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201108627 <br />Any amounts disbursed bq Lender under this Secrion 9 shall become addirional debt of Borrower secuxed by this <br />Security instrument. These aznounts shall bear interest at the Note rata from the date of disbursement and shal� be <br />payable, with such interest, upon notice from L�nder to Borrower requesting gayrnent. <br />If this Security Izxstnunent is ou a leasehold, Bonower shall camply with all the prnvisions of the lease. <br />Borrower shall not surrender the leasehald estate and interests herein conveyed or term inate or cancel ihe ground lease. <br />Borrower shall not, without the express written consent of Lender, alter or amend the ground lease. If Borrower <br />acquires fee title to the Properry, the ieasehold and the fee title shall rtot �rzerge uniess Lender agrees to the merger <br />in writing. <br />10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender zequired Mortgage Insstu�ance as a condirion of making the Laan, Borrower <br />sha11 pay the prerniuua,s required to rnaintain the Mortgage Ins�rance in effect. If, for any reason, the Mortgage <br />Tnsurance coverage requized by I.ender�ceases to be available fromthe mortgage insurer that previously provided such <br />insurance and Borrovver was required to make sepaxately designated payments toward the premiums for Mor[gage <br />Insivance, Bonrower shall pay the premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the Mortgage <br />Insurance pzeviously in effect, at a cost substantiaiiy equivalent to the cost to �orrower af the Mortgage Sn�surance <br />previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender. If substazztially equivalent Moztgage <br />Insurance coverage is not avaiiable, Borrower shall corninue ro pay to Lender the amount of the sepacately designazed <br />payments that were due when the insurazzce coverage ceased to be uz effect. I.ender will accept, use and reiain tk�ese <br />payments as a non-refundable loss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Tnsurance. Such ioss resezve shall be non-refunciable, <br />notwithstanding the fact that the Lflan is ultirnately paid in full, and I.ender shall nat be required to pay Borrower a�y <br />interest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer require loss reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance <br />coverage (in the amount and ior the period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer selected by Lender again <br />becomes ava�lable, is obtained, and T..ender requires separately designated payments toward rhe prezniums for <br />Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan and Borzower was <br />r�uired to make separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shali pay <br />the prerniums required to maintain Mortgage Insurance in effect, or to provi�de a non-refundable Ioss reserve, until <br />Lender's requirement for Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower and <br />Lender providing for such terminarion or until terminazion is zequzred by Applicabla Law. Nothing in this Section <br />10 affects Borrower's obligation to pay interest at the rate provided in the Note. <br />Mortgage Insurance reimburses I..ender (or any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it rnay incur <br />if Bozrower does not repay the Loan as agread. Borrower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. <br />Mortgage insurers evaluate their total risk on all such insurance in foxce fram time to, and may enter into <br />agreements wittt other pax that share or madify their risk, or reduce losses. These agreemer�ts are on tem�s and <br />condirions that are satisfaetory to the rnortgage insurer aud tb.e other party (or parties) to these agree�nents. T'hese <br />agreements may zequire the mortgage insurer to make paymenRS any source of funds that the mortgage insurer <br />may have avaifable (which ma.y include funds obtained from Mortgage Insurance premiums). <br />As a result of tIzese agre�rients, Lender, any purchaser of the Note, another insuxer, any reinsuzer, any other <br />entity, or any affzli.ate of any of the foregoing, may receive (dir�tly or indirecdy) anwunts that derive from (ar might <br />be chara.cterized as) a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchange foz shariug or modifying <br />the mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing Iosses. If such agrcement provides that an afr'itiate of Lender takes a share <br />of the znsures's risk in exchange for a share af the prexniums paid to the insurer, the arrangement is often termed <br />"captive reinsurance. " Further: <br />(a) Any sach agreements will not affect the �mounts that Borrower has agreecl to pap for Mortgage <br />Insurance, or any other terxns of the Loan. Snch agreements w[ll nat increase the amaunt Sorrower wiU owe <br />for Mortgage Insiu�ance, and they will not entitle Borrower to any refund. <br />(b) Any such agreeme�ts will not affect the rights Borrower has - if any - with respeet to the Mortgage , <br />Insurance under the Homeowners Pratection Act of 199$ or any other Iaw, These righfs may include the right <br />to rec�i�e certain disclosu�res, to request and obtain cancellation of the Mortgage Ynsurance, ta have the <br />Mortgage Tnsurance terminated automatical�y, and/or to receiwe a refund of any Mortgage Insurante premzums <br />that were unearned at the time of such canceUatlon or terpaination. <br />11. Assigxunent of Miscei[aneous Proceeds; ForfeitYrre. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to <br />azzd shall be paid to Lender. <br />If the Property is damagad, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair af tb.e Pzoperty, <br />if the restaration or repair is econoznuically feasible and T.ender's secuiity is not lessened. During sueh repair and <br />restoration period, I.snder shall have the right to hoId such Miscellaixeous Proceeds until Lender has had an <br />opporEUnity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided that <br />such inspection si�all be undertaken promptly. i.ender may gay for the repairs and restoration in a sinnle disbursement <br />or in a series of proa ess payments as the work is completed. Unless an agieement is made in writing or Applicable <br />Law requires interest to I�e paid on such Miscellanaous Proceeds, Lender shall not �e required to �ay Borz'ower any <br />interest oz on such Miscelianeaus Proceeds. Tf the restoration or repair is not ecanornucally feasible or <br />Lender's security would be lessened, the Miscellaz�eous Proceeds shail be applied to the stuns secured by this Security <br />Instnunent, whether or not tl�en due, w'rth the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall <br />be applied in the order provided for in Section 2. <br />In the event of a total taking, destruction, or loss in value of tlie Properry, tl�e Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be <br />applied to the surns secured by this Security Instnunent, vs�hether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid ro <br />Borrower. <br />In the event of a paitial taking, destrucrian, or loss in value of the Praperty in which ttre faix xz�'ket value of <br />the Property immediately before the par[ial taking, destruction, or loss in value is equat to or greater than the amount <br />NEBRASKA--Singfe Family--Fannie Mae/Ereddie Mac UNIFORM 1N5'fRUMENT - MERS p <br />Form 302$ 7/01 Page 6 of 71 www, <br />Nn'iM0. � :mt <br />