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201108675 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />[Owner to insert legal description of Premises.] <br />Part of the East Half of the East Half of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />of Section 4, Township 11 North, Range 9 West, of the 6th P.M., Hall County <br />Nebraska more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the South line of said Section 4, said point being <br />feet West of the Southeast corner of said W�st half of the Southeast Quarter; <br />thence Northerly parallel to the East line of said West half of the Southeast <br />Quarter, a distance of 373.0 feet; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of <br />said Section 4, a distance of 130.0 feet to the East line of said West Half of <br />the Southeast Quarter; thence Northerly along and upon said East line of the West <br />Half of the Southeast Quarter, to a point which is 660.0 feet South of the North <br />line of said Southeast Quarter; thence Westerly parallel to said North line of <br />the Southeast Quarter, a distance of approximately 332.66 feet, to the West line <br />of said East Half of the East Half of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter; <br />thence Southerly along and upon the West line of said East Half of the East Half <br />of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter, to the South line of said Section 4, <br />thence Easterly along and upon said South line of Section 4, a distance of 204.87 <br />feet to th� place of beginning, and containing 14.06 acres more or less, of which <br />0.16 acres more or less are presently occupied by County road right-of-way. <br />. . , r' <br />� ,`,:. <br />,% <br />_ a, _ Rev Ol j26/09 <br />