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�0��08��� <br />�.; <br />� <br />EXHIBI'� �rgir <br />"A'"trac`t of2Rttii"comprLsing i� ptirt�of flee Nortlie�ist�QuA"rter�(NEi14)"of Sec'tiozi Eia7it�(�3); Toi�v`ri`ship <br />Twelve (12} North, Range Nine (9) tiVest of the 6tli P.vI., in Hall Couniy, Nebraska, more par#icularly <br />described as follo�vs: � Beeinninb nt a point on the �vesteriy right of way line of U.S. Hiahway No. Z81, s�id <br />point beina Seven $undred Forty Seven and T�vo Tenths {747.2} feet satifh and Thirty Nine �nd Seventy <br />k'ive Hun.dredths (39.75) feet west of the northeast corner of said Section Eight (8); theace ►vesterly <br />paraIlel to the narth line of said Section Eiaht (8), s distanee of i3ne Thousand One Hundred Si�ty Six <br />and Two FIundredti�s (I,I66.02) •feet; Lhence deflectir►g left 91° ZS' nnd running sautherly, a distnnce oF <br />Five Hc�ndred Seventy'I`sva and Eiaht Tenths (572.8) feet; thence easterly paraliel to the north tina pf said <br />Section Eight (8), a distanee of (?ne Tl�ousand One Hundred Sixty ,Four and Thiriy Nine I3undredths <br />(1,164.39) ;feet to the �vesterIy ri�lit of �v�y line of s�id U.S. High�vap No. 281; ti�ence northerly telnna suid <br />hiah�v�y ri�t of �vay.line, a distance of Hundred Seventy T�va and Efght Teaths (572.8) feet to the <br />piace of beg9nniica EXCEPTING a certain tract Deeded to the State of Nebrasba more garticulariy <br />described in Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 93-104$90 <br />i, <br />'� , <br />�, <br />