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<br /> ��t��. ������a���;����u���y eo�a����x w��
<br /> appo�ra}vrl�st�ii aot be w�asan�bty wit6held. if B�mwYr.Fiits w nwinsa�n wverase desciibed above.l.ender naay,u
<br /> Le�der?s optiaa,n6t�in coveragc W protec�i.tnder3 rights in dx Ptopercy in aant�inoo with pc+ragrap6 Z �- �'
<br /> - ACF insur�nce pc►Gcies�nd t�wats shali be aoceptabte m l�endar�d sha[I iriclude a st�ndsrd martgagc� E.e�de�
<br /> _ sd�li have We iigHt to twld th�policies and tet�ew�ais. If irader cequirea..Bom�sv►er shall P�P�EY S�ta l.endei alt teceip(s =
<br /> oi pais!prcmiu�aa,�reuewal aotices. In the eveot of los.gorrower shatl give p�ornpt notiae to the insnr�e catrier a�xt.
<br /> � -�- �Y. �f`RYd}'�C�Df O��SS!f!3�t!l3Lk'Q�OR�f2j�'�ll��41Y�OWC[.. . --
<br /> --:�=-= - � -
<br /> -.-
<br /> .�
<br /> Unkss i.enda aid Bomuwer othemise agtce in writing.iitsuranc�pooe�ds shall be applied to nstaatiun ar c�epait aE -
<br /> �_=° - ._.-- . �,w�,a,,,.,,,,.,;ao.��..t :f rt�e rrcroratiQn oc_[erair:s euuM�niqlt�fe�t�ie�nd tender's secunty is dot fessen�..i€tbt - _-
<br /> --- --- ----
<br /> ` . testaah'a or repair Ls�an�c:�ly feasibie or Lsnder's secu�ty uouid be iessened.the u�curaace p�s sLalt be---_ : _--_ _
<br /> _.:a- ��to tha sums secu�d by tbis Sa�rity insnumen�wl�her or nat t5en dne.with any excess paid to Borrower. if
<br /> ���;' ` Borrowtr abandons the Prope�ty.or does not answer�rithin 30 days a notice from Lender that tlie insur�ce car[iet 6as
<br /> '�,` � offetwd�o seWe,�eLvm,tl�en Lender may coUec[the:ia�uaz�ce p�occeds. f.ender may use tbe proceeds m.r.ehair oc asio�+�
<br />:,;�:.: .,.. �' tfi� or m pay sums secsitr�6y t�is.Sec�uit�Iisstrim�erit:whetherornof.�i due. The 3U�day perind ivlU be�tis wtiea
<br /> p
<br /> �t-: ',:;.. 8te�givett. � : •._ -�� ;..,..
<br />�::� U�i.et�det arnd:Harrower othec�vise ugree irt�si6ng,an�appficadon.af proceeds tn princlpal shat!u�.�re?�:i�;;,,:_',.�:;:.„�;
<br /> �, ,,.f�, �,;.- . postpmne tix�due dal�o�d�e maathlY paxn�ettts tefened to ia qara���t and 2 a� tGe auoa�uic o�tFr�"• • 1� :. ;:
<br /> ,., � r ::,r . iS . �P�,F.t.�R�CI'.;Bl14iDW�C'S• 'sld�ri�-�n-S���S'��t ���iR. ' �.
<br />,. �.,,�, pndEtparag2tptt 2[the Y[oP�Y �. '�'� r �� '�
<br /> �y ~� F�'r i"`�� r r �f�t'Q3�ta�"�;�t;,O,�d)G'rP(OpC[Lj�pll�t�[d 1�2 E'ja1j37C.'�EOLt�s�ld��pr7SS��4'�e T 3�Q'18t�.��k�,i�t e,S1�idaa 5£L�ti��3►�t 2�{9 5 5�.916iijn.;.
<br />.t ; ��is�ryji�. t z�r%�;"�"k�?�!°`��•�QGL��G_��diSililt�:' :., �. .;::'„'':,,..: ' r . ' � . l, a
<br /> % .�,lirJ�i�`�'�;fh'�' ., �l'.Q�I�CF•�.S'�6'i'A��'.�iII9']5���� ��•��1'P;.�l'�t� �'QY1FY13'����X1.�.'�jL��lillt .
<br /> '.,�� �r� '�t ,��s.f��i�:. -�;, •, �ds::��aaawc�slia�,n�cu�p;,:es4ab�afi3,tise the��tY�si�urno�i+zrs pmnslpa�r���unttnn succ�'da�s;�s':�_;;':
<br /> ; -�r&,���j� �`��;�`;`��,,, '.�`:>, ; ti�ie�ex¢cuiicfi�;o�� '� Insmu��erit;aad�sl�13'criri�iiis�',�aiv�:u�!��iPe?¢Ys���ro;��ss�a1;?c�e.ac�fitr:at��,
<br /> •y+ ' k4.7+'S/3� J..a - � .�.f��'..
<br /> �, .,�,�s,tt t, •�" :le�t ons y�r a�t� ti�e:d�ta•of acc� `�I� �,��?�ae��es.�'a�i�'a:8ucbr�r,�s�iat."s1�#�:;�.,�e-,
<br /> i �t }itpai�ck. i.et��.
<br /> , :{��'��;�i.¢• t�in�e�afi�y'witl�elde',ayi:iiciie:;s`eicteilu�tic�.�i.'.E`i..�sia�o�exists�2uc1`ear��cs�d-�+?�sare�seanfiox�&w.'ri��s�ia�:i�t�. .`
<br /> '��- i�s�y.dam�.crs,�."aipau�tfi�e�!ii,per��,aT�a�pie�io deceriorate.or eouicnie�vwe.'su oa the Ptopeiey. �$a�pver sbaf!
<br /> A '������r�,'v�' j ;ti�ui-dsfauit�f•any forf'eiar�actioii at gzaobex�mg.wfiirhei civii or cdminal,is begun that in Leuders good faith�.lud8ment
<br />;:,°�� v°'^t'ar - �r�r�• ed by this Security Insuurtleflt ot
<br /> •.,.s: ����,�f�.��:;:�; . +:,� -'••ccwld result in forfeitum of the Property or oU�eni��ise inateriatly impair the lien creat
<br /> c
<br />%``.`,:A �`, � ::. '�, '''•= •:�:�,: Lender�s security interest. Bor�ower may cure such a default and reiostate.as provided ia paragraph 18.by cat�ing the actiw► _
<br /> ,,,.. ;•,:..: , . _
<br /> :�d.`;�:::-;.�;.�;:.:_:�r;:' or peaceedu�g to be dismisced with a iuling that,in�ders gaod taith determination,prectudes forfeitur�of tha 8orrower� _ -"-�__
<br /> p aceed'u g
<br /> � �, � interest in tlx Propeity or other mater+al impairtnent of the lien cneated by thi.s Security 1�umimct��or Lrnder�s securiry �f��,t,,,:
<br /> 4f.,;,� .} , .; . iakrzs� Bomnwer shall atso bo in default it Borrower. during tt�c laan application prucas. gave materialt� fatse a -
<br /> - :�:= - inaocurau Wocmariars ar statements to l.ender tor failed tQ pmvide I.ende�with any materiat information)in ra►nectian with !--� -
<br /> �. --_
<br /> • � � �`" `� [he fav�evidettced by the Nae. inrtuding. but ttat limited to. re�esetrtatiflns concerning B�xrawer+ occupat�cy of the =- _
<br /> , , " � Propert}uc a pri�scipat Fc.r•idcrtcc. If Ihig Security Imttument i.r•on a Icasetwtd.Borrower tihall comply with al�the pcovisiottm .� ,�:-.
<br /> . , �� • � _ _ of the ka�e. If Bartawer acquire�fee titic to tfte Ptapetty.the Icaschnld and tfic fee titie�hali twt mergc unlesz Lender ag�ce� ��'�
<br /> �-*
<br /> � ta the merger in v�mting. � �--
<br />- � � ?. Pnakcttoa at[.endar•s Rt�its ie t6e Proputy. if Boanwer fail.to perfortn the covenanta and agraments -,��'•;•• , ;��
<br />- ,._ contaiae�l in thi�Security laurumenti ur ttiere ic�le�al praeeding that may sigmficantly affect LenQer+righG+s in the -T:?:��«;::��•�
<br />- - �.1... . Ptopc;ty(such�a p:oc�4iaa':��.sn.keupt�.p!!+�ate,f�r cwndecnnatinn c►r fo�feiture ar to eafone ta�s or regutation4).then _t�'i:�.:':;=-=�_•;.-`=�::-
<br /> y;;.;.;s`.:;., ,_. .. .
<br /> , . . Lender may do and pay far wfiatever is necescary ta protect the value c,f Ihe Property sirid l.endet�rights in the Ptuperty. . '�'. ��;_
<br /> I.ender�actions may�nclude paying any sumc secured by a Ihn which has priority over this Security Instrumen�appearing �" °`•� �.
<br /> � . : in courl.paying rea.wnable attomeys'fees and entering an the Propeay to malce repairs.Althougt�Lender may take action � �•
<br /> . under this paragraDh 7.Lender does r�ot have to do w. � - •= ;
<br /> . ,. Ar►y amaunts di�sbvtsed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional de6t of Boaawer secured by this
<br /> • S e e u ri t y 1 r�c t n a a e n l. U n t e s s Bo r row e r and L,endec a g r�e to other terms of pa y men�eheye amauntti sha(1 bear inte�t from the _:�;
<br /> '��:y:�'s`:.- ' date of disbursem:nt aE t6s 1�Tote rate and�hall bc payable,with interest.upon not�c.e from L.ender to Bomav4er requestfng �` •
<br /> '�:;:
<br /> y�. t;'�)A xt:,•: • pay�rte°.nG' � � . . � ': r_ r.ir..;:'�:
<br /> , ��f,�s.,;l.;;�;' ;8".:''1�'inrd$�e�� li l.ertdet mquired mox��e insurance as a cont�2��of muking.ihe loan scta�l;I�)?,p��� `;•�;.���::
<br /> y 5 .,nr,.�ta} . , :� ..: � `.ii' �'. �� . �II- � . 1
<br /> ' / 'rttf;�'�.:,f '•;t��::.f. '. � rrow:r shail the remiu.'�.� nired to maintain thr rir� "in> >ue iii�cl3"i�::� �i:'ti�r:�^�?•,� i:�. �` ' %!° r , , I`r
<br /> �f;. ��r�i�,J���' ,.-.� ,.,,;{�',.'y_. . . '�S�rt�rity�lii,ticntrr�en���;tr. PaY P �n�I . �L� �ta� , ��r,t,I'F �� f<!,f
<br />� , ii i t;{ i E::' ,� �.�- !C'd50IS.thr,.i7ia'rt a e i�urance coYera e.re uired bv D�zrtder ta C5 qt C@3.ic'i�IJ'IOr U1.,Ci�li:1"•�)J??�'�.'.T'S'� G� 4�12. ei�...., .z,4t yf r t', <<hLt'.
<br /> ,r f,, ;•�,,.�;,,,�: •�:�FC,��r.+ - 88 F 8 Pti � �'F� �;,-��,�c • ?+,,�`;�•.��J,rsE -,:
<br /> ,. :�1,��.� � ,"' •�, , .�. ,_ . �. premiumk r.equired to,obiz"sn cover�.° sub�tantialtc ��yu"svalenf to 6he rnortgag: ;��ura�?c.� yc.s.��:; �s�ect.-aS a C,osC. .. � ; i ���.x{ ,rt,
<br /> �,, ►`�,• ) . � .::��substanti�S�y�eyuivalent in the canl to Barrowes c�:tne ms�t�uge imurance preb�xc,wy n.e�tfia.��.���aa�fserrs��oitgaga ,Y :
<br /> , ���i;{��'h':, %t�siis��x pmved b 1.�t#e�: !f cubstantialt e ui���F�cn mort a °incurance covcr� i�aoia�����ble.Borruwez�It a w > �•
<br />�1 ., '` r,;,�?�.�.. . . . . F�.. Y . Y u S S• p Y ., t `•.
<br /> ��;,,', l���t��°,�,, ,� . : : �:'�eni�s`�tcA in�is��S�s str�ieqiral to,one-tweltth ot i:`�s.ycart�`ma�.�a�::i�swsu�.e�r�;maaus bera�paid by Bori�a�rer when t�r .�, :.�y` ,.
<br /> ;,1; s�: � � � -oatsttr�ae'cn,vqta,�ta.p�'i3 a1'cpseA roln;inefferl. 2.end�r���t•i ac�Cep�:u4�and retaia there pa}ihent�as n lass reserva in isev.;� ` ` .:
<br /> ` .�:� ' �
<br />� �s�} , � ' ' oi�nar�gage insutan;e: �.oss rrserve p'a��ments m�y no t,.ry:��es�e rzguircd.at thc op�ion af Lender.if mangage insu�art�e �• ' ,
<br /> s:r, :;t�t�;;'i:.�... ., �" P� �?;. F� ' Y, PP Y S '. '
<br /> ,. t�.1 FS covera s'(in'thx amwudt��for the rrod�hat Lertder t�. ��) . �ndtd b an in�urer a raveJ b Lender a ain becomes : :�,,y •
<br />--'��:: ��• ;f��r• avaitab7t andis ohL�it[�i1;8vxowet shali pay the premiu^sb r�ytmec�.tomainta�n murtgage in.urancc in effect.or to provide a�'. .
<br /> . '� c !"�.:; .� , .. . g�.; , • .
<br /> � ,ti;���,j:, . � las4 resCru�vnte!the reqtiiremenE for mongag�in:u��e end�it�.accnrdance with any«ritten agreement betH•een Borrowei �,.i;
<br /> r�`, �r'�, •,�: and l.en�r or appticabte law. . • ,. `i`,', '.
<br /> x�.,....' ;-;. .
<br /> "��. ' � 9 Iraspection. Lender or ily agent may make rex�+na61e ent�iec upon and inspecti�n:at the Prope�y. Leadar shr�i� '+�� ;?;s.��
<br /> . ' give Bmrower notice at the time of vr prior to an in�pectian�perifging ressonablc rause far thr in�pecii��n. �,� ,
<br /> ;_ . 10. Coademnation. The praceJ+��t any�ward ur claim far dama�e�,dia�t ar cnnreyarntial.in cunnectian with any �.
<br /> tiinekfamit..,f'aenie�lat,'t�aQdie�lacl':�il�'(lfi�ll�tiltlUNF.11i•�UnitarmCovcrt.fnh y90 lpu�;e+r�h���U �• ,
<br /> : G.a11x�r Ruuntre P:ro+.bt■ �
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