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<br /> , . � ��' Lote Five (5) and TwelvO ,(12) in Gariand 1Place Addition to
<br />_;��� Che Ci�y ot Grand Ieland,. a�nd bainq a pert oP the
<br />�; , Northwast Qusrter ot tlio 8nuthaa��t Quartier NWi/48E1/4) ot
<br /> • � Ssation Twont -Tt►rne (Z3)� Townahip Eleven ii� North,
<br /> . �; Rdnge Te� (10�, Wast of �f►a 6�h P.I�. , Hall ounty,
<br /> � Nsbraeka, and suah tract baing at the Was��rn pr�sent . :
<br /> �; t�s�nainue o! S�eusa Road �nd aontainir�g npproximately '-'
<br /> ten (10) aares, more or leas. ��
<br /> ` A traat o! la�nd in the 8outh Hal! o! the southwest Quarter �
<br /> �3,� �.� � � S1 28W1 4) o! 8eation Twenty-One (21) , Township Eleven --
<br />__. '' . �11� Nor�, Range Ten (lo) , �Tsst ot thc bth P.H. , Hall =_
<br /> -'� � �� � County, Nebraska, and xora partiaularly desaribed r�s =_-
<br />�`����":'.� lallowa: Comat�ncing at the Southwast corner o! eaid �
<br />''� . � section 21, and rur�ning thence eaet along and upon the � �:;:.
<br />-�`:-w-��•-� south line of snid Section 21 !or a digtance o! atine
<br /> '"`�`�''�' Hundred Fort E!. ht Feet 948') to the oint o! be inning
<br /> Y g ( P 9� 1 l�`:�-
<br />-��,:�� , runninq thence North and parallel to the West line o! said _
<br />_.• �:«� � � Section 21, a d�.stance o! Two Hundred Feet (200'); running 4-__
<br />',_:r=�,;.:. thenca lEast and parallel to tha 8outh line ot eaid Section �
<br /> ��.��,�;� Z1 for a distanae o! Oae Hundred Filty�Five Feet �iS5•); ��'
<br />'�` �,.,... ; thenae runnin south and paralisl to ths West line o! sa�d �
<br />�:���:��: Section 21 a �ietanae oP Two Hundred Feet (2a0�) �o the -
<br />=-`_�-�`:= .�.- Sotxth line t�f said Seation 21 s �nd runnlna thanna wr�at --
<br />-�;�T,�,:�� Alonq and upon the eouth line�oP said 8sa�ion 21 a��
<br />-�^_�;,:�,,,�,' distance o! One Hundred Fitty-Five Feet (155' � to �he
<br /> --. `�":;,• point of beginning.
<br /> _-=y�i�h
<br />---==: South Half of the Southwest Quarter (si/2sW1/4) Af Section
<br /> ---'��� 7Cwenty-One (21) in Township Eleven (ii) North, Ra�qe Ten
<br />��'� (10) Wea� ot the 6th P.M., Hall Caunty Nnbraska exceptinq
<br /> - -°-� �hereirom a tract o! land more partiau�arly dee�cribed in
<br /> --_-— Joint Tenancy 6�larranty Deed recorded as Document No.
<br /> -----��-�- 79-006408.
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