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.. . � , .s��,�� .. <br /> . �..�• <br /> �• <br /> � ..... ._ _ . . i;.__------- ._ <br /> ..—"----'--. , '.—t.—.�- -- <br /> 1 � =- <br /> i APPL# 301-70110014 <br /> � e. <br /> � � ' g�- 9�����'7 � <br /> .� <br /> iV.A.GUAHAN'I'CI:D LOAN AND ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDEId ' � `-- <br /> ; NOTICE: T�-�IS I�OAN IS NOT ASSUMABLE WITHOUT _ <br /> � THE A,PPR�VAI. OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS � <br /> �� , AF�/�IR� ��3 I'I'� AUTHORI�ED �G�I�T. � ., - <br /> � THIS V,A. UUARAN'1"E;I:p I.QAN AND ASSUMP7TON POLICY RIDER is madc this 3RD day of .� <br /> { MAACH � 3 997 ,�d is incorparated into end shall be decmcd to amend and supplement the ,. <br /> ' Morigngo, Dccci of'I'n�wt e�t Deec1 ta Secure Debt (herein"Security Insuumcnt") datcd of even date hercwith, <br /> given by U►u undcrxlgnccl(hcrcin"Rorrowcr")to securc Boaowcr's Notr,w �' <br /> HUM� FEDFRAI, SAVIN(iS & LOAN <br /> (hercin "I.endcr") , - <br /> and covering tho Property descrifxd in the Securiry Insirument and locn�ed at <br /> 510 SOUTH VINE � �"'� <br /> aRl►ND IBLANTJ, NEBRASI(A 68801 <br /> (P�operty Addreu) <br /> V.A. CiUARAN'I'BBD LOAN COVENANT: In addiuon to the covenanis and agrcements madc in ihc Security "' �,�==_ <br /> Instrument.Barrowcr and Lcndcr furthcr c�vcnnnt and agrca as follows: ' `'.• - <br /> If the indebtedness secured hcrcby lw guaruntecd or insurcd under Title 38, United States Codc, such Titic and '� <br /> Rcguledons issued thereundcr and in effoct on the dnte hcrcof shall govern the rights, dudes and liabilides of ���'�—. <br /> 8orrower and L.ender. Any provisians oP tho Security Instrument or ather inswments executed in connecuon with " T :;_ <br /> seid indcbtedness which are inconsistent with said Tido or ResulaGons, including,but not limited to.the provision •�-''s <br /> Cor payment of any �um in sunnecdon wi�h prepayment of the secured indebtedness and the provisinn that the • '���"'�"�' � <br /> Lcnder ma}�acceleratc payment nf�ho hecurecf indebtedness pussuant to Covenant 17 of the Sccunty Instrument,arc ;� . <br /> hereby amcnded or negatcd ta U�e cxtent necessnry to conform such insvumenGs to snid TiUc or Regulauons. �. , �='�� <br /> �� LATE CHARGE:At l..cndcr's c�ptian,Darrowcr will pny a"latc chazgc"not cxccecling four per centum(4%)of .;'�� <br /> iha ovcrdue paymcnt whcn pald mare Qitut fiftcen (15) dnys aftcr the duc date thcrcof to cover the cxtra expense - __ <br /> involvcd in hendling dclinqucnt�Aymcn4v,but such "Intcs ch�rgc" shalt not bc payablc out of thc pracecds of any �t <br /> } sula made to isaUsfy the indebtedness secured hereby, unle.vs such proceeds are sufficient to discharge Ihe entire "` <br /> - indebtetiness and a3i proper cost�unci oxpenscs sccuraf ncrcuy. �—� <br /> �:- — <br /> C3UARAN7'Y: Should thc Dcp�rUnent of Vctcrans Affaire fnil or refuse W issuc its guaranty in fuq amount wi�hin ���: <br /> 60 days from Iho datc that this lonn would n�rmnlly bccomc cligiblc tor such guaranty commiucd upon by the r — <br /> Deparuncnt of Veterans AifairA undcr tha pravisi�ns at TiQa 38 of Ihc U.S. Code "Vcterans BeneCits," thc � Y�— <br /> � M�rtgegee may declare tha indebteelness heret�y sccu�d at once due and payable and may foreclose immediately or <br /> , . may exercisa any other right�hcrcundcr or tuko any oUicr proper acuon as by law provided. _ <br /> TRANSFER OP THB PROPERTY: If a!I nr nny pnrt c�f lhc Property or any intcresl in it is sold or vansfcrrcd,this � -r <br /> " loan may be deelared immedintely duo nnd pnynblo upc�n U�efer ("o.ssumpuon")of the property securing such � ,+,,, <br /> loan to any transferec ("acsumer"), unless tlio ncceptabiliry of Ihe assumpu�n and aansfer of this loan is �' <br /> ' cslablishcd by tha Dcparuncnt of Vcternns Affalr9 or iGV autharixal agent pursuent to Secaon 3714 of Chapter 37, _ <br /> � Titic 38,United Smtcs Ccxlc. — — <br /> • '. � An authodzed trnnsfer("assumption")of tho prapeny snall also be subject to additional covena;i�s end agreements _ <br /> as sct forth bclow: - <br /> �•�� - <br /> � (a)ASSUMPTION FUNDINa FS(?;A fec cquxl la uno-hulf nf 1 percent(.SOR'o)of the unpaid balance of this �ti __ <br /> loan es of Iho detc of uanstcr of thc property s1iNl ho pnyablo at the time of uansfer ro the mortgagce or its .Y;_.�._._ <br /> . . , ��' �II�I�Q/I7P/I A�ent;e.a tntstr_p frtr►he!fk�p 11H(y11!Bt OI�VI!(P{Htiy/�I�FHII(1, if�h�eccnmrr fails tn nay fhia feE�et Lhe dme of --__•�-w _ _ <br /> �� } uenafer,tha fca shell consdwtc un uctdldonnl dcbt to 1�at�lrcnd sccurcrl b this inswmerit,shall bear interest at the ` a�" " <br /> � ratc hcrein provided, and, nt thc opUon of thc mnrtgn o0 ofiho indct;tedncss hcreby secured or any vansfcrec . �����'� <br /> $ t•;1�?�°_ <br /> � `. thereof,shall be immcdiutcl duo And pnyablo.'1'his fca �a eut�muliwlly waivcd if ihe assumer is exempt under the `����,,... <br /> :.�:,�. _�4,. <br /> provisions of 38 U.S.C. 372 (c). �- <br /> . s-, ,,t,,,,,�,,. <br /> (b) ASSLfMPTION PRO(:ESS1NCi CNAItoG� U n a IfcaAon for n roval to allow assum don and -�����;:.� <br /> . P� PP PP P, , �'... :' �;: <br /> .. ' transfer oi'�1 Ts loan,u process ng fec may bc clinr�e�by tho mortgagce or its authorized agent for determmmg the . '�;�;,,�� <br /> crcditworlhiness of Ih� ossumcr nnd eubscyucnUy ravising d�o holder's ownership rccords when an approvcd , � � � ;+, <br /> transfcr ia complcted. Tho emoum of U�ia chargo shull nat excacct lho Icsscr of �hc maximum cstahlishcd by the ' ' •'. ' � <br /> . L�cparunent of Veterans Affulrs far n lonn a� which Se�;tion 3714 of Chnptcr 37, TiUc 38. United Statcs Codc <br /> , applies or nny maaimum prescribed by upplicablo Stnto luw, _ <br /> (c)ASSUMPTION INDEMNI7'Y LIA81l11TV:If ttds c�l�ligntion is nvsumcci,lhcn thc assumcn c�rcby agrces <br /> to assumc el of thc obligauons of tha vctcran undcr thc tcrrny of tho instrumcnt�crcuqng und sccuring thc loan, • <br /> , including the obligauon of Iha veteran to indemnify lfic Ikpi►rlmenl nf VeterAns A(fairs to Qie extcnt of n►iy claim <br /> payment srising from the gunrnnty or insurance c�f ti'o Indeb�edttess crented by Qds instrumenG <br /> � IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Bonowcr(s)hu.9 cxecutuf Uils V.A.Uuiunnlccd l�mn und Assumpuon Policy Ridcr. <br /> _ ... -.- - � � � - _ <br /> __ _ .. - 1 ✓� /' __ _—. . -----• <br /> � <br /> � (3ARY L Ax b •Burruwer •Borrowar <br /> � - <br /> ' <br /> •Durtowct � v •Bottawcr , <br /> V.A.OUARANTEEO LOAN ANO <br /> A88UMPTION POL,ICV RIDER I ! <br /> �VMP h10tITnAUE FORMB•(800�E21•120 t8r9+ I IIIIIII IIIIII III IIIIII IIII IIII I�II <br /> .� <br /> . i .. <br /> ; � <br />