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<br /> COVENANTB �Tw ��J�,Sa7`! .. ' .
<br /> 1. Paytnint�. Dorrowor upr000 to mnko all pnymonto on tho oocuroJ dobt whcn duo. Unl000 Borrov�or cnd Landor optoo othorwlso, enY ��-
<br /> pnymente I.onder recolve�(rom Borrawe► or f�r Borrower'� banoflt wlli be opplled firet to eny emaunts Barrower owee on the eocurod debt ,.
<br /> oxclueiva of Intereet or princlpai,eocond to Inte�aet, end then to princlpel.I)pertiel prapayment ot tho eecurod debt oceure for any roaeon,It wlll �
<br /> not reduce or expua�ny ach�lul�d�V�nt AWill thl�secured debt le pald In ful1. _-
<br /> t a f�� ..a it r.«� p
<br /> 2.CIWm�A���{d�r����������hebjen of thli dsed�o}t ui�Lendebumeq�equtre Borro�wer tohoadpn eny ii0hte�clelmeltl�e .-
<br /> to�he propa � eln�e/� cJ
<br /> defencn whic rroMSr�lif� �4b p o �upply I�hor ot matulds to Improvs or malntaln the property.
<br /> 3.l�r.urCnac. Qorrotfor wlll lroop tfio proparty InouroA under terme eccepteble to Lender nt Borrowor'� oxpenso and lor londor'e benolit. All -
<br /> Imurana policl�s ih�ll Include�at�adud mortp�p�ci�uu In hvor o}Lender,Londer wlll bo nemed�s loa� plyee or ae tho�niured on eny auch � �
<br /> inau►ance poUcy.Any Innurance proceed� m�y b��ppil�d,withln Lender'�dl�cretlon,to elther the rest�ration or �epetr of the dnmapud proporty =
<br /> or to the seeured debt.It Lender requlre�mor4gape Imuranc�, Borrowe►apree�to melnteln eueh Ineurance for es lang aa Londer requlree. �•
<br /> "H'" 4.Prop�rty.8orrower will keep the property In pood conditlon�nd meke all repei►s reasonebly neceseary. -
<br /> 6.Exp�n�ts.Borrower opreea to pay eli Lender'e e:cpensee Includinp reesoneble attorneys'fees,li Borrower 6reake�iny covanante In thle deed
<br /> oi truet or in any obllpetlon secured by this deed of trust.�orrower wlli pay theae emounts to Lender ee provided In Covonant D of thle deed of
<br /> truat.
<br /> 8.P►lar B�curftv Int�nit�.Unteae Borrower firet obtelns Lender's written consent,Borrower will not meke or permlt any changoa to eny prlor •:y .
<br /> � security Intereate. Borrower will perform ell of Borrower'e obliflet;ona under eny prlor mortgepe, deed of trust or other eeeurity agreement. • •��•;�y;y,�,„,. ..
<br /> fncluding Borrower's covenente to meke paymenu when due. •• �i4i"�=�' "
<br /> ,;,t��..
<br /> 7.Assl�nmsnt of R�nb md Protit�.Borrower a6aignt to Lender tho rente end protite ot the property.Uniose BorrowAr and Lender have agreed ..��
<br /> otherwlse in writing, Borrower may colleat end reteln the rente re Iong se Borrower ie not In dotault. If Borrower defeulte, Lender, Lender's �,.���_,�_.
<br /> egent, or a court appofnted receiver mey take poseession and manege the property end collect the rents.Any rents Lander collects ehell bo ..;,�r:n, --�s='-°
<br /> applied IUet to the custs of inenayina tho property,includinp court costa end sttornays' foes, comminsfons to rontal epents. end any other , ._
<br /> necesury related expenaes.The rsm�Ininp�mount of rent�will then apply to psyment�on the secured dett u pravided In Covenant 1. � .:;r.,... �
<br /> Y.". .
<br /> 8.L�n�holdr Condomintums:Pl�nrnd Unit DwNopm�nt�.Borrower earees to comply with ti�e provlsions of any laese I}this doad of truat le on ,,� - -
<br /> e leasehold. I�thie deed of trwt Is on a unit in e condominlum or e planned unit davelopment, 8orrowar will periorm ell of Borrowar'e dutles
<br /> • t-..� under the covenente,bytewa,or regul�tlona of the condominlum or ptenned un�t development. ,
<br /> �' •.,;,�--
<br /> ' � 8.Autho�fty of l�ndar to P�rform for Borrow�r.It Borrower fails to perform any of Borrower's dutlea under thle deed of truet, Londer may �.:_
<br /> perform ths duties or aeuse them to be performed.Lender msy sifln aorrower's name or pey any amount If necea�sry for perinrmence.If any
<br /> � construction on the property la dlecontinued or not carried on in a reesonable manner, Lender may do whstever is neceacery to protect LendeYs iiiu::'_
<br /> security Intereat in the property.Thia mey include comptetinp the construction. +�'�''�•k• -
<br /> .� •�'-. • �.j.ir.:
<br /> Lender'e faiture to perform will not preciude Lender irom exerciaing any of it�other righte under the lew or thla deed ot irust.
<br /> Any emounte paid 6y Lender to protect Lender's security Interest wlll be oecured by this deed of truat. Such smounts will be due on demand ,��
<br /> �. and will bear interest from the dete of the payment until pald in fult et the interest rete in eNect on the eecurod debt. :_'•'�
<br /> � ''{
<br /> : 10. D�fwit �nd Acc�i�nifon. If Dorrower faila to make any payment when due or breaks any covennntt under thla deed of tru�t or s�y
<br /> � obligatfon secured by thla deed of trust or eny prior mortpepe o►deed of trust, Lender may accelerete the maturity of the aecured debt and ;41
<br /> demand immediate paymsnt end may Invoka the powar of ule end any other remedles permitted by applloable law. '':y;
<br />_ --°- - � . .
<br /> � 11.R�qu�at fa Notia ot D�fwft. It Is heroby roqueated that coples of the notices ot aetautt ana saie be nent co eacn parson wnu ia e yo�.y "�-��
<br /> hereto,at the eddrees of each eueh perso�,aa eet torth herein. y��
<br /> �
<br /> � 12.Pow�►of SN�.If the Lender invokea the power of aele, the Trustee shall first record In the office of the reglater of deeda of each county ,;_
<br /> whoreln tho truet property or some pert or percel thereof la situatad e notice of defeuft containing the Iniormation required by law.The Trustee
<br /> � :. ahali ateo ma(I coplea of the notice of defeutt to the Borrowor,to each person who ie e party hereto, end to other porsons as prescribad by F-.
<br /> applicabte law.Not leae then one month after the Trustee recorda the notica of defeult, or two montha if the trust property ls not in eny �
<br /> incorpo►eted clty or vlltege and ie used In fermfng operetlons carrled on by the t�ustor,the Truatee shell pivo publlo notice of sale to the persons _
<br /> and in the manner preacribed by epppllcable lew.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shell Beil the property at Dublin auction to ths highest �
<br /> bidder.If roqu�red by the Farm Homestead Protection Act,Truatee shall offer the property in two seperato eales ee required by eppiicable law. ,;;
<br /> • Truatee may poatpone sete of all or eny percel of the properly by public ennouncement eE the time and place of sny prevfoualy echeduled sele. �,s.
<br /> ... Lendnr or its desienee may purchase the property at eny saia.
<br />_"�' Upon rocelpt of peyment of the price bld,Yrustee shell deliver to the purcheeer Trwtee't deed conveylnp the property.The roeltiais eontained i� _
<br />�� Trustee't deed shall he prims f�cie svldience oi the truth of the statemente contalned therein.Truatee shall apply the proceede of tha sele in 4he -
<br />� tollowinp order; ie) to all expenaea of the eale, Inctudinp, but not Iimited to, reaaonable Trustee's fees, �eesonabte attorney's feea and -
<br /> reinstetement feec;(b)to all sums cecurecl by this deed of Vu�t,and(c)the balance,If eny,to tho persans lep�lly entitied to receive(t.
<br />-.:,t��� .. 19.Fonciosun.At Lender's optlon,this dead of truet mey ba foreclosed In tha mnnner provide by epplicable law for torectosure of mortgagas
<br /> -- .. .-, on real properry. -
<br /> r��` �
<br /> -,rr};9�';� "f�! • 14.Insp�aUon.Lender may ente►the property to inapect ft if Lender givea Borrower notice be4orohand. The notice muct state the reasonebte =
<br />�s�.;:�:.� • ;;: : ceuae for Lender'e Inspection. _
<br /> -��` 16.Cond�mrndon.Borruwer etslgne to Lender theproceeda of eny ewerd or claim for deme�ges connected with e condemnatlon or oMer taking =_
<br /> c�+�4,.."y security epreome�t the property.Such procoeds will be app!fed as provfded In Covanant 1.Thls aaatpnment Po subJect to the terma of eny prior —_
<br /> •�,,.,`,:t•; 18.Walv�r. By exerclaing eny remedY avalleble to Lender,Lende�does not pive up any rights to leter use any other remedy.By not exerclsing _:
<br /> ,�,='. _ eny romedy upon Burrower'e defeuit,Lender does not wafve any riqht to leter contlder tha ovent a default if it heppene egein. --
<br /> _!a W."��T:.d' 17. Jdnt �nd Sw�rN Li�bflity• Co-�ipn�r, Succaton u►d Assipm Bound. All dutles under thle deed of truat are Jotnt end several. Any
<br /> - Borrower who co•sipna this deed o}trust but dooa not co•slgn tha underlying debt Inatrument(s) does eo only to prant und convey tha=
<br /> ��;. � Bonower'o interest fn the property to the Truatee unde�the terme of thla doetl of truat.In addit(on,Buch e Borrower epreea thet the Lender end �
<br /> - ' any other Borrower undor thia deed of trust moy exte�d,modify or makv any other chanpes In tha terms of thit deed of trust or the secured �,
<br /> �� . debt wlthout thet Borrower's conaent end without releasin�that Borrower from the terme of thta deed of tvuat �f,.� -__- �
<br /> The duties and honefits of thia deed of trust ehall b(nd and benefit the eucceesors end asaipres of 4ender and Borrower. •,-=�"�-=�=-�_�:
<br /> .y.,-
<br />= 18.Notic�.Unleas otherwfse roquired by law,any notice to Borrower sha:l be piven by detiverinfl tt or by malling it by certiflad mail nddrosaed to �'`�,.y�„�;'
<br /> � Borrow�r at ths property addroas or eny other eddress that Borrower has piven to Lender.Borrower wiil gtve any nottae to Lender by certiiied --__ _-=
<br /> maii to Lender'a addreee on pape 1 of thfe deed of trust,or to nny other oddresa which Lender hea dealpnated. Any other notite to Londer ehall r� ���=�
<br /> be sent to Lender's address as otated on page 1 of this deed of truat. .s�+�i�=
<br /> " �:� .--�
<br /> �. Any notice ahall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lendcr when given In the manner stated ebove. -�.�T ���� �K;,
<br /> �s� 18.Tnn�t�r of th�Propaty a�B�rnflcid Int�nst in th�Bortow�r.If ail or any paK of the praperty or cny intorest In It le soid or transferred -=;��••'�'%' {c�*::
<br /> f•' without Lender'e prlor written consent, Londer may demand Immodlate payment of tho secured dobt. Lender may also demand Immediete �.,��`�'�t'-
<br /> `�� payment if the [3orrower is not e natural person and e beneficlal interest in the Borrower Ia sold or transierred. However, Lendor may not ,�.u;�,��;;;;.;�
<br /> demand payment In the ebove oltuations if it is prohibited by fedoral law aA of the date of this deed ot Vust. :;r.�_ .
<br /> . ' 20.R�conveyu�e�.When the ohltpation secured by thia deed of trust hae baen pa;d,end Londor has no funher obiigation to make edvances � . ..'1�.��
<br /> • under the insuumente or agreomente seeured by this deed of wst,the Trustee ehe0,upon v�rtitton requost by the Lender,reconvey the trust � .�
<br /> --- -- '---- --� oronemr.The Lender shell deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrower's 6uccessor in Intorest,tho trust deed and the note or other evidence of the �
<br /> ---- - ---
<br /> oblfgation so eetisfled.Borrower shatl pey any rocoroetion coate. ' -� '
<br /> 21. Succ�ssa TrustM. Lender, at Lender's option, mey remove Trustee end eppolnt e succossor trustee by tirst, mailing e copy of the
<br /> �� • substitution of truatee aa required by eppUceblo law,and then,by filing the eubstitution of trustoe for rocord in tho offico of tho ragister ot doods
<br /> ' oi each county in whlch the trust property,or some part thereof. Is situeted.The succossor truatae,without convoyanco of tho property,ahall ,
<br /> succeed to all the power,dutiea,authority e�d title ot the Trustee named In the deed of trust end of any succossor trustoo. ,
<br /> .,
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