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<br /> a corporntion organiced and ezieting under and by virtue of the lawg of tho State of Nebraska
<br /> _°� in�onsideration o! One Hundred Forty Ei ght Thousand Seven Hundred and no/100-----(148p1�00a0s)
<br /> ��
<br /> received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey aud csonfirm uuto
<br /> GARRY E. MEYER and BEVERLY J, MEYER, Husband and W�fe
<br /> - I as joint tenante with ri�ht of survivorehip,and not as tenants in common,the follosvir_g described real property in
<br /> - Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> Unit Four (4), Oakwood Condominiums in the City of Grand island, Nall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> �' Tu ua�e snd ta :.•a:d the eb^YP �?PA�rihPd premisca toRether with all tenemente, hereditnmeata and appur- "
<br /> — tenancea thereto belonging unto the gruntees und to their asei�us, or to the heire and asaigns of the eurvivor oi
<br /> them forever.
<br /> A.nd grantor for ite1P ond ita succeasors does hereby covenant with the aruutees uud with their assigne�►nd
<br /> I �vith the heirs and asaigns of the eurvivor of them that grautoc te lu�vfully seised of said premises, that they are
<br /> free from enottmbrunce
<br /> excepting easement•s and restri ctions of record
<br /> that grantor has good right and la�vful outhority to convey the eame;siid that grantor warl�ants and «ill clefend
<br /> the title to said premises ngain�t the la�vful cluima of all person�whomsoaver.
<br /> It ie tho intentiou of all parties hereto thet in the event of tha desth of eieher of the grantees. the entire
<br /> fee simple title to the real estute shali vest in the surviviuR grantee.
<br /> It witnesa whereof, �rantor has 6ereunto caused its corporate seal to be nffiaed und these preaeuts�igne�
<br /> by its Preaident.
<br /> Dated � - a'7 199�]
<br /> ....P.ARK. Rp . PM�K NG:........
<br /> gy , ti ,,,, ... .Pre�ident
<br /> On thie.. �d!�:.da oi.... . +....19.g7...before me,
<br /> STATE OF......N.�b)"dS.kd........................•---............. a�• Y
<br /> .....................................................
<br /> ..................................}�. the undersigned, a Notary Public in �►d fc,r uaid County
<br /> personallycnme......�lAM�$..Q t...B4.T.N........................ ............................................................................................ President of
<br /> PARK GARDENS DEVELOPMEN I,.,,INC.............................................................................(a corporationl
<br /> ........................................................................__......_.........--
<br /> to me personally known to be the Pre�ident and the identical person whose name is affixed to the above convey-
<br /> ance, cmd acicnowledged the execution ihereof to be hia voluntary act and cleed as sueh ofEicer and the voluntary
<br /> _ :, I act and deed of said corporation and that tho CorFerate seal of the said corporation was thereto ccffixed by its
<br /> _ authority.
<br /> -== D ISLAND •
<br /> -- Witness m : '`'^..r.t—�^ at•••�RR�••••••••°•°••°••••••�srnd county the day and year last a ove wr tton.
<br /> --- .
<br /> -' CENfRAI NOTARY•Shl�ei Ne6nsM�
<br /> '�' ........................... I I
<br /> � LISA L.CRUMRINE .".. .. . .......... ..
<br /> '�'' I MI Oomel Etp.Match 27,tssa �� ...^.y. . �n Notary PubU.c.
<br /> 4sY
<br /> -_,_ I My Commission expires the...�G.. _dcy ot..r..i...�.�a.s.:-�.c......................................��.�........
<br /> -__ � II
<br /> ==`� RTATE OI�'.......... .............. . .... �I
<br />:___. �
<br /> .:.�• � ss.
<br /> ��.
<br /> '=� � County . ............ ............... .... I
<br />-�n� I Entered on numericnl indes ond filed for record in the Re�ister of Deeds Office of suid Couuty the
<br /> ^axr I� ............duy of... ............... ..., 19. .... at......,....o'clock nnd...........minuteA ....... .. ..l►S.,
<br />_ '��` �I I and recorded in Book..... ......... . .... .of..... .'.. .. ..........at pagc................. I I
<br /> �'•> �I . .................. .... .. . . ........ �i
<br /> _'" � . .. . ��Iteg.of Deeds
<br /> ���
<br />_ "�i+ By .................. ....... ..e...........Deputy
<br /> � - - - - - ----_--- - - _.
<br /> , -- -- - . ._.. . -�----- - ....___._-_..---._
<br /> __•._ --� - . __.�-- ��:._:.__._._ .._ _...- ----�--= ' '
<br /> _ . . .. _
<br /> �._,_.�.�:---- ." _ ------- - _ '
<br /> _Rev.8/8-_
<br />