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<br /> DE�D OF TRUST ry0 � rV �
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<br /> PARTIES:7his Deed of Truet Is mede o� F' .BR T RY i , �g�7 ,emong the Ornntor, ❑nr.R n npgy�g Anm
<br /> � 17AISfN.T ROT+T.TA NITRAANTI AT7i1 NTPR __ ,�......J_.,._.._'___�_'__.—'�I�BOIfOW9f�I. . .
<br /> LAF!TT11 A F1nA Ky�'�"�'O iQR:Y . ...•�
<br /> •�'f.��
<br /> , whoae roaldence eddrosc li �n nnY �on, ar.�� Ialwnd� u,�u County,Nebroaka("Truatee'1,and the Beneilciery, ,;���
<br /> un[� F_F.i�F.RnT. RA<)TNCdS �,,,j�OATT AA9C1`�TATT�f7 ,a corporetion orpanized � +':��l`�'.�1.�"�
<br /> - and exiating under the lawa of NF!ARAAKA who88 addf888 IB 22�,�6L1TH LOC[78T 9TRF.F.T� °��1 -
<br /> � (3R.pT11] iP,I.ANi]� N1�.ARnCK� �Aq __, l'Lender'�. . ,=4�T?
<br /> CANVEYANCE:For vaiue recelved,Bo►►ower Irrevocebly grante and conveys to Truatee,In trust,with power ot oale,the real properry,of whlch ' '.-;:�;�:�
<br /> Dorrov�er is iowfuly eelzed, dsecri6ed below end eil buildinpe, fixturee, ertd exirsdnp end future Improvemente thereon enci all riphte-oRwaY, - ` -_
<br /> + easements, rente, issuea, profits, income, tenements, heredltamente, privileges end eny appurtenence� thereunto belonging lell calted the � -
<br /> �r 'property'1. , , ,
<br /> � PROPERTYAODRES9: �en2 W CHARLF.R ST , aunun tfiLaun , Nebraska �aAn3_. ., ".,' ---
<br /> . F LHOAL DESCRIPTIQN: �ein��� �ciNl tLO coa•i �'`-
<br /> , � OF CiRAND IBLANU, HALL COUNTl•, IJFs'BRASKA. �',: . •a•—
<br /> , J� ...
<br /> . ., "x..'�__
<br /> �`.�ri nn.
<br /> ���
<br /> . , located in (3RAN[] iSLANO� HAi.t. COUnty,NBb►e8ke.
<br /> TiTLE:Borrower covenente and warrente title to the property,except for _
<br />- � ' SECURED DEOT:This deed of uuat eecurea to Lender repayment of the aecured debt and the performance of tha covenenta e�d agreement�
<br /> ' � contalned in thia deed of trust and In any other document incorporated hereln.Seoured debt,ea uaed in this deed of truat,inctudas eny amaunte
<br />-t' � ��-` Borrower owee to Lende►under thU deed of trust or under eny inetrument eecured by thla deed of trust,end ell modlfiaetlone, extenalons and
<br /> - ronewals thsraof.
<br /> " The secured debt 18 evidenced by Nst all i�struments end agreemente secured by thla deed of truat and the datea thereof.):
<br />�� r-•.� �y � A PROMSARORY NOTR ATTD AP.CttRiTY A(�RF.F.MRN4' DATx:i] FFRRiTA�2V 1� �Q97 _
<br /> _:�;r.,.
<br />=�"'��`"" �' �F��tun Advmc�s: TM above emount is secured even thouph all or �art of it mey not yet be advanced. Future edvances ere
<br />-�_�:�"" :' contemplated end will be secured to the seme extent as ft made on the date thit deed of trust Is executed.
<br /> �-�^d;L' • °-
<br />�:`'�.^ ❑ Rsvotvirp Iine of credlt�preement dated ,writh Inftlsi snnud interost rate of %.
<br /> ,-.'�°`;;,':
<br />=r�� '� All emounts owed under thle eyreement ere eecured even thouph all am6untd may not yet be advancad. Futuro edvancea under
<br />-�-;,�;•, ths�greement ere contempleted and wlli be secured to the eems extent es If mads on the date thia deed of trust le exewted.
<br /> ~~"�`�` The�bove obllpetton Is due ard aysble on FF.RR TARY �i 2on4 _If not pald sarlier.
<br /> sov!.'t!t:'h.�_ P �
<br /> ������•���^�; The total unpaid baienco secured by thia dead of uust at any one tlme shell not exceed a maxlmum principal amount of
<br /> .?AT•"�,. --
<br />_�,��_.y�r� R'41RNRW TliliRR munvannma�cru�r urmm�an a��rv nrm �a/�nn DOIIBtsId2�,770-?3 ),plu0fnteroet,
<br /> "'s""�� '� lus my�mavnts ditbursed under the terme of this deed of truat to roteat the eecuriry�of tMs deed of truat or to perform eny of the
<br />'��~�'��""��'�°� covenanU cont�lned(n thls deed of trust,with Interest on such dtabursemente.
<br /> 3it�"!�` �;�: • _
<br /> ''"`j' '� ❑ Vriabb Retr.The Interost rate on tho obligatlon secured by thla deed of trust moy vary according to the torme of that obligatlon. ��� _
<br /> - " ' ❑ A copy of the loan agreement contelning the terms under which the Interest rnte may vary Is attached to this deed of trust and �T::�.
<br /> �.;,.�,�..�„�...
<br />'� � � made e part hereof. . .��°:-_.__.
<br /> .. .,� RIDEBS: ❑ Commerclal �BSS.IC�tan�tFt�tm nF u�'21TS ❑ +_ ' ���
<br /> DE.�,IONATION OF HOMESTEAD Y'���v�+r^�.r��
<br /> F'unuant to the Farm Homeatesd Protectlon Act,deslpnatlon of homeatead � la attachod to thle deed of trust end mede e pan hareot ���a�'�'-�,�-���1
<br /> . _ �.,�--�
<br />-. ❑ he�baen disctalmed;the df�clelmar b�ttached to thia deed of trust and mede a part heraof. ..r�� ;,;:;--
<br /> .� _:
<br /> � 61QNATUA�S:By sipninp 1»low, dOrtOWN�pfM t0 ffi�t�rrtlt Md CoVMMt�CW1LItNd Itl thl�QNd O}tNlt,includiny thos�on pap�2,md In {�'`'��'•t�ie�
<br /> �ny �d�scdb�d�how�d by Bonow�r. • ,,:t�a.;�"
<br /> � .� �.�� , � .-�.� ��
<br /> .,. �--_ .. ..,.---- ------- --- - -=--
<br />- --
<br />,_�._ .._---- �ewa ai avaaata dHPIVI V 'riOI�LT� .____,.°_--_-
<br /> � � ACKNOWLF.p�MENT:STATB OF NEBRASKA, [lRANi� iST.A �� HnT.t. County es:
<br />- The faregolnp inatrument woe ecknowiedged botoro me on this t qT ' day of FF]ARt r7ARY_ 1 4 a� ' '
<br /> - „ b�/ BAT.B � RORf•TA. �HB _�j�CY .T ROFsi3R_ Mf3RANtf ANO WTAR
<br />- . � Rllial/ll °
<br /> �� Capa�ro or
<br /> _ P�rttNrlhip Of." ���y��� �NYn�of CWpqMIOn q PMnittNpl .
<br />- Acknowt�dpm�nt �nymn� —
<br /> s M��y(E{.� ____on bohalt of tho corporntion or partnarshlp.
<br /> . My commission e� fAy Comm.E�cµOec.19,1999 �il ' .. �
<br /> _ � I6��11 �r,�L��/� .lf// �_ INot�ry Publltl . -.
<br /> ' - � Thia lnstrument wee preperod by ('HRIA L AARRii: _ '
<br /> O1fl�6��IKERSSY6TEM9,INC..6T.ClOUD.4N6E90111•L00��87•�3411FOAMOCV•M'f(1NF6718181 �ppL# 0002862$ �peBe�o�2k �IJ B �SKA � � -• ��
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