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<br /> . ._ . . . . . � Y�.
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<br /> .� '_ cr�LV'J��' . � . '� •. ' ._
<br /> � . t .�.,..._�� - . _ .
<br /> - ' ' ".!��' .J.:" . � . . . . _ -.� � ..
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<br /> _ ' . � - � . . . . . - .- _ - =.� :�,2-.. 1a8339
<br /> - ' .�pliiticts j��L�eodei toquires. 'it�incursmce carrier pcuv�ng thc ihsuiac�ee shai!be et�useat�y&irrowu subject ta LendGr§ � -
<br /> , . sippmval whic�s[�aU na 6a u�awb�iy with6etd. If BoRawrr faiL�cv maiamii%coverage desc[ibed utwve.Lender may.at
<br /> _ " � Leudct�option,obtain wverage to protect L�t�der�s rig6ts in tiio Pwpe�ty in ac��orcLvK.�c wyth p�raph 7. „ �
<br /> Piil insumttoe poticiss and rr�ewaLs st�t!ba aoceptable to Lcnder and stuti im4uik a stand�t3 martgage clause. l.a�der .
<br /> sdalt Mvt tlx right to hold the policies aad t�enewals. If Lender tequires.Bnnowe�shal!Prwi►PtIY give ta I.etWer all reeeiptc
<br /> - ' of p�id pnri�iva�s and reaewa!aotices. tn the event of taxc.Be�now•er shalt gic�Qcompt tweice to the insuranue catrier and - -_---
<br /> Ijrnder. !eoder�nay make praof of Ioss if rK►t n�adr P�1�Y bY Kosrower. - —
<br /> -.�.,.� -_ = :iSniess t.e�ier and Bwm��r s�uz�gcc�e�veritin���re�ctc�!!be�rgtia!to�e+terati�e��e¢aern€ _ _ ---
<br /> � .. --- � _�- ged,-if-tieeirah�r��-t��is��-r�c�h.t���d ten.tzrc_a�ti�y_ic nnt Iccs,eneci: if t6e � ----- •-.
<br /> • Y ��; restoratiort ot irpair is not ecanomicaity feasibie ot txnder's s�ity wau[d 6e te�sened.the iasucance pna�ts sdal!6e ���o.- _
<br /> -p" `�•�� appliod to tt�e''sums seaured by Wu Socwity'�iumunen�whetl�or not then due.with any excess paid to.Botmu�er_ If E� , � �
<br /> • 1:i`� � =�'"w go�owa abandons the pnoperty.or does not�nsa�witbin 3d dayrs a notice from l.efider that the insuranc�c cartier has * �'`i
<br /> �-�t+ria- x
<br /> .s;�+r:e.?:, �.: offeied to settk a claim.then Lender may cotlec[the insviadee p[oceeds. Lender may use the pra�eeds ta cepair or t+estore t' �'��:=:
<br /> . °' �, - th�Ptoperty or to pay sums secuc�d by t6is Security instnut�u.whether ar nat thea due. The 3(�-day pena!wilE 6egin ur6ert .., ,t: .. ,.. f�•,�r -_
<br /> ; the«atic�is given. � • � , ; �'`'`�Y
<br /> � � Unless L�fec and Barowet otherwi.�e agree 3n wrioiug,ana appf�c�tiott of proceeds to principaG��eatmat�E , - y`,"�r.,,
<br /> . ;«��� ".� `` poscpone�he due date of the momi�ty paymenPs trfeaod f��ie►pr.�ae�-r£�.�t:aad 2 or change the an�wiutt`pf tf�e�e}nQeu�:'il� �r . ,o
<br />� :, ,s r�f,��� ,���s� c: iuder parag�apA 21 the PmpeFig is acqu6�e��g:.d�c�:Bnm��:�.'cc�eC ta any ienurance policces�a�tfl lsrv�'e�t+�T1i� . _ `� �.����t�����__
<br /> � .�_� from damage to t A e Propece��piiac io t h e xq"u"rsition s�.�.c��E�f c r r t i,t h e e x t e n t o f t b e s u m s s i.�n.���i y�{�S c a��ss?i y :�!� u���C
<br /> - a"��`-{yt�3> ��. IIIStpOtL .� ... '��•.�, � ;. ., .�.,' . � .. -.! �,� " � f����� ,--ry
<br /> � ' ti�,i� �� . Inson�ent�y���t :� _ Qruperl,v. �cri�iu�er's Lawn A��n: ;�I ` ; � _
<br /> z• ` ,f x <<., Mainteoance and'�'�t �f� 1 r � }
<br /> �S ��' - ., ``�,�,� ,r,,.�� :'>,°`"< I.e�ebofdg. 8onnv�ec�a�.esta6lish.and use tt�:��.k'��-�;�+����'s _griuer�i33r�idence within sixty d�s'aftet ',r ���.� _-
<br /> , t�'.�-.�k.L T ,,fr.g.R�r , :;t� y��. ,;;:,. �Bct:2��wers rirtc i tesidence forat . .��,f,��-,'G
<br /> �� � ; the executian af rtiis'S�ea. �ment and shall cantincr��u� ?�.���fie�'io�essg• p � _
<br /> 4 r`s� ���t.�i>`•�fi` �� ` <� least aig year•�;H�t;tt�:.`;:dT�H�t�i'�;occupancy. unfess l.e��c;a�Le�s'+�'�;��g�.-��?�?::v'�1.�, which consent u all�n.u€,�t be� , � � .
<br /> f . f� ��.,� y � t. • �, r �,...'r' �" i�l?e�y74�:s cantroi. B tro er. _
<br /> � = �,, n .�; � ua[rasanably wiifitteP�or�,k�•ezstenuating cinvmstac�e��t�+� ,'4. ��t��€. ' _
<br /> � �,=:�'� ' �" � � �ay,damage or impa�r t�a�ett allow�he '�?T���soraie.or�,�i;ib;,..�`�the Propetty. Bomau�er3"r�ll ' " _ -
<br /> , � ,�. ��.; Y• �rt?'''`W ;t
<br /> � � F � .°�,� (r�,ut default if ang forfeitute:�or proceeding,whetlti�a�;��bs cremidal,is Gegua;�s3�r�l E.enderti gaod faith�il�maU �1 =js
<br /> �:�
<br />' �'�;%� � ��'i•r��� '�� � cautd resutt in forfeitum of t�i't"�roperty or otherwise ir��.iyr impair xhe;lien cr�aria'by this Security Ia�-d-�:�a or ,t, .= •�
<br /> t S�
<br /> ':� ' -`�`''. . - Lender's security inte�es� Bortawec may cure such a defau(t aad�ein�tate:�,s.provided in paragrapb 18.iiy causing���on ;; ,
<br />- �. �yi _. _ �. L���x_;:�..i :.- w, .
<br /> f ;, . arproceMing to be dismissed with a ruling that.in I.ender's goad f�itH d�eamination.pre'cludes forfeit�sre at.the Ba�;'�� .�,�,`•
<br /> ,;. , � interest in the Prope�ty or ather material impairtnent af the lie�ereated'6y this Secunty inyuument or I.e:tdecs s^a�criry �
<br /> � = . '� inte�e.st. Batrower shall.aisa,;b"t in defauit if Bomnwer.:�.nusg the laan application procecs, gave materia�ll:�.rh� or K_
<br /> � , , imeccurate info�mation ar�Ct��r�u to Lender tor failed to�i�e�.ender wi�h any materi�l infaanation3 in ccmnectian with ; �,� a i;
<br /> �r E. ' • -'��� the loan evidect��1�,�?:��.��'�e�'mcluding. i�at not limite;�`•70: repreL�eE,:"ians caeceming Barm��er���ccupaney of the
<br /> ` '�� ' • . ' .� '��'�"�`; pmperty as a priora�::�a�:r�t��: if shis�eeti��3nstrument iy on s te��„�aa��+�.Sarrower shall com�ty iivi�a0 the provlsions ` �•;�;:.
<br /> �f{y= � . - ' oFtbe tear-ee. If l�re+�r::,��i i�n��.v fee titTe�fa�i�fr�openy.the lea+eho2d�+'ai�iLe fee title aball not rr���.�[etic Lender agme� • -.��-
<br /> . tothei:nergeri*a�.T3�rr;_ .: ' , ; . :.,:. _::, .,,•., �; ,... ;,r,#j,
<br /> , � T PeotesEi.i,y��Q,�r*s�iights in tGe Praperty. lf Borrowee�:�::il.ti to perfu�m�. t-�',';a�ceaant�+and agreements ,�^'`"{� �t.-
<br /> , v, • �,.�;:a•:• ' coniained in this'��r.�r`s.w 7nsyriiment. or thece is a legal Qroceeding th�s,;nay sigttifirari�ty aff:ct Lei�ders righ�y in the aa}�<
<br /> . . -: T�-� � Propeny tsuch���a:�.�F�g in bankruptcy.probate.for condemnatianc���urferture or taenforre Iatvs_.or regulations�.Yhen , _ =�r,
<br /> - . Lender may do�a�ay for whatever i+necr.�:+ry to prutect tfie value of#6�I'roperty and Lendetti.rights in the Propeny. .
<br /> ,: �• �' ' Lender's actions mF�include paying any aum..ecured by a lienµhich h:►:::g»ority aver thi�Security in+tnimen�appearing •
<br /> ; in coun.payirtg rea�nabte attomeys'fec,und enterin�on thc Property m make rcpairs.Alihough Lender may take actiun • _
<br /> ` under this paragraph 7,l.endec doeti nat havr to do tio. , _ .
<br /> # ' � ��� � Any amount�ditibursed by Lender undcr ihi+paragr.�ph 7 rhall becomc additianal Jcb�of Bnnnwer,ecured by thi. .
<br /> - ' Security lasmtsnen� ilnlc�ti Burmw•cr and Lender agree to ather term+of��:men�these amount�shalt brar intere.t fram the , '� �-
<br /> / •` ;��'•� I . . date af disburseni�t.":�the I�tote rate and�hall be pa}able,with imen�t,��?n nutice fram Lender tu�ormwcr requetiting • -�. , '�-7�
<br /> 4�` ,. ' PaYmenG " .". . '. . _ . '
<br /> �:�'; ; '. ''•'�
<br />.;�,; ,.;� y;;_•-.. _ • � _.... . ,.�, ..� ,� ��y�_iIff Lendc�mquired muctgage ia•t�:r;;r�::�::��ec�ndition of making i+5�$e�re..rerurect by �hiti ''':. , <-
<br /> :, . �+�. . -
<br /> . Sei�i�?i���nsuug�s��.'�"v:,-ii����r�:G;��the pr�nniumti rrv�u'ic�a'i��rrairi:;»�^the mortga�:e intiurance i����L��ct. 1f,tar.any �• �.,H
<br /> ,;,.,'
<br /> • . '� �nc., �'.n�.:�v:�g�:;i�tiG:`�.i��°�saR:::�:auired hy l.�n�'°'}ap:��:r�:;::a�eti iu hc in eficct. R,�i�is;,.;:er,,t�dF �nas the ; 3_'-
<br /> .`� ;:' � • � �r:�i�;,�s c��w�a,f��ry�bruin c��ti•�ruge ���;�;n.m�ally CIjL'::•J�;r�.t�� is:.u�:�r�«_C Iq�UPi11CC previnr:vy.;�,effect. at a cmt -
<br /> _ �, t � , SJ,Cav:cia.��;�:E�;�2r.^F�?�;to thc crnt t�>l3orra�,-�r:;i thc rr:in^as�.•i•-:•�a.r;iRt4��srevi��u�ly�in effect.fro�s��`:ematc m��rtgagc 's, .
<br /> . � .. [�,�,r�t.;�rr.n��.s,�s:�iif�C;cnder. If subtitaniialty��cs�r'a,4'.em�,ca F;a::�e,»;:��r��cerage i�nui availabJC..�e��cc��cer+haD pay to :
<br /> . ``;':�:%':�,� . � €�iia�t�:;t�.tr3,��±um etju:�1 ta unr-twcika nf the J��i��:+r+:rage in�urdnce pnmiun�e:�cing�raid'by Surrua•er ahen the li ,:;.�'t,,': ,
<br /> • � �.,,, '. -•. '.'.
<br /> . ''�;t.l�4".,�i'�',:r�;.'� in.�a."�re.e:v�S,�o:s�:tp+ed or e�;f:y..�eo t+e in efice�. IAnc7:F��';.�i accepi.u,e and re�ain th��yment.a.a finr�e�en�e in lieu i. :;�y;�,V>i:.�,;�:;;,;„ ..
<br /> :�� �:>'',i•;;r�I��t4 r�F r ���F-�:�:..i;Lxcr�~'ce. Lcr.�i}��e payment.r n�ay nw Sisn=cr tk rcyuirrd.at thc optwtce::f l.cndcr.if murtgagc i�::urancr �� t��:,.
<br /> �f „, �<,;� � . . ' '' � ;,;,,�;ES�.•�:�r��:a::+�Gns an�t far thc per�ad�.�at l.endrr re�yuirr.�prucidv�h�•an in.urrr.r�praced b�•�.e1ul�v again t+�cume� { f�`,'F'�
<br /> ;,; �`�'M1'�;;'4:s`;~�;<,�,.. . '`: ��::.�Ysi'�;r ass��..��:�ed.Bnrrnwcr+ha11 rxj�iy�:"pr.rmium.rrNuir�d to,nw.�r�;:�in mun�aFc in,ur.inc_c�e�ecL ur ta prm�idc a - ` ,,,;.'.'=���' .
<br /> c, . `J�� . :j' • • ' � " �, ti.:.�.�tti111:ni'arTp. � , . � � h'c;
<br /> �1 �t<� � � , ' fis2±5�Si^�'C:WT.13F�E�b:rcyuirc�ncm fur murt�.��i..uransc:��_ IA ilCCfa�"1�'+'" y :'1;:_�L'C53Pr� �/CtVYCCt1 BpffUtYef � y
<br /> �"! �°�^+�{',;�{��},� � . .�� � c'Efl���l:F;i�+:SOf'a��'�t`�AhiC�i1N. ' . -: �. , , • ' .: �z�.• � . . � Ji(7:..�', � .
<br /> , . , m��:�a0.�Um. l.endrr or it+agcnt ma}•m:�kc r�a� *}�� r, , �
<br /> '.� ai,,_.i",,:e:;ri.:,s:�.�� :unl ir�e�,:�_��i�.�i�:6;:isnperty. l.cnder.h�dl
<br /> , '" �f � - � � ` , ,€'d"i'��::�T�'�:i.'Cf�,a+:ixs�attfietimc��farpriartuanin,�xcts:.�R��ir::s�i::�!vilv�l:y.3."i_,l•"!;:'ivih`�7�hC':;�:.�iJlfr,1. �
<br /> �'� ;��'N�.�;a�rr�r�.�tiun. Thc procec�t.of:�ny:avarc!t:cv��.:-r!:�r'll:;az•','��� � i �r ��t+.+);���i ki+�..;tnncction u ith:tny • . �
<br /> ', . - sm�l�Faw�ty• �anoir'��:�E��'iz�i:TSfdcG,'�f6¢t[2c.ti1!@�al&'i"�'+fl�'b�F-,�Ytr �7s.t � rs.:�'.1i4Y! �p�i:e•t,q�,�a�.��� � `,.
<br /> ' , • � � `� ::r�f�:aeti`id�t�rirma.In� � , i �����. ��I
<br /> . - . .. .t . . '��,. 'r.:��r:t^!�.-.U:iitV+�';iR•YfT.t.i41\�iClb?�1-��tl .�1•`.,ift,..
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