<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Dent Z. Holcomb and Helen
<br /> Holcomb, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other in consideration
<br /> of--vY1° �o11�x ?_rCl C�f?Ei V2�'.�=;��C CC:?Si..ZcT'£;.�iC�.-
<br /> ------- .
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant; bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br /> p0�' t�. CLLI:";I;iY?oS �:':� rio'=ES 1'. .�.�tir,mi n�: � P_UuD;�Q .�':Q ;^:-f'C- �
<br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, the following described real estate
<br /> situate in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> '�r�e ;7�-st ::_.=f �ld2� of tl�.e �cut:��eri,� :<�rlety-ore (S ;l ' )
<br /> F�2t of Lot �::elve (12 ) in "HOLCOMB'S HIGHWAY HOMES",. �
<br /> a Sub-division of a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast �
<br /> Quarter (NE1�4NE1�4) and a part of Lot Four (4) (Mainland) all in
<br /> Section Twenty-eight (28), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range �
<br /> �
<br /> Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., according to the recorded plat thereof, �
<br /> subject to the following conditions and restrictions, each and all of which shall be and
<br /> remain in full force and effect as covenants running with the land for the time herein-
<br /> after set forth, namely:
<br /> 1. Lots 1 to 10 inclusive shall be known and described as, used and sold only
<br /> f9� reQ��snti�l p�rA9�e�,
<br /> 2, �TA �i��l�in� �h�ll b� ��v�d ent� a�y ot �s�d �At� nu�b���d � tA 2� in��us�ve,
<br /> wtthout t�� Aw��r �! �u�h �at iir�t �rA�uring th� writt�n c�n��nt of e��l Awn�rs oi �1�
<br /> lat� in "��ico�b'� I�i�hw�y �tom�s" Sut�-�ivisi�n,
<br /> �, ATo 1�ui�diag sh�ll b� �r�cted or pl�aed oa �ny �f I�ots 1 to 27 incluaive in
<br /> ssicl Sub-div:lsion closor th�n �5 fo�t from the front pf th� �,at �n whieh su�h laaildin�
<br /> ia to be �rsated ar mov�d, front meaning the side of said Lot facin� North �a far �s
<br /> Lota 1 to 10 inclusiva are concerned, and front meaning tha sida of aaid Lot facing
<br /> Eaat so far as Lots 11 to 27 are concarned.
<br /> 4, No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any Lot in
<br /> sald Sub-division nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoy-
<br /> ance or nuisance to the neighborhood.
<br /> 5. No basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out-building placed upon or
<br /> erected in said Sub-division shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or
<br /> permanently.
<br /> 6. No dwelling costing less than $6,500 shall be permitted on any of the Lots
<br /> numbered 1 to 10 inclusive in said Sub-division.
<br /> 7. No person of any race other than the White or Caucaslan race shall reside
<br /> in any building or on any Lot in said Sub-division excepting that this covenant shall aet
<br /> not prevent oocupancy by domestic servants of a different race residing with an owner
<br /> or tenant of said premises thereon.
<br /> 8. No swine nor sheep shall be kept or maintained on any of the premises in
<br /> said Sub-division.
<br /> 9. No cesspools shall be permitted on any of the premises in said Sub-division,
<br /> and all owners of said premises shall dispose of sewerage on their respective premises
<br /> in said Sub-division only by the use of septic tanks or other enclosed chemical disposi-
<br /> tion of sewerage.
<br /> 10, All sidewalks built on any of the premises in this Sub-division running along
<br /> the front of any lot in said Sub-division shall be constructed along the front edge thereof.
<br /> l�.tl .Lt _S U��:��I'StCG: .?2"_:;; ':tii cEQ J,',� t:e �r'8?.t°ES OI t�::�S �EECL
<br /> ti1,�t S=._.:i P2if' Z.C� �;'�z Oi' �,Gi. .�iG� cf S`-��u :li.D-µ-V1S�C�^, 5`.:.il .7G r:Y'_OV:�^.
<br /> and �.°SC7'��ecj. a.s, �.:_sed ,�;d scld c:��3, �'or ;es_de_�!±�=�1 i:ur_:oses �-.id
<br /> lot more sr �c�?ic�:ll;y d°scr� �e:: =.s t:re.?�;ester=v Cr_e :iv��:ar°d ('.: ��0 ` )
<br /> r�et of tre �cv�f1ET'�V _.ir.ety-t,�e (3 ;� ' } ���et e� �,et �_ ��=ve (12? ,
<br /> "rciccr�'s �iQ;r�-•��?y i:or:;es . "
<br />