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<br /> � princlpal emount of tho Indebtodnoss sACUred by this Deod of Trust not Including sums advenced ro protect the security of thle Deed oi =
<br /> ' Trust,oxcQed tha origlnal principfll amount stated h4roln,or 3 4�a.000.00__ ,whichovor Is gront4r. �
<br /> 16.Mlse�ll�n�ous ProviNons. �
<br /> (a)Borrow�r t�al Ro1�as�d.Extenelon of the tlme for payment or modiflcetlon of amortlzntlon oi tho aums ae�urod by this _
<br /> Deed of Trust grantad by Lender to eny successor In Intdrest oi Borrower shall not operate to reloase,In any manner,lhe Ilablll- -
<br /> � i ty of the orlgl�al Borrower end Borro�ver'n succ:essors In Interest. Lender shall not be raqulred to commence proceedings
<br /> : � r�geinst such succaesor or refusa to extend time for payment or otherwise modity emortizetlon of the sums securod by thls '�
<br /> DeeC of TruRt by reason of any demends made by the ariglnel Borrowor end 8orrower's successors In Interest. _
<br /> � (b)�endsr'�PoKers.Wfthout affoctinp tho IIabllity of any olhe�person lieble tor the paymont of any ohllgallon hereln men- _
<br /> � t�oned,and without affecting the ilen or cherge oT thls Oeed of Trust upon any portlon oi the Property not tlien or theretofore `
<br /> ,,,,.;;�� relaased as security for the full emount oi ell unpald obllgatlons,Lender may,from dme to time end without notice(i)releasa
<br /> _ � eny person so Ileble,(II)extend the maturlry or alter any of the terms of eny such obligatlons,(III)grant nther Induigences;(Iv) _
<br /> release or reconvoy,or cause to bo releesed or reconveyed et eny time at Lenders optlon eny parcel, portion or all of the
<br /> ,� Property,(v)take or rel8ase any other or edditlonal secur(ty for eny obligatlon hereln mentioned,or(vl)make compositlons or _,
<br /> .� other arrengements with debtora In reledan thereto. �
<br /> r� (c)Forbsa►anca by Lend�r Hot e Waiwr.My forbearance by Lender in exerclsing any rlght or remedy hereunder,or oth- _
<br /> erwlso eftorded by eppltcable law,shall not be a waiver of or prectude the exercise o1 any such right or remedy.The pracuro-
<br /> : j' � mont of insurance or the payment of texoa or other Ilens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lenders rlght to ecceler- --
<br /> rv � ate the maturity oi the indebtsdness secured by this Deed oi Truat __
<br /> �, (d)Successors and Asslpm Bound;Jolnt end Several 6tabtlity;Csptlona.The covenants and apreernente herein con- �
<br /> � teined shall bind, and the dghte hereunder shall inure to, the respective successore and essigns of Lender and'frustor.All
<br /> ;,�� covenante and egreements of Trustor sheil be}ofnt end aeverel.The captlons end headings of the paragraphs of thls Deed ot -
<br />_.,; • TNSt ere for convenience only and are not to be used to Interpret or deflne the provlslons hereoi.
<br /> ?".':� �, . (e)Requast for Notices.The parties hereby request thet a copy of eny notice ot default hereunder and e copy ot any notice
<br /> . of sala hereunder be mailed to each pe�to liils Deed of Truat at the eddress set farth abovo In tho man�er prescribsd by -
<br /> � applicable Iaw.Except for any other notice required under applicable lew to be given In another mannor,any notice provided for
<br /> • • -}�. in this Deed oi Trust shall be givan by mailing such notice by certifled mail addressed to the other parties,at the eddreas set
<br /> ' forth above.Any notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shell be eftecUve upon mailing In the menner deslgnated hereln. Ii
<br /> .,;,:�,;�;: Trustor is more than one person,noUco sent to the address set torth above shell be notice to ali such persons.
<br /> :: (�Insp�ctlon. Lendor moy make or cause to be made roesonable entrlea upon end Inapectiona of the Property,provided
<br /> ` that Lender shell give Tcustor noUcc�prior to any such inspectian opoc(fying reasonable cause therefor related to LendePs Inter-
<br /> 'T1f^,
<br />':,;`��.•c;, est in the Propedy.
<br /> ar:ir;.•' � (gj Reconveyancs.Upon payment oi eli sums secured by thls Deed of i'rust,Lender shell request 7rustee to recanvey the
<br /> =`�i�` Prope�ty end ehall surrender this Deod oi Trust and all notes evidencing Indebtedness securod by thia Deed of 1'rust to
<br /> --r'y'�� Trustee.Trustee shall rewnvey the Property,without warranly and without charge to the person or persons legelly entltled
<br /> =�=;�,'� thereto.Trustor shali pay ell costo oi recordation,if any.
<br /> ��'"�-' . (h)Pmon�l Prop�rty;SacuHty Agre�ment.As additional security for the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby grants
<br />"'.�=��+`�� l��t u^a��o�o�rgg�r,g i I�l4n�f`.r+m�am_.lgl C.nriw a rwr.�.�rity intarest In all flxtures,equipment and other personal property
<br /> -"�?�� used In connection with the real estete or Improvements locatod thereon,e�d not otherwise declared or deemed to be e part of
<br /> ��=-'x-. - the rea�estate secured hsroby.This instrument ehall be construed as e Secudty Agreement under sald Code,and the Lender
<br /> . =.=x�=��� shall have ail tha Mghtu and remedfea oi a sewred party under said Code fn edditlon to the rights End remedies croated under
<br /> -�'r'��� and eccorded the Lender pursuent to this Deed oi Tru�t;provided that Lender's rights and remedles under this paragraph shell
<br />-_-•.a:�.��
<br /> �°-=---- be cumulative with,end In no way e Ilmitetlon on, Lender's righto and remedles under any other security Agreement algned by
<br /> ��°i��,��a Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> __-__ -- (I)Ll�n��nd Encumbranc�s.Trustor hereby warrents end represents that there is no default under the provisions oi any
<br /> —�'�' mortgage,deeri ot hust,I�asa or purchase contract describing all or eny pad of the Property,or other contract,instrument or
<br /> �'��� apreement coneUtuting a Ilen or encumbrance against ell or any part of the Propertyr(collectively,'Llens'),exisUng es of the
<br /> ����'� date of thla Deed of Trust,and that any and ell existing Uens remaln unmodliled except as disctosed to Lender tn Trustor's wdt-
<br /> - ----- ten dfsclosure of Ilens end encumbrences provlded for hereln. Trustor shall timely perform eil of TruatoFs obligations,
<br /> covenants,representetfons and warrentles under eny and aIl exlsUng and future Llens, shali promptty torward to Lender caples
<br /> -- oi ell n�tices ot defeult sent In connection w(th eny end all exiaBng or future Liens,snd shall nat wfthout Lenders pHor wrttten
<br /> �_- consent In eny manner modty the provislono of or allow eny futuro edvances under eny exlsting or tuture Ilena.
<br /> Q)Applkstlon of Paym�nb.Unless otherwise required by law,aums pald to Lender hereunder,Including without Iimltetbn
<br /> - �—�� payments of pdncipal and Uterest, Insuranco praceada,condemnaUon proceeds and rents and profite, shatl be epplied by
<br /> ----- Lender to t�e emounts due and wving from 7rustor end Borrower in such ordar as Lender in tts�sole discreUon deems desir-
<br /> eble.
<br /> (k)i3�wrabliity.If eny provislon oi this Deed of Trust conflicts with applicable law or Ia declared Invalld or otherwlsa unen-
<br /> --- forcoabie,such conAlct or Invelldiry shall not aNect the other provislona of thls Oeed ot Trust or the Nate which can be gfven
<br /> -- - � effect wiihout the conflicUng provision,and Go Uifs end the provisiona of this Oead of Trust and the Note ere declared to bo sev-
<br /> ereble.
<br /> .�—_ (i)Tirtns.The terms?rustor'and'Borrower shail Inctude both singuler and plural, and when the Trustor and Borrower are
<br /> the seme person(s),those terms es usesi in thls Deed of Trust shall be interchangeable.
<br /> - (m)�iov�rning I.�w.This Oeed of Trust shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Nebrasko.
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