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<br /> � � ' g�-. �U���c�
<br /> � ' � Upon rcceipt of p�ymont of tho prico bid, Trus4ee ehol! delivee to the purch�sar Pruetce s dcod
<br /> ,. ; canvoyiag the Peoperty. Tho recit�la ia the Truetee'e dccd shall bo prim�fscio ovide�nce of the truth of tha
<br /> J*�� st�tementa mado theroin. "frusteo eh�ll apply tlto proceody of Eho s�lo dn tho tollowin�order: (�)to all caste
<br /> snd expenses of exerciein� tho power of s�lo, �nd tho sdo, includia� the paymont oi the '1'ruAteo'a tces
<br /> `"'°"'�� actu�lly incurred.not to exceed �p�� 9b af the principal�mount of tho nato�t the timo of
<br /> �� the decl�ration of default,and re�soa�blo attorneys' fees ae permittad by I�w;(In)to�11 sums secured by thie �,
<br /> Security Instrumeat;and(c)any oxcese to the person or poroone leg�lly�ntitlod to it. _:
<br /> 22. Reconveyanco. Upan payment of all sums cxured by this Security Ynat�ument,l.ander ehall request'Truatee =
<br /> , to reconvey tha Praporty and ahall surrender thie Security Ynetrument and all notes avidencin�dobt secured by thie _
<br /> Security Inetrument to Tcuatee.Truatca ehall reconvey tha Property without wattanty and cvithout charg�to the person _
<br /> or petsone legally entitled to it.Such person or porsona shaQ pay eny recordetivn coste. —
<br /> � 23. SubstituEo Truateo. L,ender, at its option,may from time to time remove Truatee nnd appoint a successor
<br /> �' '� � :'•. trwte�to any Trustee ap�ointed hereundar by an inetrument recorded in the c�unty in which thia Security Inetrument ia �
<br /> v recorded. Without conveyanca of the Property, the successor trustee ehall succeed tn all tha title, power and dutic.w F:
<br /> � confened upon"Prustea herein end by applicabla law. E'.
<br /> . . 24. Req�xcet for Notices. Borrower requests that copies oi tho noticea af default and eala ba sent to IIorrower's �-
<br /> address which ie tha Property Address. -
<br /> � 25. Riders to this 3ecurity Inatrument. If ona or more ridere arB execuud by Bonower end recordecl together t`'
<br /> with thie Security Inetrument,tha covenante snd agreemants o[each such rider shall be incorporated into and ehall
<br /> amand and supplement tha covenante and s�rxmente of tlus Security Inetrument ae iY the rider(s) were a part of thie �+�'
<br /> Security Instrument.[Check applicabla box(es)] �
<br /> :' Adjustable Rate Rider Condonninium Rider 1 4 Family Ridar -
<br /> , �Gcaduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> ..:�.. ::: ; ���u"o�al�n P�I�v� F.ste Imgrov�ZZ2£.nt Rl�w2' ,_,_,C�.nn�i N�n�A Ri�rr
<br /> �VA Rider �Other(s) [specifyl
<br />;�'.;�;y,::'_i,�'
<br /> :.'.:�':�;.:a,:c.
<br /> - �°-' ; BY SIOIVING BELOW, Borrower accepte and agrees to the terme and covenante cantained i2� thie Stcurity
<br />-:��..�
<br /> ;4<-�,+v. :.. Instrument and in any rider(sy axecuted by Bonower and recorded with it.
<br /> - :°,�;,.{ . � Witnesses:
<br />_� ��.,�,s, a; X (Seal)
<br />_-�';�'
<br />;,;;,+�.,';�"� H �L -Horrower
<br />-- .;��,fi
<br /> --,• �._.�.=s:.
<br /> -- —_ -- _=. \/ � (Sesl)
<br /> _.._ �;� 1. �,r.�I�,���. ��x.
<br /> -w-i y=-�� -�kPI�A }�fG -Born�wer
<br /> ��' w':;� (Seal) l�l
<br /> -- ��-�.;,� — _
<br /> �• -Borrower -Borrowet
<br /> _a_ �� T��
<br /> :t��
<br /> ��f
<br /> 5TATE OF NEBRASKA, County ss:�y
<br /> =--"'"""'"'� Tha foregoing instrument wae acknowledged before me thie � day of �; , lggq ,
<br /> - ���r�±�_ by LID B��� � !l HEa�]Z. Ii(�i�AI�ID fdIFE '
<br /> -.-:��°�;- Witness my hand and notan��at Q�� Ig,r,� in ssiid County,the data aforesaid.
<br /> ,,rw. ,
<br /> ..',; . :.�.��1 My Commission Expires; �'/��Z•/111� �:� _ =
<br /> �,' Noterp Publio "
<br /> . - . � �
<br /> . i
<br /> , , , w -
<br /> __ .��� ¢ _
<br /> �-BR(NElros�uo� nn.e or e farm 3025 9/90 �
<br /> „ � i
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