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��'� <br /> __��[_ ' ' _ _ ._ _""/._.._. "_ _-"_. -._ __ _..�_._�___-' <br /> .. _. . . .... . . .. . ...... _ .. ..._ _ _ _.. .-._...._-..,. .__.... ...__ � <br /> .�•�'IYi�•".' . .. .'�„•- I� . .< <br /> • �. •F4l{�I�!fi� .. . . . , '• y�`� . . , � __,_-_ <br /> . ... .. . - �i...M,Ai_�,�--_� <br /> .. .. . .. .. - �.....`��lt}.�-.; <br /> ��-�r'/5��-� . . <br /> Additional Peovisions <br /> . ••��" I Debta Warcents�nd Covenante: (11 'hat except for tha security Interest granted hereby Debtor Is,or to tha extent thet thla egreement . <br /> w atates that the Col laterel le to be ecquired atter the dete hereof,wlll be,the owner of theCollotarel�roe trum any edverse Ilen�seCUrity <br /> - Interest or encumbranco; and thot Debtor will defend the Collaterel egeinst ell claims and demends of all persons at any time claiming �� <br /> the seme or any interest therein. (2) Thet�o financing atatement covering the Collataral or uny prococdc thoroof is on fllo In any publ ic <br /> �� offlce�Ml3hdt�tth+reque8t of Secured'ParC�. Debtor wiil joln with Securod Parry in executing one or more tinancing statemente purau• . � ��; <br /> ant to he Nefira�ke Unifortn Commercial Code in fortn sotlsfactory te Secured Party and will pey the �ost of flling such financing state- ;-,: - s��_="' <br /> ment.this securiry agreement and any continuatlon or terminotlon statement, in aII pubiic oftices wherever filing is deemed by Secured '+�' <br /> Porty to be necessary or desirable; end if the Collateral Is nttached 4o real estato prlor to the perfection of the security Interest granted ; �d-��4 <br /> hereby or If the Col teterel includes crops or ol I,gas or minerals to be extracted or timber to be cut.Debtor wii I,�n demand ot Secured '-`�a- <br /> ' � Party,furnish Secured Parry with a disclatmer or disclalmers or aubordinntion ngreement slgned by all persons hav(np en interest fn the =_—_ <br /> real estete. disclefming or su6ordlnating any interest in the Collaterai which is prior to the interes4 of 5ecured Party. (3)Not to sel I, �,:�•��'_ <br /> transfer or dlspose of the Collatersl, nor take tha same or ettempt ta take the same from the county where kept as above stated. without , :�;- <br /> the prlor writtenco�sent of the Secured Perty. (4) To pay all taxes and assessments of every nature which may be tevied or asses&ed <br /> �%• ' against the Colleteral. (b) Not to pertnit or altow any edverse Ilen,security interest or encunbrance whetsoever upon the Collateral,and °_ <br /> � not to pertnitthesame to be attached or replevined.(B) That the Collateral is in good condition, and that he will at his own expense, , .. •�•, <br /> , keep the seme ingood conditfon and from time to time, forthwith,replace and repalr ati such parts of the Collateral as mey be broken. ��:;�h;4,��—, <br /> " worn out or demeged wiU�out nllowing any Iien to be created upon the Collateral on account of such replacement or repelrs, a��d thet the _, �: <br /> Secured Porty mey exomine end inspect the Colleteral at any time,wherever located. (7)That he wlll at his own expense keep the Col- �'����`-� <br /> � teteral Insured In a compeny sati6factory to Secured Party against Ioss, as appropriate, by theft,collision, iire and eMended coverage, <br /> .;�-��_ <br /> ` .:'_n��:. <br /> with loss payable to Secured Party as (ts intereat may appear, and wlll on demand deliver SAid policies of insurence or turnish proof of <br /> ��.v= <br /> �� such insurance to SeCUrod Party. (81 At ks option Secured Perty may procure such insurance,dfscharge taxes, IfenB or security interests �%S� <br /> or oYher encumbmnces at any time levied or placed on tho Col lateral and may pay for the repair of any damage or injury to or tor the ���— <br /> �� � r ' preservation andmaintenance of the Colleteret.Debtor agrees to relmburse Secured Party on demand for any payment or expense Incurred — <br /> �.- by Secured Partv aursuent to the foropoinp euthorizatlon.Untl l such reimbursement,the emount of eny such payment,with Intereet at the � �'� <br /> `— <br /> rate of 16.0�% per ennum from dete of payment until retmbursement,shall be added to the indebtednesf owed by Debtorend thall ��. <br /> be secured by lhis egreoment.(9)That he will not use the Collateral In v(oletion of any appiicable stetute,regulatfon orordinance and if <br /> any of the Collateral is motor vehicles the seme will not be rented,used In rental service nor in eny speed or endurence contest.110) — <br /> • Debtorwill paySecured Partyanyend ail costs and expenses incurred In recovering possession of theCollateralend incurredinenforcfng .� <br /> � this security agreement,and tho same shall be secured by this security agreement. "``� <br /> ci <br />-a Until DstaultDebtor may heve possession of the Collateral and use It in any !�wful manner not Inconsfstent wlth this epreement and not = <br /> _ inconsistentwith6nypolicy of insurence theroan, arsd upon dafault Secured Party sheil have the immedlete rightto the possesslon ot �= <br /> � _,....._,.� tho Collataral. �-` <br />�`�,�r: ., — <br />- � Ocbtor Shall Re In Default under this ngreement upon the heppeniny of eny of the following events or condlNons: I11 defeult in the pey- __ <br /> ' � ment or perfarmance of any oblipetlon,covenent or Ilability contained or referred tq herein or in any note evidencing tha same:12)anV = <br /> =':�r:.�;'� �� warrenty. ropresentatlon or statement made or furnished to Secured Party by or on behelf of Debtor proves to hav9 been falsb in eny ma• g„�„- <br /> ' - - - teriel respect when made or furnished; 131 eny event which results in the eccalerntion of the maturity of the Indebtedness� ot Debtor to �� <br /> '��'�^ ;� offie►s under any indentura,agreement or undertaking; 14) Ioss,theft,daroege, destructfon sale or encumbrance to or of eny of the Col- _� <br /> =J��� Ieterai,or the meking ot ony levy,seizure or attachment thereof or thereon;(61 doeth,dissolution,tertnfnatlon of existence, Insolvency, t- <br /> `��,'�"'�h buslness fallure,appoinUnent of a receiver of any part of the property of, assipnment for the beneftt of creditora by,ar the commenca- <br /> - " `' ment of eny proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or againat Oebtor or any guarantor or surery fw Debtor. �'�- <br /> _�:;t.,_•r•.: --- <br /> ���'�Y�'�.. Upon 8uch D�fault and at any time thereafter.or if it deems itself Insecure, Secured Party may declere all Obligetfons secured hereby e-�_- <br /> - �1'+'�?": immedtatety due end payable end shalt have the remedies of a sacured party under the Nebraske Uniform Camnercial Code. Secured _- <br /> �--r,;?.....,, v=---.: <br /> "_._; r:.4 Party mey requiro Debtor to essemblo the Culiateral ond deliver or make it available to Secured Party ot a placo to be dostgnetod by --- <br />_ -• .a,��•�-�•� Secured Party which Is reasonpbly wnveniant to both partfes. Untess the Cotleteral l8 perishable or threa4ens to decifne speedlly in <br /> �'�'•""�'i�r value or fs of a rype cuatomarlly sold on a recognizad merket. Securod Party wiil give Dobtor reasonable notice of the time end pleca of �,_-� <br /> r�a+ +^'Y' <br /> ,„���'�;, '_; any public seie thereof or of the time after which any private sale or any other intended disposition thereoi is to be made. ihe require� <br /> =•_.:_r�•� ments of reeso�abla notice shall be met it such notice is mallad,poatage prepald, to the address of Debtor shown et the beginning of <br /> .� '•t'� , thla ngretmient at leest flve days before the time of the sale or disposition. <br /> No walvor by Secured Party of any dafault shall operata as a waiver of ony other def[3ult or of the same dofault on e future occnslon. --.�. <br /> • The taking of thle security agreement sheil not waive or fmpair any other securiq�snfd Secured Party mny have or hereofteracquire for �� _ <br /> the pAymen•of tM ebove indobtedneas,nor shall the taking o} any such additfonal securlty woive or impalr this security ngreement; • - - _ <br /> but said Se�:ured Porty moy resort to any security it may heve in the order it may deem proper, and notwfthstanding any colleteral secu• j0�'�?`�'.. <br /> " ' rity. Secured Parry sholl rotafn hs rights of sotoff apainst Debtor. -'""`-�---- <br /> , ��.�: -- <br /> -'�:n.,.z_ <br /> � All rights of Searad Pnrty hereunder shall Inure to the benefit of ite succe3sors and essl ns; and all promises and duties of Debtor • T="" <br /> g '..r Y?iN"- <br /> 3h811 binu +�Is helrs,er.acutors or adminisuntors or his or its succossors or ussigns. If there be more than one Dobtor,thctir I labilitit3a '•-xr"� <br /> :.'..r_-. <br /> hereunder shnl t bo jolnt and sevoraL �'�' <br /> >�: <br /> __ rw,e e,.-----.�hnl�• atfwrtiva whwn it Is sianed bv Dobtor. •' <br /> �,,.. <br /> .. - <br /> �,_- _- ...... ..n._�...�.--°-•-----°- - - - ' - <br /> � I .. .. . ., -' ,� �e.' <br /> �' . - .. ' • . ... . . . . ._ . � . _ . . ' <br /> � <br /> , . <br /> . .. . - _�...�i_ ._ -. . <br />