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<br /> e 7'rust-ee by stating the names of the Trustors and names therein
<br /> . � �_
<br /> and qlvinq the book and page where the same is recorded, a
<br /> description of the trust property, and contai.ning a statement i;hat �
<br /> - �''�� a breach of an obligation for which the trust property was conveyed �
<br /> :� as security has occurr$d, and setting forth the nature of such �
<br /> ' � election to sell. or cause to be sold such !,
<br /> � breach and of its o
<br /> � � property to satisfy the obligation; and (2) after the lapse of �-_
<br /> �.t not ].ess than one month, the Trsutee shall give notice of sale as
<br /> e �_:
<br /> provided by Nebraska law. Arier riotice of def ault an� lapse of �
<br /> not less than one month, the Trustee shall give written notice of
<br />` . . : � articu]arly describing the proeprty
<br /> the time and place of sale p
<br /> � � to be sold by publication of such notice, at least five times,
<br /> once a week for five consecu�ivs weeks, the last publication to
<br /> � be at least ten (10) days bu� not more than thirty (30) days prior
<br /> . j:.
<br /> ' " to the sale, in some newspaper having a general circulation in
<br /> J,��',�'; each county in which the property to be sol.d, or some par� thereof,
<br /> ,.�.�,;
<br />."` ' ' '�' is situated. Upon such sale� the Trustee shall execute and de ver _
<br />--.��J.:'� .•
<br />`�`�,�:�,:�.: a deed of conveyance of the property sold �o the purchaser or
<br />.:;�,=%�_,
<br /> s�:e.;?:�, purchasers thereof and any statement or recital of fact in sucy
<br /> -:.�,.sa.^:,
<br /> r=�"==�� d�ed in relation to the exercise of the power of sa].e and sa e
<br /> _°-��--
<br /> - = of the property described therein, including recit�ls concerning
<br /> _.�,.,..��
<br /> -- � - any mailing, personal delivPry and publication of the notice of
<br /> ---=
<br />