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<br /> 'Procoods")In connocqon with condemnatlon or pthor taking of the Proporty or part thereal,a tor conveyance In Iieu of condemnetlon. , -_
<br /> Londor sholl bo onlltlod at Its optlon ta commonco,oppear In ond prosocut�In Its own nerno a ny action or procoodings,and shall also `
<br /> be entltiod to mako any compromise or sottlemont In connection with such taking or damago.ln lheall suchn roceeds�f after�doductlng � "?
<br /> so taknn or demegod, Londer shell havo the option in Its sole and absolute discretlon, toappy P �-
<br /> therefrom ali coats and oxponses Incurr�id by It In connoctlon with such Proceeds,upon anyindebtedness secured hereby and in such ;
<br /> order ri3 Londer may dotermina,or to apply all such Procoeds,after such doductlons,to therestoratlon�f the Property upon such con•
<br /> ditlona as Londer may determine.Any eppllcetlon of Proceeds to Indebtddness shvli not ezlend or postpone the due date of any pay- ,
<br /> ' ments under the Note,or curo any de(ault thoreunder or heruunder.Any unapplled fun�s shall be paid to Trostor. -
<br /> 8. Pe�formanco by Lender.Upon the occurrence of en Event oi Default he�eundor,or it any act is takon�r legal proceo�inp
<br /> commenced which materlally eHects Lender's Interest in the Property,Lender mey In its owndiscretion,but without abligatfon to do ao,
<br /> end without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without roloasing Trustor from any obligalion,do eny act whlch Trustor hes agreed
<br /> � - but fellod to do and may also do any other act it doems necessary to protect the secuoty hereoi.Trustor shall, immedlatoly upon -
<br /> • demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lende��all costs and expenses Incurred end sums expanded by Lender In connectlon with tho oxer-
<br /> clse by Lender of the foregoing rights,together wlth Interest thereon at the deteult rate provided In the Note,whlch shall be added to
<br /> the indebtedness secured hereby.Lander shell not Incur any Ileblllty because of enything it mey do or omit to do hereundor.
<br /> 9. Hazardous Matertata.Trustor shell keep the Property In compllance with elt appliceble laws, ordinances and regulations _
<br /> relating to Industrial hyglene or environmental protectlon(collectively refeired to hereln as'Environmentel Laws").Trustor shall keep . �,..1_y..._
<br /> the Property iree irom all substances deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmentel Laws(collectively referred to hereln ;�:.�,�,:�;_,
<br /> as"Hazerdous Materials").Trustor hereby warrents r�nd represente ta Lender that thore are no Hazerdous Materlals on or undar the , �_��•� �
<br /> � . Property.Trustor hereby agrees to Indemnify and hold harmless Lender,Its directors,officers, employees and agents,end any succas- � "�,.,���,,,,,
<br /> sors to Lender's Interes4,irom end agalnst any end ail clalms,damepes,loases and Ilabili�es adsing in cannection with the presence. �:.��k�__�-
<br /> t� use,disposel or transport of any Hazardoua Metetlals on,under,from or about the Property. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND . __
<br /> . ,,
<br /> , f RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. ���=-��-- _
<br /> � 10.Asaignment oi Rente.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and granto Lender e sacurity Interest in,eil present,future and -
<br /> after arising rents,Issues and proBts of the Properiy: provided that Trustor shall,until the accurrence of an Event of Default,heraunder, . s��v:
<br /> � � have the right ro col{ect and retaln such rents,issues and profits as they become due and payable. Upon the occurrence of an Event of -
<br /> • qefault, Lender may,either in pArson or by agent,with or wlthout bringing any action or proceeding,or by a receiver eppointed by a ���•.:;Q.e,.,-
<br /> � , '� ' cc�urt and wllhout regard to the adequecy of Its security,enter upon and take possossion o(Ihe Property,or any pert thereof,in its own �f� '
<br /> l' � name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any acts which It deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, marketability or �:'�c ti��
<br /> ,� � rentablifty of the Property,or any pert thereof or interest thereln,or to increase t he Income I h e r e tr o m o r p ro t e c t t h e o e c u r i ty hereof and, �;,r-��,
<br /> �'• with or without teking possession of the Properly,�ue for or othervuise coliect the rents,issues and proflts thereof,Including those past ,
<br /> . due and unpaid,by notitying tenents to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents,Issues and proflts,less wsts and expens- �
<br /> �, es of operatlon and collection Including attorney's fees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,ell In such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> _ —. ;;lzc,?Fe�nles:r.g u�^n and teF?n� �+nccwscion of the Property.the collection of such rents,Issues and proflts, and the appllcation
<br /> ; thereof as aforesaid shalt not cure or waive any defeult or notice oi defeult hereunder or invalidate any act done►n response to suc� _
<br /> �� default or pursuant to such notice of defauit and, notwithstanding the continuance In possess(on of the property or the collection, °
<br /> t. recelpt and applicatlon of rents,Issues or proflts,Trustee and Lender ahall be entitled to ezercise every right provided for In any oi the ; '"
<br /> . Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event of Dofault,including wlthout Iimitetion tho right to exercisd the power of eale. �;' �f
<br /> � e�edies under any etssignmenteofi leas s arnd rents rew ded algainst thefProperty. Lend�,TNSteeea dithe�ecelvee sha 1 beg able to �
<br /> accaunt only for those rents actually received. � � -
<br /> 11.Events of Default.The following shell constitute an Event of Defeult under this Deed of Trust: i '
<br /> (a)Failure to pay any Installment of principal or interest or any other sum secured h ereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach of or default under any provtslon contained in the Note,this Deed alTrust, any ot the Loan Instruments,ar eny
<br /> %� other Ifsn or encumbrance upon the I�roperty; —
<br /> . . � (c)A writ of execution or attachment or any similar process shall be entered agetnst Trustor which shall become e Ilen on �,:.�-
<br /> .� the Property or any porGon thereof or Interest therein;
<br />- -- _ . (d)There shall be filed by or agelnst T►ustor or Borrower an acUon under any presenl or future federal,stete or other statute,
<br /> � . -* ` lew or reguletion relating to bankruptcy,Insoivency or other relief for debtors;or there shall be appolnted any truatee,recelver or __
<br /> • ' Iiquidator ot Trustor or Borrower or of ell or eny part of the Property,or the rents,issues or proflts thereof,or Truetor or Bottower
<br />� . shaii make any general assignment for the benefit of creditors;
<br /> ��a : (e}The sate, transier,lease, asslgnment, canveyence or further encumbrance ot ell or any paR of or any interest in the __ _ _ _
<br /> • ��' � Property,�(ther voluntaHly or Invotuntarily,w(thout tho express v�ritten wnsent of Lender,provided that Trustor shali be pem'iit- `��
<br /> t'�'� � � ted to execute a tease of the Property thet does not conteln an opUon to purchase end the tertn of which does not.exceed one
<br />-- year, -
<br /> ��.... (�Abandonment of the Property;or =
<br />��Y • (g) If Trustor Is not an Indivldual,the Issuance,sale,transfAr,assignment,comeyance or encumbrence of more then(if e _ � ,_
<br /> � corporat(on)e total of percent of Its issued and outstanding stock, ar(ff e partnership)a total of Po�- a��.�
<br />-� : cent of partnerehip Interests,or(if a Ilmlted Ilabllity company)e total of percent of the Iimiled Ilabllity compa- ��„��,_
<br /> �� �� :` ny interosts or voting�ights dudng the perlod thls Ueed of Trust remains a ilen on the property. �r. '
<br />- 12.Remedles;Acceleration Upon Deizult.In the event ot any Event oi Default Lender may,without nottce except as required ;:,�, ,,; t�
<br /> _ 4 .� by law,declare ali Indebtedness secured hereby to be due end payable and the same shall thoreupon becomo duo and payable with- -:��Y ;;�t •.�: .""
<br /> + out any presentment,demand,pratest or notice of any kind.Thereefter Lender may: �°•.�' ` �`"i.�
<br /> "i (a)Demand that Trustee exercise the POWFR OF SALE grented herein,end Truslee shall thereafter cause Trustor's inter- ,,,r;,-,,.�:w�•;
<br /> + est in the Property to be sold end the procee ds to be d ls tr l bu te d,a l l in t he ma n n e r p r ovided In the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; •'=,���i;<.:t"� . '�
<br /> a5:.•,. ,:�,t:.,,
<br /> �• (b) Exercise any and ell rights provfded for In any of the Loan Inatruments a ioy law upon occurrence of any Event of -���_,;�kr_..
<br /> . . � Defaulh,and • ..
<br /> , t. (c)Commdnce an action to foreciose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoinl a receiver,or speciflcally enforce any ot the
<br /> covenents hereof. �
<br /> No remedy hereln conferced upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exclusive of eny other remedy herein,in the Loan •
<br /> InsWments or by law prov►ded or permitted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be In adQlion to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> - --
<br /> In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at law or in oqufty or by statute,end n�ay be oxercised concurrently,independently
<br /> -- or succesiveiy. '
<br />