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<br /> � S ace above thia line for recordin data. IJ08A 566300 � ,h�'���>�
<br /> . � .� Commerclal MORT�AGE — Collateral ��� ����:��`°' -��-
<br /> � Fsderal Ban/r - �� ��� `�` .—
<br /> . � Reai Estatc� Nlortgage �.�_:,,. �
<br /> ��,:. .
<br /> Naturo of indebtedneu loa�i Mtioum Maturity pata Initiel Imereat Rate ��:*s __ ___
<br /> Consumer Loen 16,055.00 ��990
<br /> � i, nAt� l�lirl�
<br /> here6y pive Commercial Pedersl Bank,a Fadaral Savinpa Eiank(`Commercial Federal') a mortgago,with powor of oata,of tha following proparty topothor with
<br /> i� � all improvamenta now or heroafter oreated on the property,ond ell eaeements,rights and appurtenences theroto: �`��1-
<br /> ��� � � 3�`��� .� -`�
<br /> . �"• - • �
<br /> �.
<br /> ���
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<br /> . C— -
<br /> If mae then ono peroon eipna thia Mongape,tho word'I'maAna'we.'
<br /> Ttdi Movtgege secures e loa�made by Commercinl FedenJ,aa briefly deacribod e6ove.A noto datod the eame date es thie Mortpefle conteina the tertns for
<br /> - ropayment of that loan.if that nme ia ever cha�ged or replaced by e new note,it will be socured by thie MortgaAo.
<br /> • I pmmise tho idlowing thinps:
<br /> �°�"'�••.
<br /> -- � - � 1. All payments on any note or other dabt aecured by this Mortgage will bo paid when due.
<br /> -_'.r .. ,
<br /> -:,,,.. : 2. An ineuranee poliey tor firo end oxtended eoverene will be kept in foree cn the proporty in an amount at least equai to the dobtn seeured by thi�
<br /> Mortp�ye plus eny other mortgapes listad In paregraph 8 below.The inaurance company must be aaHafentory to Commercial Federel,end
<br /> � ' - Commercial Federal vuf116e a named maured on tfie policy.
<br />_�';i.' '- , �. Al)toxss and aueumenta on the property will be paid boforo they bceomo dolinquent. �
<br /> .-°__!17,,. ��
<br /> _ _,T, 4. No waste v�ill be committed on the property,and it wili be kept in good repair.
<br /> �:-.�,���"'°_.. ti. The property vuill not be aold (includinp by lend contreot),leeaed,end no interest in it will be as:ipned in any way.
<br /> _��=�°~'`; 8. I own the properry free end cloar ot any ather mortpapea or encumbrences EXCEPT �
<br /> - ;i�:;�`.
<br />- =-�.• �,t
<br />' -_"''�,''.: 7. No other mwtgage or lien on tho proporty will over be allowed to be in default or ba forecloaed.
<br /> _�,Q
<br /> =�„��. —
<br />_ ��,':,•. ��" Iteny of these promiaa�are not kept then Corrmarclal Fedoral can declaro ali of the debt immediately due and paya6le w+thout edvance notieo.The =.
<br /> ' ���•=.; - interou rate v�fll Increase to 18.0046 or eny groater rete ellowshlo by lew at that time,ond thia mortgeye cnn be foreclosed In eccadence with sppticoBb I�w.If _
<br /> ��=��-�� •�• the debt ia�ecelereted,then 1 elao aaalgn eny rent a other Income trom the property to Commerclal Fedxal. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT THIS CONSTITUTES __
<br /> - '""'"'`� A COLIATEHAL REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE PURSUANTTO S0.DAKOTA C.L 44-8�28 (FOR S0.DAKOTA RESIDEM'S ONLY►. In the event of enydefault fn the -
<br /> �'--'';� . ' mekiny of my payment a In keeping eny covenant herein,thfe Mortgage may be foreclosed by aotion,or by advartisement as provided by statute or the neles
<br /> � of pnetice rolatinp thereto,and thls perogreph ehall ba deemed ai euthoriang end conetituting a power ot eate at mentioned in eeld atetute or rules and any
<br /> �(-•r� . • amendmant thereto,end mey rat�in statutory coate end ettomoy tees(S0,WY,MN,OK,end MI rosidente only�. -
<br /> - " � Certeln emounts can be paid by Commerciel Fedorel and added to the dabt socured by thia Mortgaye.Thoy ero any texea or inaurence I have ngreed to �r
<br /> pay hut tail to,any attomey teas or court oxponaee Commarciol Fedorel payo if it le mede e parry nt eny lopal action broueht by eomeone olae conceming the =_-___—
<br /> ' property,and any ettomey foes or court oxpensa�which the law might ellow if Commercfal Federnl has to go to court agefnet me to colleot the debt or �:�--�--«-
<br /> � forectocs thli mortgepe.If eny of those thinga heppen,thon the odditional dnbt will eccrue intereat et the seme rate ee the rest ot the debt and muat 6e paid ���t,,__
<br /> Immediatety.
<br /> i It this property la ever condomned wdar tho pnwor o1 eminent domain or any similar mothod ot wkinp property for pubtio use,any procoode of tho totcinp ���+ -=
<br /> will be pald to Commercial Faderal up to the full emount ai tho dobt aocured. �:�2L':�:�`�''
<br /> .. . _R_-+",T
<br /> '.�,1,.�'.�
<br /> , • ')i�a t.}.._f-.}
<br /> Notla to Borrow�r I�r Oklahom�prop�rtyr A pow�r ot�d�hn 6Mn pnntad In tfils Mortp�g�. A pow�r of�ds m�y�ibw th�Mortp�p�W tak�th� , _ ''`"=`-
<br /> ' mo �g pro �n �il� wi o potnp eou n� no oaun a on upon au�r und�r tbu rAortq�p�. + •-r-�p.�''@
<br /> . _sw.vi
<br /> . � •
<br /> ti...
<br /> � � -�(� -97 ���� _,
<br /> -' 7odays Date F'�[ 26� 19g� 8orrowor'a Signeturo I1qU,ID HAIrPL � �
<br /> � STATE OF � � �ROwore Signaturo .,
<br /> - COUNTY OF ��LY+ j � �
<br /> - On thie 2S'�'H dny of �C .7 9 37 ,bo(oro mo,a notary public in nnd for enid county, pononally camo , �
<br /> �,1]� �I�'' to mo known to bo tho�dontical porson or poreons whoso
<br /> nnmo ia or aro u�xad to tho otsova mortgogo,nnd they,ho a Rhe sovarnlly ecknowladpod tho said inntrumont and tho oxocution thoroof to be their voluntery
<br /> oct ond deed. ,
<br /> WITNESS my hand and'nnotannl soal tho doy nnd yonr Innt wnttan abovo.
<br /> ' Mycommiasion expiroa: .�y"'�'��� �� ,
<br /> blic's Slgnoturo
<br /> NE•IN-WY-IL-SD-MI-AZ•MN•IA �M1fMY+���� ON-1077 (10/96)
<br /> , � ������� �
<br /> � — - - ..�._ --
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