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<br /> : 0 � D E E D A F T R U�T W I T M FUTl1�ZE ADVANCES Y �
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<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,is made as of the 3rd dey of h1 a rc h ,19 97 ,by end among�--� �:_A`._.
<br /> � Lar W Fnw1e and Ba�bar� A Fowle, husband and wffP � ��
<br /> r� thB TNSZOf, � �d ���__=
<br /> � whosemallinpaddressis1616 Hagge Avenue Grand Tsland, NE 68801 (hereln'Trustor',whetheroneormore), -=
<br /> � �� theTrustoe Five Points Bank a Nebraska Corporation ��_
<br />. � whose meilingeddress is P 0. Box 1507. Grand Island, N E 68802-15U7 (hereln°Trustea'),and __
<br /> `' theBeneficiary, Five Points Bank �
<br /> :�
<br />- whosemaflingaddressis a01� N Brnadwell Ave , �rand Island, NE 68803 (hereln"Lender).
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lender's extension of credlt identifled here►n to Larr,�/ �l . F oWl�
<br />_' an�l tiarha4^;�A FOwle
<br />�»`��' (hereln"Borrower;whether one or more)and the trust herein created,the recelpt
<br /> , oi whtch Is hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby Irrevocebly grents, transters,conveys and assigna to Trustee, IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> % � POWER OF SAI.E,for the beneflt and securiry of Lender,uncier anri subject io ina ierm�a�iu i:iniuii�ons heriratta�sci!at!!t,ltsc sa°! �
<br /> =�; property desc�bed es follows:
<br /> �;.; .
<br />'"-`'� � � Lot Six (6)� in Block One (1), in KoEhler Place, an Addition to the City of
<br />�;�.;�'�j'-�: � Grand Island� Hall County, Nebr�ska.
<br />�.,,,;�;.:,�..� .
<br />�;;�.��_���ti_ Togetherwith all buildings,improvements,flxtures,streets,alieys,passageways,easements,r(ghts,pdvileges and appurtenancea
<br />-_;�;-�`:�<_� loceted thereon or(n anyw(se perteining thereto,and the rents,Issues and profits,reverslons end remeinders thereot,and such per- -
<br />-�--j.-•.--r,1�`,q�� sonal propBrlythet is atteched to the improvements so ae to constitute a fixlure,Inctuding,but not Umited to,heatlng and cooltng equlp-
<br /> —= ment;and together with the homestead or maritai Interests,If eny,which interests are hereby releasmd and waived;all of whtch,includ-
<br /> =�'�:.�'�.�'A
<br /> -�«4�;;,�.-�� ing replac�rnents end add(tions thereto,I�hereby dectared to be a part ot the real estate secured by the Ilen oi thls Deed of Trust and
<br /> " �:,�� all of the fo�egoing betng referred to hereln as the"Property'.
<br /> :�..t�
<br /> ----=--- Thla Ceed oi Trust shell secure(a)the payment ot the princlpal sum end Interest evidenced by a promissory noto or credit egree-
<br /> �=N����as�� ment dated tutarr h � t UU7 ,having a matur(ty date oi A u�u st 30_� 199�_�
<br />�._;�-�?`-� -
<br /> °,-� In the original pdncipal emount oi$ _�Q,�9t1=�0 . and any and eli modiRcetions, extensions end renewels
<br /> ----=-,�,� thereof or thereto end any and ali future edvences and readvances to Bortower(or any ot them if more than one)hereunder pursuent
<br /> to one or mae promissory notes or credit agreements(heroln celled"Note');(by the payment of other sums edvanced by Lendor to
<br /> °'`°�"�`�"'�� protect the security of the Note;(c)the performence of all covenents end agreements of Trustor set forth hereln;and(d)ell preseM and
<br /> " "'- future indebtedness end obligatlons of Borrower(or any oi them(t more than ane)to Lender whether direct,indirect,absolute or contin-
<br /> - � _ gent and whelher erising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Nole, this Deed of Trust and any end all other documents thet
<br /> " --°°�� secure the Note or otherwise executed In connectfon therewith, Including without Iimitatlon guarantees, securlty agreements and
<br />- -_ _- assignmentsof teases and rents,shail be referred to hereln as the`Loan instruments'.
<br /> ---`�F-?� Trustorcovenants and sgrees with Lender as foliowa:
<br /> =�'�1�� 1. Payment ot Indebiednees.All Indebtednoss secured hereby shall ba paid when due.
<br /> --=-._.�;;-: .
<br /> -- - 2. TitU.Trustor is the owner of the Property,has tho right and authority to convey the Property,and warrants that the Ilen croat- _
<br /> =-:" _• �„:, '
<br /> � =y:.i.��... - ed hereby 1se flrst and prlor Ilen on the Property,except for Ilens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writfng and dolivered to
<br /> _"'--= Lender before execution of thls Deed of T�ust, and the executlon and delivery of this Deed of Trust does not violate any contract or __
<br /> - �� , . other obGgaUon to whlch Trustor fs subject.
<br /> _.�,,`- 3.Taxe�, Asses:ments.To pay before deilnquency all taxes,speclal assessmente and eli other charges against the Property _ __
<br /> - • ' ' now or hereafler levied. =^-
<br /> - __ . � u 4.Insuranco.To keep the Property insured against damege by flre,hezards included within the term"oxtended covorage",end �=
<br /> such other hazards as Lender may require,In amounts and with companies acceptablo to Lender,naming Lender as an additional �_=
<br /> . . �' named Insured, with loss payable to the Lender.In cese of loss under such Ilcles, the Len der is eut ho r ized to ed ust, colloct and !`-
<br /> , � �o J �_;�_-
<br /> comprors�ise,oll clalms thereunder and shall heve the optlon of epplying ell or part of the insurence proceeds(I)to any Indebtedness �
<br /> . .� secured hereby and in such order as Lender may detam'dne,pl)to the Trustor to be used for the repalr or restoredon of the Properry or �':5-'
<br />,::
<br /> r� ,} (Ilq for eny olhar purpose or obJect satlafactory to Lender witNout aNecting tho lien ot thls Deed of Trust for the full emount secured
<br /> �,,ra�___ __ hereby before such payment ever took ptaoe.Any applicetlons of prnceeds to Indebladness shall not extend ar postponA the due dete
<br /> :_.t•..
<br /> -"`- -- - of any payrnents uncfer the Note,or cure any�c�fawt mereundvr or nereunoer. • �
<br /> 5.Escrow.Upon written demand by Londer, Truator shall pay to Lender, In such manner as Lender may dosignate, sufficlent
<br /> .: sums to enable Lender to pay as they became due one or more of the following: (I)all taxes,essessments and other chnrges agalnst
<br /> tl�e Property,(ii)the premiums on the property Insurance requfred hereunder,and (III)the premiums on an� mortgage Insurance
<br /> _ � required by lender.
<br /> 8.Malntenance,Repalre end Campliance with Lawa. Trustor shall koop the Property In good conditlon end repalr, shali
<br />, promptly repalr,or replacc+any improvement whlch may be demaged or destroyod;shali not commit or permit any weste or detoNore-
<br /> tlon of tho Property;shall not remove,demolish or substontialiy�piter any of the Improvaments on the Property;shall not commit,sufler �'
<br /> � or permit any act to be done fn or upon the Property In violation ot any law, ordinance,ar regulation;and shall pay and promptly dis-
<br /> � charge at Tmstor's cost end expense ell Ilons,encumbrances and cherges levied,Imposed ar accessed agalnst the Property or any
<br /> . pert thoreof.
<br /> 7 Eminent Domaln. Lender Is hereby assigned all compensetion,ewards,damages and other payments or rollet(hereinaftor
<br /> erec�v�ea�evnaetu aai a.� erta •.
<br /> . ., �IOESN�IpWOaNtlGmmairuslWSOV�ml�afan4on.l'KWn.NWnRe ;� 's; ,. .
<br /> t
<br /> � � •
<br /> � -..- .. _ .. .. . .. .. .." _"_""'.-_ .. .. .. ..........."_ _.. ' ' __..-..... _.._._.._. " _. __"_... 'tT_ .... . ._..._._. . .._..._""'.T-.—.���_ .
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