<br />replacements and improvements, structural or otherwise; to pay, compromise or
<br />contest real estate taxes, assessments, water charges and sewer rents; to abstain
<br />from the payment of real estate taxes, assessments, water charges and sewer rents,
<br />repairs, maintenance and upkeep of the same; to abandon property if deemed to be
<br />worthless or not of sufficient value to warrant keeping or protecting; to permit
<br />property to be lost by tax sale, foreclosure or ather proceeding or to convey
<br />property for a nominal consideration or without consideration; and to execute,
<br />acknowiedge and deliver all contracts, deeds, leases, mortgages, notes, security
<br />agreements, guarantees, transfers to trusts, bills of saie, assignments, extensions,
<br />satisfactions, releases, waivers, consents, and any other agreements, writings and
<br />instruments of any nature affecting any real properiy, as my attorney-in-fact may
<br />deem necessary or appropriate;
<br />(h) to commence any actions or proceedings for the recovery of any real or
<br />personal property or for any other purpose; to appear in, answer and defend any
<br />actions or proceedings commenced against me; and to prosecute, maintain,
<br />appeal, discontinue, compromise, arbitrate, mediate, settle and adjust a11 actions,
<br />proceedings, accounts, dues and demands that now or hereafter may exist, as my `�>--
<br />attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate;
<br />(i) to create, amend or terminate one or more trusts, partnerships, corporations,
<br />limited liability companies, co-tenancies or any other form of ownership or entity
<br />for the purpose of dealing with any property or property interest of any nature that
<br />I may have or hereafter acquire, under such tertns and with such provisions as my
<br />attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate; to transfer any or all property
<br />in which I have an interest into any trusts, partnerships, corporations, limited
<br />liability companies, co-tenancies or other entities, whether created by me or my
<br />attorney-in-fact or otherwise (and, in this regard, that my attorney-in-fact may be
<br />a remainderman, partner, shareholder, member, co-tenant or beneficiary of any
<br />such entity shall not affect the validity of any action hereunder, and sha11 not, by
<br />itself, constitute a breach of fiduciary duty); to remove property from any such
<br />entity; and to give to any such entity, or to any person acting as agent or trustee
<br />under any instrument executed by me or on my behalf, such instructions or
<br />authorizations as I may have the right to give;
<br />(j) to join or become a party to, or to oppose, any reorganization, readjustment,
<br />recapita.lization, foreclosure, merger, voting trust, dissolution, consolidation or
<br />exchange, and to deposit any securities with any committee, depasitory or trustee,
<br />and to pay any fees, expenses and assessments incurred in connection therewith,
<br />and to charge the same to principal, and to exercise conversion, subscription or
<br />other rights, and to make any necessary payments in connection therewith, or to
<br />sell any such privileges;
<br />(k) to deal with all matters relating to all forms of insurance and annuities,
<br />including the procurement, maintenance and termination thereof; however,
<br />notwithstanding the powers given my attorney-in-fact in this and other provisions
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