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<br /> , THIS DEED OF TRUST,Is made as of the��day oi �T_ _—�19 �;,by and among ���5,�~A •'��. ��'
<br /> .. � _� �,�S��Ywr�i4:..
<br /> G 'x--..
<br /> the Trustor. Mo ► �16n+�ie�1 1 n� � ai11(31 orenn ' �=•_-
<br /> A �Q ° ` -- —
<br /> 2411 N Nueton Ave Grand Ieland�herein"Tn��B�'�4��t1� ). ,`,~ �`"—"
<br /> whose mailinfl address is er one or more
<br /> :��-�
<br /> ' � the Troste9 '— '°
<br /> �•
<br /> .
<br /> : whose ma►Iing addross is_ P n Rox i507 Crwnd ieland N� 68A0 _ _(herein'Trustee"),end N�_
<br /> -��..
<br /> � the Beneflclery, riv Points Bank � _:��;;�,_�
<br /> � whose mailing address is 2015 H. Broadwell Grand�e land. HE._ 68802-1507 (herein"Lender). �'�
<br /> ,� �-.:a-- .
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including I.enders extenslon of credit identifled herein to ���
<br /> . �,. .;i
<br /> �,_ ary Erm er (herein'BoROwer;whether one or more)and the trust hereln created,the recelpt >�
<br /> ' "� ot which is hereby acknowtetlged, InlstOr hereby Irrevocaoiy granis,tinirofBiS,�:.,r�s;,�ard so�grs ia ln:�:�, !": TRilST,!��!!T�! �'"
<br /> ' POWER OF SALE,for the beneflt and security oi Lender, under and subJect to Ihe terms end condltions horeinafter set forth,the real -
<br /> �� properiy described as foilows: .
<br /> ��s Lot Tvelve �12). B1ock One cl), College Addition to Neetlavn, City of Grand
<br /> � `" Iela�d. Hell County, Nebreaka. ;
<br />_ Together with all buildings,Improvements,fixtures,streets,alteys,passageways,easements,righta,pflvileges and eppurtenances =
<br />- , located thereon or In enywise pertelning thereto, end the rents,Issues end profits, revc�rsions end remainders thereof,and such per- � _
<br />= • �•� sonal propeAy that Is attached to the Improvements so es to constitute a flxture,including,but not Ilmited to,heating end cooling equlp- '
<br /> ment;and together with the homestead or maritel interests,if any,whfch fnterasts ere hereby releasad and waived;all oi whlch,includ- _
<br /> ., ing reptacements and addltions thareto,Is hereby dectared to be a part ot the real estete secured by the Ilen oi this Deed of Trust and _
<br /> all of the foregoing being referred to herein as the"Property".
<br />�'��'�' � Thts Deed of Trust shall secure(a)the payment of the prinGpal sum end Inle�est evidenced by e promissory note or cradit agree- �=.
<br />'`:;'"�'� ' ment datod , having e maturity date of
<br />�,._�,,,. - .•r erc r
<br />=f'�t": � .�"'' In the orlginat princlpal emount of$ , and any end ell modiflcations, extenstons and renewats
<br /> . thereof or thereto and any and eli future advances en readvances to Bortower(or any of them if more then one)hereunder pursuant
<br /> - � � to one or more promissory notes or credit agreements(herein called'Note'); (b) the payment of other sums advanced by Lender to
<br />�... ',.. �+ prot�ct the security of the Note;(c)the performance oi all covenents and agreements of Trustor set forth hereln;end(d)ell present and __
<br /> "'�°•��;,�; future indebtedness end abligations ot Borrower(or any of them If more then one)to Lender whether direct,indirect,absolute or contin-
<br /> ���`'•��'� ' gont and whether adsing by note,guaranty,overdreft or othervvise. The Note, thls Deed of Trust end any and ell other documents that _
<br /> ��t''Z''�� secure the Note or otherwlse oxecuted In connectfon therewith, fncluding wilhout Iimitatfo�i guerantees, sacurity agreements and _
<br />�;s'�`',•'��.�,,"" i.' essignments of leases and rents,shail be referred to herein as the"Loan Instruments', �
<br /> .�: -�•- - Trustor covenents end egrees with Lender as follows: , i:`
<br />_ �'"''"`'" ��� 1. Payment ot Indebtedness.All indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due. _ -.- ___
<br /> �•t_
<br /> ''� ��� •`"°` 2. Title.Trustor is the owner of the Praperly,has the right an�euthorlty to convey the Property,and warrants that the Ilen creat-
<br /> . t;�:��:�,�,:,����_:_
<br /> •• ed hereby Is a first and priar Ilen on the Property,except for Ilens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writing and dellvered to �,,._.�._-
<br /> Lender before exeCUtion o�thls Deed of Trust,and the execuGon and dellv�ry of this Deed ot Trust does not violate any contract or -'�,,,=��;,;,._
<br /> ather obligation to which Trustor is subJect. '����"�
<br /> �-s��-�:s:�--�:,
<br /> 3.Taxea,Asaeaaments.To pay before delinquency all texes,spoclal assessments and all other charges against the Prope�tyr .�s.��,_
<br /> ' .: now or hereafter levied. � ��° q
<br /> 4. (nsurance.To keep the Property fnsured agalnst demege by fire,hazards Included within the term'oxtended coverage",and ' =�`'$�`�"-'�`-��
<br /> � ,ti�.--.-,.,��...
<br /> � such other hazerds as Londer may require, In amount� and with companles accepteble to Lender, naming Lender as an additlonal =���n� k
<br /> .=x.�,�. _ ,
<br /> ': named insured, with loss payablo to the Lender. In cese of loss under such polfcies, the Lender is authorized to adjust, collect and � ' ,�•__it:,.;.::"
<br /> ' compromise,atl clalms therounder and shall have the optlon o(epplying ell or part ot the insurance proceeds(f)to any Indebtedness
<br /> secured hereby and i�such order as Lender may determine,(iq to the Trustor to be used for the repalr or restoraUon of the Property or _ .
<br /> (iit)for any other purpose or obJect satisiactory to Lender wlthout aNecting the Iien of thls Deed of Trust for the full amount secured
<br /> _._ .—.___. .._. . . . .. .�. ._ .�_�_t_�_���1������.�11 ww�....Iw.�ii.��r��1�n ftin al��f�G}p ...
<br /> hereby before sucn payment ever ioox piace.Hny appnwuona v�NPvwenia�v mucu�wn000 o��o�..�..........�...... .....�.-___._ - ==- °-
<br /> �,,,,,y,...... ---- --------..
<br /> of any payments under the Note, or cure any defauit thoreunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5. Escrow. Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender, in such manner as Lender may designate,sufflcient
<br />-- • � sums to enable Lender to pay as lhey bocome due one or moro of the tollowing: ti)all taxes,assessments and othor c�arges against .
<br /> - tho Property, (il) the premiums on the property Insurance requirod hereunder,and (lii) the premlums on any mortgage insurance �;
<br /> requfred by Londer. ��
<br />- 6. Maintenance,Repalrs and Compllance with Lawe.Trustor shall keep the Property in good condition and repafr; shall
<br />� promptly repalr,or replaco any fmprovement which may be damaged or destroyed;shall not commit or permft eny waste or deteriora- �'
<br /> _ tlon of the Property;shall not remove,demollsh or substantially alter eny of the fmprovements on the Property;shall no!commit,suffer • �
<br />• or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property in vfolation ot any law, ordinance,or regulation;and shali pay and promptly dis-
<br /> charge et Trustor's cost and expense all Ilens, encumbrances and charges Ieviad,impossd or accossed agalnst the Property or any ` :,
<br />' part thereof.
<br />-- � 7. Eminent Domain. Lender Is tiereby assignod oli compensatlon,ewards, damages and other payments or reilef(herelneftar .
<br /> xsc xs1 M�k,,.ueY a�ea�i�w Sm �� . . �• • .•
<br /> ��9JE��a�a�0.w d C.xm�m�i�v��w Se..q�w•au�mn�mx NCbi:�O � •, ✓� '�
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