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� ' . " _ .?.����,', ... r:(�'', <br /> \ _ <br /> a J <br /> �� �J'��Yv' .. . � .,. . ' .. ` .. � ' . .. <br /> ":wlA�'ilNi°�... . . :��'--•_ <br /> __ .----._ �._.._...��-� �--°---- --- --- �--"- •--- -� '---. _..... ---°.-.._ __ _ � <br /> ------ ---�--- -------.._._ .. . .. _ .._ <br /> . . _- <br /> _ • ,r . _ ,. ^ _ . , .. . . -.:.p.--:�_. <br /> . r. - .. .. . .. :'h`— <br /> ' .. C_ . . .. ..- . . ___'_ <br /> , , <br /> , '.. <br /> '� . , ;. . ,,., ...,i .'. . , .. . y. � �..„ ,�.. ;r+"j�y3t�. <br /> ,, .. ,...._., �r...� . , .. ..,. ----- <br /> ., --------.,..--- -.. ------- - - -.... .__._.._�.�.-----..�. <br /> ..__.. . .. . . .. .- ....__... ................ ._....._.....°---'----�— - -- <br /> ti <br /> �i' V I� ����a/ . . �� <br /> , , 17.'I'rnnyfer uP the 1'rn�xrty��r u lieneftcis�l Inter�t In Borrawer. If aU or any part of the Propeny or any tnterest�n tt <br /> i�tiald ur trnnsfcrr�•d (ur if'��hcncticiul intcrest in 8orrower is sold ur trunsferred and Bon�ower iti not a natural person) without = <br /> F l.cndcr'+ priur wriucn runycnt. IAnder muy, at iis option, require immediute payment in full of all sums sccured by this �, <br /> ticcuri�y Imtruntcnt. Ilnwcvcr, Ihi,opti��n shall not be exerciscd by Lcnder if excrcisc is prohibited by fecieral law us of the duta __ <br /> � uf thiti ticcurity histr�nncnl. � <br /> � II'IAndcr rxerrl�ch Ihiti uptian, l.ender shall give darrower notice of accelcrat ion. The notice shall provide a period of not _ <br /> • ` Ictis th�m �0 dny� frum �hc dnte thc ni�ticc is delivered or mailed within which Bortowcr must pay ull sums sccured by this _ <br /> � � "'�-� Sccurity In�lru►ncnt. (f Horrnwcr fidls to pay thcse sums prior to the ex�iration of this period, L.ender may invoke any reme�icr -- <br /> r� permittcd by thls ticcurity Insltumcnt withnut furthcr notice or demand on Borrower. �_. <br /> 18, Itorra�ser'!+ Rl�ht to RelntiU�te. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrawer shall ha�e the right to ha•�e � <br /> ` l cnfurcemcm uf� Ihi, Sccurily h�sq�ui�kou discantinued at uny timc prio�• to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as r- <br /> u �licuble liiw mn ti�ecif for reinst�tement) before sale of the Yro ert ursuant to an ower of sale contained in this �- <br /> P} Y •I Y P Y P Y P ��. <br /> � Securiry Instrumetu; �rr Ih)cntry uf u Judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those conditions are thnt Borrower: (a)pays �--:. <br /> - � Lender adl tiums whirh �hen wnuld he due undcr this Security Instrument and the Nate as if no acccleration had occurred; (b) _ <br /> cures uny dcfnuU of'iiny other covemint+ur iigrcenxnts; (c) pays all expenses incuneci in enf'orcing this Security Instrument. ��� <br /> " �' � including, but not limitcd tu, rcusonuhle nttorncys'fees; and(d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure �'= <br /> �; thut�{�c licn of thi�;Sccurity Instrument. I.�ndcr'�: rights in the Property and BoRawer's obligation to puy the sums secured by .�_ <br /> _ this Sccurity Instrwnent tihidl cuiftinuc u�ichi�ngeJ. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the - <br />_, obligutions secured hereby shnll renmin fully effective us if na acceleration h�d occuned.However, this right to reinstate shaU <br /> . not apply in thc cusc of ncccicrutiun uuJcr purn@raph I 7. � <br /> � Y9. Sitle ��f N�te; Chunue ot Iwmn ticrviccr. Thc Note or a paninl interest in the Note (together with this Security _, <br /> , .. Instrument)may be sold cme ar nu�re times without prior notice to Borrower. A snle muy result in a change in the entity(known � <br /> us the "l.�iun Servicer")thnt callecls tnucilhly payrnentti due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument. There also may be one — <br /> . , ,r,.�; or more chunges of thc I.oun Servicer unrcliucd ti� ii+ule of the Note.If there is a ct�ange of the Loan Servicer. Barrower will be � <br /> •� ���'; given written ni�tice of the chnnge in nrcurditnce with parugraph 14 above and applicable Imv. The notice will state the name and <br /> uddrers ot the ncw Iw�nn Scrviccr nnd thc uddretis tn which payments should be made. 'fhe notice will also contain any other __ <br />-`�.���ti:. ;.i ' infurmudon rcyuircci by upplla�blc Inw. <br /> ;,�,,.,• Z0. Hazardous tiubstunccw. Ilurruwer shul l n�t cnuse or permit the presence,use,disposal, storage, or relense af any <br /> - • HAZUrdouti Substnncc� on �,r in tlie Properiy. H�irrower shnll not do, nor ullow anyone else to do, anything affectins the <br /> `�.�.�'?�`:`' Prc�perty thnt is in violution��f uny C?nvirunmental Lww. The preceding twa sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or <br />-:.�-�����•�' storuge an thc Prc�perty of snmll qunntitics iif HuxnrJuus Substances that are generally recognizeci to be appropriate to normal <br />_'z,�,•,•,��' residentiul uses miJ to muintcnuncc of the Nru�crty, <br /> -��"��"•-' Anrmwcr �hull �rom�dy eivc I.c�idcr �vriucn noticc of uny imestieation,claim, demand, lawsuit or other uction bv any <br /> �=.asw�..w:w�.� <br />_�••�..;�r� govcrnmental or regulutory agency ur privnto party Invulving thc Properiy and any Hazardous Substance or Enviromnental Law <br /> _�":-' � c�f which Borcowcr hus nctuul knuwlcd�c, If'[lor�ower Ieurns, or is notified by any governmantal or regulatory authority, that <br /> - ��:��- uny remov�l ar c►ther remediiuion of uny Hniiirdne�s Subtitunce uffecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take <br />�,�:�� aU nccessury remcdiad uctfons in uccardc�ncc wiih linvironm�nud I.uw. <br /> -- — As used In this purugriiph 20, "H:uair�tous Substancca" urc those substances defined as toxic or ha-r�udous substances by <br /> ===a, _ __ Environmental l.,env und the following 111I15IIIIlI'LS: t-!i1SOIIIIC, kerosene, other flamniable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> --=�„� pesticidcs and hcrbiridcs,voltUllc solvcnts,rnntc�•i�d+cumuining uxbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matenals. As used in <br /> this parugraph 20, "E?nvironmentid I.uw" nunn.r• fnlcr�d luws und luws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br /> �'""�� rclutc to heidth,tiufety or envirunmentid prot�c�lu��, <br /> , --_---= IYON-UNI�ORM COVENANTS. Barruwcr and l.cndcr furthcr covcnant and agrce us follows: <br /> __—_— 21,Acceleratlon;Remedlcw,Iti�nder Nliwll �Ive nndce to Hormwer prlor to aaeleration following Borrower's breach <br />--— os any caven�nt or aRrcement In tltly ti�YUrlty Intitrument (but not prior to accelerat(on under paragraph 17 unless <br /> --_- applicable law provtde9 otherwl,el. '1'he notice hhull Npcelfys (u)the defuulh (b)the action required to cure the default; <br /> (c)u dute, not les.v than 30 ds�yR from the dAte I�C nntice Ix Rlven tu Borrower, by which the default must be cured;and <br /> ------_ _ (d)that failure to cure the deYnult on nr betnre the date e+pecl�icd in the notice may result in accelerntion of the sums <br />_ securecl by this Securtty Inssrument und�;ale�t Ihe 1'ry�perty. The nottce shall further inform Borrower of the rlght to <br /> — rclnstatc aftcr �cccicratfon aad thc rlpht ta hrinp u n►ur! uctlon to assert the non-existence of a defaalt or any other <br />�-- defense of Borrower to ecceleratlon �nd tiule. If the defwult Iti not cured on vr before the date spoclfied in ths notice, <br /> -- I.ender, at tts optlon, may r�ti�ulrc Imuu�dlWtc {wyntcnl 1�� full of all sums secural by this Secur[ty Instrument without <br /> —�-____ further demand xnd may Invokc thc puwer nY �xlc Hnd e��y nther remedle.s perniltted by epplicable law. I.ender shaU be <br /> -= endtled to colteci uq expensev inct�r�cd In pun�ulnp the rcnttvllcy pmvlded in thGs paragraph 21,Including,but not Itmited <br />-''='n'"`°"i, to,reasonable attorneys'fe�w and costy ot tlde evlde�xe. <br /> -- It thepo wer of sale Is InvokMl. 'fruyttt !�hall nror�l u iuUlee of default tn each county in which any paM of the <br /> -�, Property is lacatecl nnd Khell mall copfe�c►t huch nntice In the mnnner pr�cribed by npplicable law to Borrower nnd to <br /> --� the other persans pr�.�crlbcd by uppltrublc law. Aftcr the Il���c reyulred by npplicable Inw,Trustee shall give public nottce <br /> ="--= o!sale to thc personw und In the manner prc.v�rlhecl by uppUcuble I��w.Trustce,without demand on Borrower,shall sell <br />'"`"�' �'_e� the Property at publlc auctlou to Ihc hlghcw!biddcr ut the Untc antl pluce s�nd under the terms designated in the notice of <br />"____-°-�=Y"� sale in one or more pnrcels and In��ny nrder 7'rustee determin�w. 7'ru�tee muy postpone sale of all or any parcel of the - -- <br />_�-�,�,,,'�,� Property by publtc announccmcnt ut thc tlm� nntl pluec oP ut�y prevlously sc�eduled sale. Lender or its deslgnee may =- <br /> -�•,;t;:�;�� purchasc the Property pt nny sule. --- <br /> _ :.�^:x::�: ��'_. <br /> - �: <br />.— --v,kT,i�`,�: iF'� <br />_ .:r;;r�;ti Fo►m 3028 9/90 � <br /> .. ,. - rn�n o�J 7 �'r <br /> i.:'� ' i;"R <br /> } ' �l" <br /> Y. __.�. - ��,M. <br /> �. ..._.___a.:. . <br /> r.1i�� �, ..r-..,��rw.+.ti-- —'-'------'--.. .... .. . . ..... <br /> -�`'�,tn^`l'Fl.�..J't.'L_o...a" �e�W+lYr�w�*e►w.MM�M►wn�+a, _ . • �-e�Mil�tj�f <br /> ti . c� . . .. . . <br /> - , • - .. _ _. „ .?- <br /> - � ., . . .. - ., . .. n <br /> .. �� " : ' , . � -.!• . <br />_ , � „� ., - . ,. - .' :,,� ..'i�;��i::.:� �. . -� .. <br /> . . � i:t .. . . '�,.;1.�2!��'�t�y,' ..'�{' . .. <br />-. ' �.1 ., .. .. . . , • . ., : . . . . <br /> , � . <br />_ . <br /> , <br /> • � <br />