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<br /> cxccutcd for►hc purposc of crcating.sccurint; t�r gu.uantyin�; thc Sccurrd Dcht. A sood faith hclicf by Iw:»dur that
<br /> � � I.cndcr nt.�ny time is inu:curc with respcct tu.+ny pc rsun ur cntity obli�;.�tcd un thc Sccured Dcht ur that thc pruspcct
<br /> nf imy pi�ymcnt or thc vnluc o!thc Pruperty is impnircdst�iill also constitutc iin cvcnt nf dcfault. • �
<br /> 15. R�MfI)IGS ON l)GTAULT.In somc inst.►nccti,f�-dcrisl nnd statc I�iw wiU rcquirc l.cndcr to pruvidr(�rantor with
<br /> " notice of the ri�ht tu curo or other notices and may eslnblish time ,chedules fur fureclusure uctiuns.Suhject tu thesc
<br /> limitatinns, if t+ny, I.endcr m�+y .icrcicratc thc SccureJ I)cht und forccic�sc this Srcuriry Instrununt in a manncr
<br /> . provided hy Inw if Grantur is in dcfi�ult.
<br /> At the upti��n oi I..endcr,all or any p.�rt of the ngreed[ees and charges,.►ccrued intcrest�nd princi�.il shull hecom�
<br /> ,,,;,,,.;.:� immrdi.itcly duc und payablc,.iftcr giving nuticc if required hy law, upun thc uccurrenrc uf a dcfault c�r nnytimc
<br /> ..� thcrcaftcr. ln a�ddition.L,�:ndcr shnll bc cntiticd to all iha:rcmcdics providcd by law,thc tcrms of thc Sccurcd Dcht,
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument and uny rclated documents, incluJing without limitation,thc power to sell the Property.
<br /> � It thcrc is a default,Trustcc shnll,in addition ta any o�hcr pennittcd remcdy,at thc rcqucst of thc l,�:nder,advertisc
<br /> and sell Uic Property as a whnle or in separute parcels .n puhlic auc�iem tu the liighest biddcr for cash and convey
<br /> ahsolutc tiUc frcc and cicar of all ribht, tiUc and mtcrest of Grnntor at ruch timc und placc as Trustcu dcsignutcs. ,.;;,�._,.
<br /> Trus►cc shall givc noticc ot salc including thc timc.tcrms s�nd placc of sulc and a dcscription ot thc property to bc sold
<br /> ' as rcquired hy t.hc applicable law in cffcct at the timc of t hc propnsed salc. ,�;:
<br /> " � Upon salc of thc property.�nd to thc cxtcnt not prohibiied by law,Trustcc shall makc and dclivcr a dccd tc�thc Property "Y
<br /> ''' sold which cunveys ahsolute title to thc purchascr,and after first paying ull fces,charges and costs,shall pay to Lender all �•,'��,;.
<br /> �`• moneys advanced for repairs,taxes,insurance, liens, assessments and pri��r encumbrances and intcrest thereon,and thc •,`<;��;_=
<br /> principal and interest on the Sccurcd Dcbc,paying thesurplus,if any,to Grantar. L.cndcr map purchasc the Property.
<br /> ...;.z�..
<br /> � The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima (aci�:evidence of the facts set forth thercin. y;-
<br /> All remedics are distinct,cumulative�nd not exclusi�e, tmd thc Lcnder is entided to all remedies pravidcd at law or ;;;;��
<br /> „ equity,whether or not cxpressly set torth.The aacptance by Lsnder of any sum in paymcnt or parlial paymcnt on the _ _._,_
<br /> ' Sccurcd Debt aftcr thc bnlance is duc or is acccicrated or after foreclosure proccedings are filed shall not constitutc:a - ��
<br /> a�. waiver of Lender's right to requirc completc: cure of any cxisting detault.By not exercising any remedy on Grantor's '�o��.�,,
<br /> � defuult,Lendcr does not waive L,ender's right to laterconsidcr the event a default if it continucs or happcns again. .��_.=
<br /> proi�ibited by law.Grantor agrecs to pay all of Li:ndcr's expenses if Grantor hreaches any covenant in this Security -'_
<br /> ., Instrument.Grantor will also pay on demand any amount incurrcd by Lendcr for insuring,inspccting,prescrving or _
<br /> otherwisc protecting the Property and I..ender's security interest. Thesc cxpenscs will bear intcrest from thc date of
<br /> _ th� �ayment until paid in full at the highcst interest ratc in cffect as pravided in thc terms of thc Secured Debt. _
<br /> Grantor agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred by L.ender m coiiecting,eni'orcing or proic:ci��ig G:ri�cr's rig�sis
<br /> and remedies undcr this Security Instrument.This amount may includc,but is not limited to, attosncys' fees,court
<br /> � �� costs,and other Iegal expenses.This Security Instrument shall remain in effect until relcased. e;rantor agrees to pay
<br /> ' for any recorclation costs of such releasc.
<br /> 17. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUSSUBSTANCES.As used in this scction,(1)�nvironmcntal Law
<br />��,�� nteans,�vithout limitation,the Comprchensive Environmental Response,Compensation and Liability Act(CERCLA, —'
<br /> ;,' � `��' 42 U.S.C.9G01 ct sey.), and all othcr fcderal,state and local laws, rcgulations, ordinances, court ordcrs,attorney
<br />_.�r��%�F 'Y�.
<br /> ;=•v:-. general opinions or intcrpretive letters conccrning Ihe public health,safety,wclfnrc,cnvironmcnt or a hazardous
<br /> .:-..;r..,, tir.,
<br /> -_ .: s.,.,' substancc;and(2) Hazardous Substancc mcans any toxic, radioactivc or hazardous material,�vastc, pollutant or
<br /> �• contaminant which has characteristics which render the substance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public
<br /> �:'��� <.�p hcalth,safety. welfarc or cnvironment.The tcrm includes,without limitation,any substances defin�d as "ha�.ardous
<br /> �`�'`'"�•'•�' muterial,""toxic substances;'`ha�ardous waste"�r"hazardous substance"undcr any Environmcntal Law.
<br /> ::��k'.':�`r•�`.
<br />�-::•yw�,�;�;� Grantor represents,wan•ants and agrccs that:
<br /> �='"�5.��'�"..�� A. Exccpt as prcviously disclosed and acknowlcdged in writing to L.endcr,no Ha7ardous Substance is or�vill be
<br /> .��-�--�-��--_"-."��"���-`.�9 located,stored or released on or in the Property. This restriction does not aQply to small yuantiti�s of
<br /> 3�;;e:�x;: Haaurdous Substanccs that are gcnerally recogn'v.ed to bc apprapriatc for We normal use and maintenance of
<br /> z'<�-�-.'7�,, the Property.
<br /> ---`^^"°''-�'�=" B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to L.endcr,Grantor and evcry tcnant have been,are, _
<br /> -_^�'��� and shall remzin in full compliance Nith any applicable Environmental Law.
<br /> �-�'��
<br /> C. Grantor shall immediately noti[y Lender if a releasc or thrcatcncd release of a Hazardous Substance occurs on,
<br /> - -_.=.a� under or about the Property or there is a violetion of any Environmental Law concerning the Property.In such
<br /> -- ;;.�=--
<br />-a �x ^ an cvent,Grantor shall take all neccss�ry rcrnedial action in accordance with any Environmcntal Law.
<br />-�:.:!`Jw�-'�•�.c.
<br />„� 1;;�-�,';:, D. Grantor shall immediately notify Lendcr inwriting as soon as Grantor has reason to belicvc there is any
<br /> �.�:_�•�v-,�` pending or thrcatened investigation, claim. ar procceding rclating to the releasc or threatcned relcase of any
<br />_ -. . ..., .�:,J Ha�ardous Substance or the violation of any Environmental Law.
<br /> _ � . `�. �: 18. CONDEMNATION.Grantor will give Lender prompt noticc of any pcnding or threatcned action.by private or _
<br />_- - �. public entities ro purchase or take any or all of thc Property through condemnatiun,cminent domain, or any other r,
<br /> mcans. Grantor authori•r.cs Lender to intcrvcne in Grantor's name in any of thc above described actions or claims.
<br />� C�
<br />- �: Grantor assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other
<br />