which the fair mulc�t ratu�of tl�Propeny immediakt�ybefocr th�teiring is tess t6in.tt�:absonnc of the sums.
<br /> ` se�tg+ett im�cly 6efarc;tDe t�t�.�Iass Bom�wer aad;E�eeder alhe�wi.st.6giet in:witting-!.�i�:a�I�.?PQ�-'�bk Isw
<br /> dl►e�wise providas„tLe pniFaeods si�Q.lx apptied to tIx sursr��d by tbl�Sdt�x�tp�nsWf�€oF f�l�;�i` --- — -
<br /> ,: . .-�----:. _ ._. . ---, �Il�srmns
<br /> - --��If�a�l.oj�est�.is��6xBa�mwe�orit;.aflcEi�ioi���,;;y�it.��;tv. `':��;►1�+�a�atct�er�:�arhs�
<br /> aas�nud:ucs�:a,cirti�foc•d�do�es,Bornowethila,to�s�'ib#.�ies�uvittun� `�f:i�;:.�c,.,�tf�t�l��ic�=i�:lgi!�ar� .�;: :•':�:
<br /> thofju/�.` � �Y P�- � �4... ,.
<br /> t,�rdecia�u � t� �" the ���. enhTw �'.�Cpaunt�33„�.�,., � +��i:tl�c _.
<br /> ���� !�!F7'. , , . :3 4.���^•,�^ , .. � .
<br /> jsg �.�un�n4 whed�erot na1 tt�-d�. ' , . ,,: -�.. .' -
<br /> . L.• -i� '
<br /> ' :"ilrsle�=lx�,'.a't�.������'�!'4�=:�Y�PP���of pioo�eads�toptn�cipal shalt�ot:�:9r _
<br /> . : pi�.i�ie';1be�g$fe`+�ed�e��^�p'ptyment��ef«�od#c�pti�s.gniphs taad2orclnngetheannouu�tafsa� .payi�`:�r . . `,.-
<br /> s.��:,,::�. �g��r-•:�.���,�p�p'µ'�t����'��Nd���ve� _Fatensio�►of the:tt�ue tor pa�i�nt ur� -.
<br /> � <<�`:a���#rf�stm�ss��'by this�Seeusity tastrtmi�nt�aatcd by Leflder tq;�j0.Y:.;.y�i�oessor i�F�est 1' :
<br /> � - ��:�m�,!a�:e��•aat��!:sC�se li�'ny af aiigin�l�a�?Wa as��atts sucr'�a.�s-m in�s2•:�ad� •
<br /> : �'. °
<br /> ,�- ; _+��<��u���'�e��#��,;s a�u�u�:suocasso�r i�e�idicreu 4;��?e�e aa�c��l time fot p�a�ine�C or <fz
<br /> '��ip, �y��i�e �C� �e tiru�.,,d by this�S�ity lusuu�{�ttta�t��ah;�ra�d�an�made try the i�rr�wal �,,� � :
<br /> f E..,.v. y..
<br /> Badu+i�er ai Hp�tuw�er�a�c�r�s3f�3{tt�i:;F(ny forb�eararrce by';�a�a�,i�;�xencas�:�:r�ts�r..�rr�ody sl�if not 6e a :;
<br /> wrivaafap�tudetheexenciseof�iny�iq+�;temody i . ` „_`, ,i,' `` ":.�� Y
<br /> It Sioor�s a�d As�i�s��l;,Ic±a�+;�d Several L�ijt;�en.}Ttu caven�nfs.�nd agroemrnts of ttus �. , .� ;
<br /> Saauity inmutpeast siiall bind and beneft 8ie succa.ww��sigtts af i:ender and Ba�mwer.subject to ttie prov'uians of .
<br /> parpgraph 17.Barruwer�a cove�ts and agneements s4at1'b��Omt and several.My Bmawtr who co-signs this Secunty
<br /> lnsntmiait hat does not c�e.cstta!�te I�Iflte: ta)is co�s�g,itt�iias Sec�nrttp igstioment only w morcgag�gr�t aacic�save3�th�t .,
<br /> Barrowerl�interest in the P1vpeJty undtr the temu af this Seausity(as�n�y.�(b)is not�nsan�IlyobIigatM ro pay the swns
<br /> secu�sd by this Soc�nrity Insauimen�and(c)a�ees that Lender and a�od►er Sarrower`tnay a�ae to ea[a�d.modffY.fotbear
<br /> ar m�ice any s000imnadations with rcgar�•t4��s of this Socuriry Instnuuent ar tt�e Ko4c wittwut that BonaR�er�
<br /> COIISCAt. ' .F;::.. .,'::�:: ,... . ,
<br /> �S�t�a In�trumertt is sub". �o a law.wbicb sets maximum toan
<br /> 13�. Larn Cisir�. .;.2'{�e-��an secui�d�#►y�?�+`:,�.. ..,.4Y 1�';. . ,
<br /> cbaBes.and that t�yv I�fi�i��r.m•t�pi�eted`�ia'Lti�i�►e intc�.:�c or ahor loan charges r�le�s�tl a co be rnitectoA in connoction
<br /> with tbe toan eifoeadi;�lu perm�tred limits.t�tere�`�al`any sucb loaa charge shall be rad�ua�.6Y the amou�noassary to redace
<br /> the ch�rge w tfi�pe�mitted limi�artd fb)apij suat�atre�dY rolkctod fmsn B�irowe[w�e"rh exoeeded pemtittal timits an'il be !-�.�
<br /> mfunded[o Bor�+Ower. i.ende�mayehoose m a�afce this rrfand by ecd�reiri�5 e4t°prineip�as�d under the 1�Pou or by malcing a
<br /> Atroct paymer►t w Bonawe� [f a cetund r+adrxaes principal.the ceduction a-�'�1 be t�+tat��as a partial ptepayrt�eru witl�t any
<br /> preparymem cbarge m�derthe Note.
<br /> 14. Notk�es. Any natice to Banua-rr pravidcd for in this Security ln�rument sltall be givrn by deltvering it ar by
<br /> mvling it by fust class mail unless appllcable taw requires use of anwhrr method.71�e notioe shall be direcitd to ihe Roperty
<br /> Addres4 or any other addresc Borrower desi�nates by riotice to Le�r:' R,eiy natice to Ler�ckt shall be givrn by first class
<br /> mail to Lender's address stateA herein or any o.iher addresc Ixnder desi�a't�by notice w Baarqwer. Ahy notrc�e pmvided far
<br /> in thts Socurity Inswmait shatl be deeraed to have 6eew g'�ven tu&��w�r o�1�3�r v�fien given�.s prwided in this
<br /> ��Goveraing La�r:Sever�bility. This Secuiity tnsuumeat r�at�'d�e.goxe�d:b� federal taw an0 the�l�iW;a�f tbe
<br /> jwi:�ctian ir�vih;eh tbe FropeRy is Ioratod. Irt the ev��that any pcavb�i�oi.�¢us�:af?hfis Securiry Instrurtient a'r.�is�t'ote.. ,:..- '��,. .
<br /> can£lttts v�`�;i�r�ble law.snrb caonflic�st�tl"twt aftect at1�s Prov�.-�ai�4 wf?,}�ia S�cunt}Instn�ment or the Note w�i�c��,:._.,:.:..; �:,
<br /> be';j�+i�.e���2s3�out the conflicting provicion. To thi4 e�d tho pra�isi�efef i�ad�58curity Iactrument and thd'IV'�f:e'•a�" ':•,��. ;:;: .
<br /> d.�Hm�ta be r+�verabte. ' :• ."•:. • :•,,',::..i�:= ;�::';;; , _
<br /> ��:Di. Barro�vee's Copy. B�rrower sha11 bc given ane�vrmed copy of the Karie andof this 5ecuriry lnmar�At, ' .
<br /> � 17. 7lrsmier dthe Properryr�s Brmt'iciallntK�1 iA Horrower. II ap or as►y,;�ipn of the Ptoperty or aii�:'��st in ��`.'�:,;.`'
<br /> it is saW a transferred(or i!a treneficiai interest in SorroWCr is sold ar transferred a�d Bar►ower as nat a naturai person) �r.;.:=. :: �:
<br /> without LeederA pria wdtttn consent.l.end�r may.ut i�s optian,requ�te immediate payment in fu�of all sums secured by � .'
<br /> • ihls Securiry lnsmnnent. However.this optirne�11 sxst be�exercised by Lcnder it e�or�a3!is prohlt�ited hy federa!�aw aq af
<br /> ' the date of this Secutity IatiKrument. ,;..!,'`.; �,.; , :
<br /> !f 1.eMer exercisos this optian.l.ender�hall give�c+�ower notice of aceetera[i�x+::-"�� +rotire shall pravide a perial of
<br /> not tes.�than 30daya fram[he date the natie�cc•delivered iir mailed within which Bo�+aR�i'�ust pay alt aums secutal by this
<br /> Sceurity ins►nrment, lf Bomnwer fail�tip g�ay these+umx prior ta the expiratian ai��t��,periad.Lcndet may invoke any �
<br /> Rrt�edies pem�itted hy thi�Security(nstrnmc�t withom funher notice or demand on Ba��er. _
<br /> � 1� �w�;awer's liighL�o;,�teittstat� lf Bnrrawe� ineeic cenain conditians.:L3��ower chull have the dght io have
<br /> �lifaceaxhit af(tiis Security�iast�wnent dis}rontinued at rotj:.iirne prior�a Ihe e�rliet�is�- iaf 5 days(or such other��riod as
<br /> , , .
<br /> .. -.�,J� ',:-f;.t `'�43�irfa�xi�-,�iaan(e�ladilrtdle7il��cUtriIFUR;IlINS7'BUAt£NT:�t�adom�(o�enaae, !Jl01l�R�4�.�'���IwY�+� _
<br /> ,,�- ''�i� . . . �r' �.'i+,.;:•� ;',ii;'.". ��%' ' .
<br /> � � � i"t"' ':`�' •.( ! .' . A�• � .-.
<br /> -_ .��� t� • (..,';,' ;,•, -'j'� ,
<br /> �:,,'F/•'t:-1: a � 'f•�" ;'�: . .
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