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,_ , <br />201108641 <br />Loan #015029�669 <br />Business Properties of Nebraska, L.L.C. <br />#0200407119 <br />Parcei I); Lnt 4 Biocl: 6Q, Originai Town, no�es� Citc� of Grand Isla�d„Hall Count3�. NE. Parcel Z j: T�and leased `fxom the <br />linion Pacific Railroad Compan�� being that tract of Iand E�znm N of and abuttine $loc�: 6Q Origina2 Town na'ev Citt> of <br />Grand Island, Hall Cpuntg, Nebraska, and having dimensions of 74', South co North, and 264', West to East containing <br />15,536 sg ft identified as former Lease Audit No. 011M.A-5465. ParceF 3 j: T.and ieased from the I7nion Pacific Railroad <br />Campan}= bezng that iract of Iand 1Fing 91' N o: Slock 60, �riginat Town, now� Cit�� of �rand Island Hail C�unt} , Nebrasku, <br />aad having dimensions of 4Q', South to North, and 2b4', W est to Easf containing 10,560 sq ft ident�ed as former Lesse Audit <br />No. 11;-73. <br />� <br />i <br />�+. <br />F <br />