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-�+..�: � .. ,,.�;. <br /> ._ . . .. . __ .. ., . ..� .i.�� <br /> Y, � .. " . . . ..... . . .. ..._........_.'.'___....,_�.__ ___ ' __ . <br /> .� . . ... .. ' _"'_`_"'.__.�...'""_".,._'_'_' '_" ""... <br /> , <br /> _""..._...:- .. L_ _, . .,_. <br /> � A 1a1�'� :.:�..,�:.::.�.�-�. <br /> . �'hr Fund, ,hal) hc hrld in un in,titu�i�m �shu,c d�p��sits ,ur in�urcd hy :► Icdcral .�g�'M� tittumcnt.tlily. ���' c�t[ily . ��.�"�'��4�'��' <br /> • Iincludiug Lrndrr, fi'l.rndrr i„urli an m,titutiunlur in:my Frdrral Humc Luun Bauk. l.rndrr,hall:irpl� ihr Fund+tu p�p thc <br /> . F.,rrnu Itrmti. I.rndcr may n��t rh�tr�tr t�nrm��cr tirchulJint� and ap��lqin}� dir {�und�.annu�dly anal��fn� ihr e,rrow ar�uunt. nr , <br /> vcnlyinE lhc ii,rrua Itrm.. unlr„ L�ndcr �iay. Hurrn��rr intcr.�,t un thr I�urnl, ;md :q�pli�•ahlc I,nv prrmn, L��nJrr In mahr.urh <br /> :i clstrEr. Huwc�•rr. l.rnder in;i� r�quirr li��rnn�cr iu �iag a��nr�litne rhtu'g��i�r,in ���J�•Eicnd�nl mal r�I:d��t�ix rrpnning servicn <br /> u�cd hq I.rudrr m runnrrliun ��ith thi, I��an. unlr» ;ipplirahlr I�i�a �rn��i�lc, nthrn�i.r. Unlr.+ un agrrrm�nt i� nuiJc ur � <br /> ' applirahlr lu�v rri�uu•cti i,urrr�� lu hr p,ud. I.cndrr�hall nut hc rcquirrd tu pa�• Nnrr�,�+rr any inlcrcyt i�r rarning��m th� Fund±. <br /> H��rruw�r an�l l.rnd�r may ���re� iu �rritin�.. Iw�vc�cr. Ihal intcrc,t sh:d! hc paid un thi� I'imds. LrnJrr �hull givc to Harrowrr, <br /> withuut rhar�r. :in nnnual urruuniin�: ul'�hr FunJ�. �hu��•in� �redils tut�i d�h1l�lu thc Fw�dti +m�1 ihc purpi��c lin• �vhich durh • <br /> (�l'I11I Il)Illl'FUI1lIti 15'iH Illillll'. I Ill'Fundti�u•r plril�:cd a,aJditiunal ururity li,r:ill,unn,crurc�l hy� thi� ticcurity Inytrumrn[. � <br /> ' II IhC FUnds held hy l.oltdcl'rx�CCd Ih�antt�ums prrnuttcd u�hc li�ltl by :�ppli�ublc L���. Lrn�lrt�h.tll ai�uunt lu liutru�ttf „ <br /> fur thc cxrc�s t�tmds in acrurJanrc with thc requiremcniti ut'applicahlr luw. (f thc amuunt uf thc f'un�l�hcld hy Lcndcr at .ui� <br /> timc iti not ,uf'firirnt ti�pay thc fi�rruw Itcm+whenduc.l.�ndcr may so notify Hurru�t��r in writing,and. m�urh r:t+e fi�umwcr <br /> _ . shall pay to I.cndcr thc atnuunt ncrc+�ary to makc up thc deliricncy. Bcirrownr�hall muhc up thc drficicury in nu nwrc th.m , <br /> � �r twrlvc m�,nthly Lrndcr'+�alc di,crctiun. <br /> Upcm p.rymcnt in I'ull of:dl sums .ccurcd b�• this S�curiry Instrumcnt. �hall prnmptl�• rrFund t�� Hurruwcr any <br /> Fundti hcld by L.endcr. If. unJcr parugraph 21. l.r�xlcr shall acyuirc or ticU thc Prnperty. lAnd�r, prinr tu thr acyui+itiun ur�:dc . <br /> c�f thc Prciperty. shall apply any Funds hcld hy LenJcr a��hc timc uf aryuisiticm ur salc a,a rrcJit ag.►in+t thc suttlti sC�ul'�d hy' , ... .:._y,,, <br /> . thi+Sccurity Instrument. ��•:�:•�r+-=�k'�����- <br /> 3.Applicution of Paynients.Unless applirable law pravidcs otherwisc,ull paymcnts r�rcivcd hy I.rnder under p:�ragraphs • 'f'-`-:-,__._ <br /> I and 3 �hall hc applicJ: fir,t, tu a�n prcpaynunt churgc+duc undcr the Notr: scamd. tu amuuntti payablr undcr puragraph ?: `"-'?v'=---- <br /> third.tu�ntcrest Ju�: ti�urth. to prinripal duc:anJ lut. tu any lutr rhargrti dur ul�del'Ihr Nnl�. '*�'•r:;;.r,. <br /> 4. Char�es: I.fens. Hurruwer�,hall pa}•:�II tare�. a+sr,sm�nt+. nc�irgeti. finc+ .inJ ini�x�,ition.aurihutahlr tu thr {'rup�ny - ,i;h`==� - <br /> whirh may aUxin priority ov�r Ihi+ SC�urity Intitrwncnt. atid IcaychulJ payments ur�r��und rent�, if .my. Burr��wcr tihall �ay '+Tfi'�'.�: <br /> ,.;.. <br /> . thr,r uhligatiuns in tltic ro�uiiicr pravidcJ in parugraph ?.��r if nut p�id in that mann�r. H��rruwrr shall p.q'Ihcm ot�lintc dir��lly 3�r„�`_ <br /> tu thc pertion uwcJ paymcnt. Burruwcr shall prc�mptly fumish tu Lendcr ull noticcti ui amoun[�tu hc paid undcr thi�para�r.iph. .-;;;._ ' <br /> If'Aorr��wer makcy the�r paymrnt+directly. Barrc�u•�r shall promptly Furni+h to lAnder rer�iptti cvidencing thr payment.. �u�L... <br /> NorruN•er tihall promptly di�rhurgc any lirn u�hirh has prioriry over thiti Security Instrumrnt unlctis Burmwer: (al a�:r�•c,m - -�-- <br /> writing tu thc paymctu ��f Qic uhligatiun srcured hy Iltc licn in a m�nncr ucccptublc tu Lrndcr: Ihl rontr.t�in�u��J fxith the licn �:`�O <br /> _�o-_:,.—�... <br /> by, ur defend: •�gainst enforccment cif the lien in. Ic�al prcxerdings which in the LenJer'ti upini�m uperate to prevent the __ <br /> enti�rremcnt uf the li�n:or(c)�rcures from Ihe h��lder uf thc lien an ngrcement�atitil'actc,ry tc�LenJer tiuhurdinating the lirn ta �,��x <br /> ' � thiti Securiry Instrument. If Lcnder determines that any part uf the Property is .ubject tu a lien which may attain priurity over =—- <br /> � this S�curity In,trument. Lcndcr may givc Borrowcr:� notirc identifyin� the licn. Borrnwcr shall satisfy thc licn ur takc une ur ______ <br /> �,` ntarc uf the actian�set furth ahuvc wrthin I 0 days of the giving��f nuticc. ___ <br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurunee. Burrc��ser ,hrll keep the improvrnunts nuw existing on c�rcaf�ter rrected an the <br /> Pruperty in,urcd against lo�,hy tirc, harards includcd within the tcrm cxtcndcd rovcragc" and any uthrn c�u,irds, inclu�iing — <br /> , � tlu��ds or tlooding,fc�r which Lender rcyuires intiuranrc.'fhis insurance tihall be maintaincd in�he amuunts�ind for the �riud, <br /> _ that L.ender rcuuires. The in,urance carrier providing the insurance shull he cho�en by Borrower whject tn Lendcr's approval �� <br /> � which shall nut he unreasunably withheld. 11'Bnrrowcr fails tn maintain coverage dcsrribcd ab�ve, t.endrr may, at Lcnuer'> <br /> optiun,c�btuin covcragc to protect LAndcr's rights in thr Property in accordanrc aith paragraph 7. <br />", All insurance pul�ric� und renewxls shall bc acrcptablc to Lcndcr and +hall includc a standarJ mort�;a�c rlauae. LcnJcr <br /> ' shall huvc thc right to hnld thc policicy and rencwals. If Lcndcr rcyuiirs, Borruwcr tihall prumpUy give to Lrndcr ull rcccipts��f <br /> r., paid premiums und renewal notices. In the cvent u(luxs,$orrc�wcr shall give prumpt nutice tc�ihe inwrunce rarrier and [.ender. <br /> � Lcndcr may makc proof i�f loss if not madc prompdy hy Bcirro«•cr. ---- <br /> �� � �' Unlcss Lender and Burrowrr otherwisc agrec in writing, insurance prucceds shall ne applied to restc�ration or ropair of the <br /> �:. Propeny dumaged,it'the rcstoratiun or repair iti ccunutnit:dly Irusible xnd l.�n�er'ti tiecurity i,not Ic�srned. I1 the restoruti��n or <br /> repuir is not econumi�all�� fcatiible ur l.cncicr'+ ticcurity wauld hr Iesxcncd.thc in�uranrc prucccds tihall he applied to Utc.rumti <br />- ' sccured by this Sceuriry [nstrununt. N•hcthcr ur iat then �iuc, with any rtrc+�paiJ tn Horruwcr. If Bcnruwrr .ibandons thc <br /> ° Property, ur does not answcr within 30 duys a nutice from Leiider that thc insuranre rarricr ha+ uffered tu ,etde a cluim. then <br /> .. Lender may collect the insuranee proceeds. Lcnder may utie the proc�eJs tc� repair ur restore the Properry or tu puy tiums <br /> , : secured by this Security histrumrnt, whethcr or noi thcn duc.The 3U-day period will hegin when the noticc is given. �° <br /> ..� � Unless Lender unJ Borrowcr utherwix ugr�e in writing, any application of procceds to principal shall not exten�i or <br /> �. . -� poztponc the due Jatc uf thc monthly paymentti rtl'crrcd tu in paragraphti I and 2 or change thc amount uf thc paymcnts. If --- <br />-��•�1��_ :�•, under paragr.tph 21 the Property is acquired by L,cnder.Hurrower'�right tu any insurance policies and prucecds resulting t'rom <br /> �:��;:�- � • damagc to thc Property prior lo the acquitiition �hall pass a� I.ender w the extent of tl�e yums secured by this Securiry Instrument _ <br /> "".�' `;`'' immediutcly prior tn the acyuisition. �, <br /> � •�`:: 6. Occupancy,Preservutiun,Maintenunrr und Protection af the Property�; Borrower's I.oun Applicutinn;Leuseholds. <br /> _: ..:•Y:... Borrower zh:�ll occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrow�r'ti principal residenre within sixry days uRcr thc exec:utinn of <br /> �j�� ' ; �" this Securiry lnstrument and shall continue to uccupy the Pro�rtp as Bc�rrower's prinripal resid�nee ti�r at Ieast one yrar ufler _ <br /> �'�"f..,'. ` the dute c�f occupunry. unles> LenJcr otherwise agree�in writing. which cunscnt shall nut ba�unrc:�sonably withhelJ, ur unless _ <br /> - ''` � ^-� extenuating eireumstances exi�t which are beyonJ 13urrower'� contral. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> �.,.�,�.....: _ <br /> � �''-�+.•-. Property, allow the Pri�perty tc� dctcrior.itr,ur cummit watitc on thc Property. Barrowcr shall bc in Jcf'ault if any fi�rf'ciwre ---- <br /> . action or procceding, whether rivil or criminal, is begun th;�t in I.enJer'ti guod faith judgm�rn could result in ti�rfciture of the - <br />,;l�r.r•�` � Property or otherwis�materially impair thc lien crcated hy lhiti Sccuriry IrotrUntint or[.�nder'ti s�curity intcretit. B��rrower may _� <br /> �� cure sttch a dctault and reintitatr,a�providcJ in para�raph I R,by rautiing thr action or procccJing to hc dismis�ed �vith a ruling =�:._-_-_---.- <br /> � that. in Lendcr's good 1'aith drtcnnin.ition, precludeti li�rl'eitwr uf the Borrower'� intcrcst in thc Property or other matcrial �_==- <br /> �, impairment of the licn created by thi5 Security Instrument or LcnJcr's security intcretit. Borzower sh�ll ul�u bc in dcfault if �_' ____ <br /> , � Barrc�wcr,dw�ing dic lo,in applicanon procru. gu�r t�iaterially Calse or inaccurate inf�>r�nation ur statements to Lender(or t'ailed _---___ __- <br /> to pravtde Lender with any matrrial informatiunl in ronncction with the loan evidenced by the Ncrie, including, hut not lin�ited �'-==:=i�__ <br /> to. representutions cuncerning Borrawer'� occupmx�� ��I'ihr Pr��prrry:i� a princip:il re�idener. II'thi�Srrurity Instrument iti c�n a �:'�3i�:���'�- <br /> �•` IrascholJ. Burr��«�cr tihall rontply with ull th� provi+ium ul thr Irayc. II' k3nrrou•cr acyuircs tir lidr t�� lhr Pr��perly. Ihr �;;"�,-�c-'�. <br /> li�x,cliul�and thc fcr titic,hcdl no�mcr�:c unl��� Lcncicr agrccti a�thr mrrgcr in�vritin�. �-"��,�-- <br /> �_.-=- <br /> ' 7. ProtcYtion of Lcndrr's Ri};hts in the Properh•.II'Burrc�wrr lui Iti lu prrform thc cov�nants and agrrctnrnt�contained in ;;}r.�=n�_,- <br /> �� this Securitv Intitrumcnt. c�r thcrc i, a Ic�:il prur�rdi n� may .i�nitirantly alfrct Lcndcr's righ�+ in thr Prnprrty (•urh as a � •._'�'.'�-if <br /> ._...w�4.�:..� <br /> ' prorcrding in bankruptry. pruhutc. ti�r�i�ndc�tina�iun or ti�rlciture or t�i cnti�rrc la�++c�r rcgulaticmti), thrn I.�n�lcr may Ju anJ •�Y. .: <br /> pay tlrr whatcver i� ncccsti:uy to prntcr� thc valuc�,1'Qir 1'iupert� xn� Lendcr'+ right� m thc Proprrty. Lrndcr's artiunti tnay . <br /> inrludc paying any tiumti ticrured hy a licn whidi ha� priuriry u��rr thiti Sccurit�• In�trum�nL appraring in rourt. �r.iying -_' ."�. <br /> .... <br /> .; �-._-:--- -�- ........nohln�att�vnrve� frr�:�nd rntrrinv�lll f�1C Prnncrte to ntakc fl`p11f1. f��l�l(tUl;�l �.l'III�Cf III:IV laikc artion undCr thiti paragr.iph . <br /> - - �_ _ __ .�............._ ........._, _ � . . <br /> 7. Lendcr duC�nol h.ICr ta d��sc�. - - - -- -- <br /> .. Any anwuni, iii,hur�cd h�• LrnJcr un�lrr ihi� paragraph 7 .hall h�rcimr adJiti�,nal �Irhi ul Borrciw�r ururcd hy lhiti <br /> ' Sccurity Instrumcnt. Unlr�ti Burruwcr an�i Lrn�icr a�rcc to uthcr trrm. ol pa�•mcnt, thcu amnu�in,hall hrar intcrctit fruin lhc ' . <br /> .. datc uf di�burticrocnt at thr Nutc ratc :inJ �hall hr pa}:�hlc. wnh inlrre�t, u�x�n nutirc trc�m I.cndcr tu E3orroa•rr reyuc�ting <br /> pa��m�nt. . <br /> S. lturt�;►i�c Imurancc. 11 Lrndcr rcyuirrcl nu�rteugc in,uranrr ati a ccm�iuun nf mal,ing�he I� crrurc�h�• thiti ticrurity <br /> :� In�trumcnt. Hc�rrawcr tihall pay thr prcmium, reyuind tu inaintain thc: nwrtga�:e in,ur:mrc m rllrrt. If. lin• any rra.on, ihc <br /> � murtg.ige in�ur.ultC �uv�r��gr rryuirrd hy Lcn�cr I;t(��t+ur ieati�s lo bc in CI t�rrl. Burru���r tihall p:iy lhc prrmium, rryuircd t�� <br /> ubtain ru���:ragr tiuh�taaliall�•�yui�•alcn�t�� lhr iiiurt�.igc in.urancc rre�iou�l}• in ctlr.•t. at a io,� tiubstantially ryui�•alrnl t�,Ihr " <br /> rcnl tu Hurr����rr��f thr murt�agc insuranrc prc�• fn rlfrri. I'rum an �tltcrnatc moitgagc iit�urrr appr�,�rd h�• Lrndrr. If .. <br /> v,,,�a„�.+ Form 3028 9i90 <br /> , <br /> _ <br /> . . . .. .. ._ .._.. . ,,._� . . ,__ , <br />