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<br /> Borrowsr� (whe�her one or more) understand that the docwnent ''.,�.;;.�=.r�
<br /> ' that the Borrowers are about to exeaute is a Deed of Trust and . `� -
<br /> a mort aga and that the power oP sale rovided for in the ����`�
<br /> �� eed of �rust provides subs�antially di�ferent rfqhte and ��--� y
<br /> obligatiana to tha barrac•rara than a mortgaqQ in the event of a ' :=
<br /> � default or breach of obliga�ion under �he Deed of Trust, `-:�:___.
<br /> including, but limited to, the Lender's z�i�ght to have the ==��
<br /> �roperty sold b�he Trustee without any judicial procaeding. _"�°��
<br /> orrowers xepresent and warrant execution of the T�eed of Trust. ;,.�'
<br /> . � �� p. � � �� � �-
<br /> :,: ����� � . � og . 8 �� ������
<br /> �' r�,,'.KS� .�F
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<br /> PI"xcFiael � e : I4�.
<br /> . �, ::, -
<br /> _ _-,:.t �Horrower�� ._.;`
<br /> ,
<br /> �,�
<br /> t{ �!l.
<br /> �� QEED OF TRUST _
<br /> �
<br /> '' THIS AEED OF TRUST ia made as of the 27th day of February, �
<br /> 1997 by and among the TRU3TOR8 MiCHAEL L. WiECK AND ROSWiTHA P. ` � -
<br /> . WIECK, husband and wife, and Y�ICHAEL F. WIECK, a single person, �?` 'I�-
<br /> whose mailinq addrese ie 5766 W. StolleY Park Road, Alda << ' �
<br /> Nebreska 68830, (herein "Borrowers") the TRUSTEE GRAND ISLAN{1 _
<br /> TRIIST & FINANCIAL SERVICE3 INC., whose mailing ad�dress ia 14'1 .,__ �-
<br /> • NORTH WEBB ROAD GRAND ISLAND NE 68802 (heYein "Trustee" �
<br /> and the BENBFICfARY GRAND IS�,AND TRUST EOMP7�NY whose mailing' ,���"`�
<br /> address ie 1451 NOA�i'H WEBB ROAD, GRAND ISLAND, �1EBRASKA, 68803 �
<br /> � (herein '�Lsnder°) .
<br /> , : E'=
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSaDERATION, inaluding tha 3ndebtednesa �`-
<br /> . identiPied herein areated, the reaeipt of which is hereby �;°�
<br /> . aaknowledged, Borrowers hereby irrevocably grants, transfers,
<br /> conveys and aseigns to Trustee, IN TRUST, WTTH POWER OF 5ALE, for ���_:__���
<br /> the benefit and security of Lender, under and subject to the �==-- `
<br /> . terms and conditions hereinafter set for�h� the real property �-
<br />- desaribed as follows: d=
<br /> ,.�•
<br />:�_:;._.K. : �_,_-�-�:-
<br />-- ' THIS R�FERENCE. - - ----
<br /> . ''� Toqethar with all bui].dings, improvements, fixtures •"�� ` r�'�±'
<br /> streets, alleys, passaqeways, easementa, rightB, priviloges, anc� ��: ,,_.
<br /> appurtenaneee located -thereon or in anyway pertaining �chereto, ;:•..��
<br /> and the rents iaeues and '"'� • '
<br /> , proPits, reversions and remainders �;��
<br /> thereof, and auah ereonal roper�y that is attached to the �••�..,,,�r ;�, •��
<br /> improvements ao as �o cona�i�u�e a f ixture includin but not ' ':�� �'��.'�'° �
<br /> limited to, heating and cooling equipment; and toqether� with the �' �� " �"
<br /> homestead or marital intere�t, 3f any, which interests are hereby �" ' � ��
<br /> released ar�d waived; all of which, including replacements and , ..
<br /> z�dditions thereto, is hereby declared to be a part of the real - --' '�'
<br /> estate seaured by the lien of �his Deed of Truat ar�d all the •
<br /> foregoing being referred to herein as► the "Property".
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