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<br /> -- -------------- ----------------
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<br /> �; ___----_-_------------ —_�y
<br /> ' �;
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<br /> �, THIS INDENTURE. l�lade th�_-----1'T_-th_----•-�°y �f•--------------`7-��-------------------------------�----------------------�-----� in the year one thousand ii
<br /> ' ;I
<br /> nine hundred and_..._....�:.`.�.5�........._............................between I�lt?. Kutsch�cau, Party Of t�18 n�T't 'I
<br /> � ;{
<br /> v:i fe of ?'arty of the Second ?art ;;
<br /> !i'
<br /> oj the(irst part,and ��r'1 Kutschl�au, husbaTld of .°&rty of t�lE FiZ'St °�iI•t �
<br /> ,i
<br /> of the second part,
<br /> WITNESSETH, that the said part_Y..... of the first part, in consideration of the sum of
<br /> O�ze �o_��r and ot'�,ar �r�'!:a��le consi�erations DOLLARS
<br /> . ��-�-�---��---------�---�------------------------•-----�-----------�--------�--------------- -- --- - -------------�---�--------�-- �---- �-�-�- ---�- -.. ;.
<br /> to----h P r ----.duly paid, tTie receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged-------------------}:!c�.�V e----------------------------------remised. released. and `
<br /> quit-claimed. ancl by these presents do---_------- fo* ---------------??Y.--self----------a�?.d--inY..-------------•---------------•------------_j�irs, executors and ad-
<br /> ministhflrs remise, release and forever quit-claim and conuey unto the said part_..�.1.._.__ of the second part, and to �
<br /> ....................heirs and assigns forever, all._.___..=my..__..........._.right, title, interest, estate...._._........____...._.__.....__.claim and demand, '
<br /> both at law and in equity, oj, in and to all
<br /> Co���:lenci�;; at a *�oint on t:�e Sout:Z Llne �r Lot Ten t10) �r"Stehr�s
<br /> Sub-�i;�i�ion"17; fset eust or ±__e so;:t:�;�es'- �or.�1PT of Lct Ten �101
<br /> �a�.?'?L*2 ��PS�n1�2C�� t:7@:'1C@ lil ^'.'1 2uSt;i'i`7 C.'1T'�'�^+1021 �.�OYl� t"?P S1Ut�7
<br /> li�A or s��id. L,t Ten (10) a d�st��ce of 85 ��eet, t_zence in a
<br /> �I�rt�.er• �� direction at rig:�� Gn�LAs a �?ist;:zce of 70 �Pf't� ����nce
<br /> 1:"i a V:PS+�.L'�V �1.T'?Ct1021 =at I'ib':lt cT1�11 °S ^c�.,T'ul�@I i'�l.t:l t�1@ SOtltfl
<br /> li:e or s:.i�3 Lot Ten (�:�) a �?; sta�ICe o`' 85 feet, ±-:�e:�ce in a Southerlf
<br /> ��irec*io� a± rig��t �n?1?s 7� r��±; t^ t'�,� r,,,�=,ce of beFi•1ni�g, tae
<br /> St].iA T15tF'fli tS �::1�–C11V1S1Cri�� �..P_l.l? i�C •t2'? U'�C;1 t�&Z't Or t'^2 VYgS± �Ialf
<br /> of t��e �o���'��r;est �u;rt�r �';+;5��:':�) o:° Section Eleven (11) , Towns:zip
<br /> �leve�i �11) , ��]ort:�, Ra:;ge i�i:�e l9l , ',°est �f tne btil �.�. i� l�a'1
<br /> Co�;rt,l, Nebras'-a.
<br /> Co:n:aenc_:z� :=�t t'ze 1J�rth�r:est c,�.rner o`' Lot Ten (1�) ef Stehr�s Sub-
<br /> division, (�s �'�seri�•�d 3�! °�ut nf :��eni�s Subd.i�rision r�eorciecl in
<br /> �00�{ `��� ��?2 -'�,1.7� =f21� COU_l�t'� .�cDT'°S'-8� Sc?iI� C PI.'17 �OC:=.t=C� upon
<br /> `� �art or *'r�e Vu`�5��� cr SPction 1?, Tov�nshin 11, ��urt'_�, Range 9, ;tiest
<br /> �,f �: � O��i � i�i. i:� :ia=1 Co�:�l+z•� 'JoY'iI'iS'_: � tfln'^ : erly
<br /> ' a ..C2 1Z1 S. .SCUt E2St
<br /> di: �c';ion a2o�z� t«� +�est�r•�;� ;i_.�� o.° Lot 10 a �'ist<:.�ce of 90 feet; thence
<br /> 1?"1 a �JOrt'_?e�s�@t'��7 Ca17`2Ct.10T1 .^,c.l':zi_'•_@Z. tiilt'_'! �'__� •+Or'til line Of SS1C�
<br /> Lot l� a c?ist�nce e° :�.! r?�t; t�ence in a 1J�r�z.�es±erlv dir=�ction
<br /> ��.T'���BI :".'1 t12 �ti1_�? r'%?5t i�i:? Of' LO� l� 2. �1 St;=L1C@ Ofl �O f22+� ther�ce
<br /> i.� a 3ou+:����s±�T1�, �,rec� on alon� t:�e l+ort:zerly line oF Lot l� a
<br /> ��` �t-.._ce o�' �.�, feet to t:�� �1�ce o° te�;i�ni_17, th� sz.:ie bein� a
<br /> rectarlbtzlar �iece o� ;;rc:und :ri taz a �.�, foot "ro�it on iii�hv,a�T l�o. 30
<br /> and �^.it'.� a c?e�th of 9� r?P�� �Yt�n�'i_z_; south "ro� s=id Hi��:�vra�.
<br /> _ ;� ,_ __ _ _ _ ,... I:
<br /> _ .._._ __ ._ .,_.._.. . .... ._.__... .. .__�_. ._._ ,..... . . .�,._�.
<br /> Together with all and singuTar the hereditaments thereunto beTonging.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aboue described premises unto the sa�d_._._._�arl Kutsehkau !,
<br /> I
<br /> -------------•-•-••---------------------------------------------- �
<br /> ;; li
<br /> �! �! --------�--------------------------------------------------�1-5-------------------heirs and assigns. so that neither-------Hl..ta..--K"tSC�'1k�iU---------------•----••the said �
<br /> i; ,
<br /> !` .P�.Z'�:7.t.QI'.----•. nor any person in------------------------••heY:----------------••-•----------------name and behalf, shall or will hereafter claim or demand �i
<br /> ��' any righf or title to the saicl premises or any part tjiereof, but they and every one of t�►em shan by tliese presents be excludecl II
<br /> ' �
<br /> and f ore�er barred. !
<br /> , I
<br /> ;;i IN WITNESS WHEI2EOF. tl�e said Part---�------ oJ the Jirst part {�a.S------° Fiereunto set------------her--------------••----•------Fta.�d il
<br /> �' �
<br /> `i and seal..._._._.._. tlie day and year above written.
<br /> ;: ' ,
<br /> '� Siflned, seaIed and delivered in presence of �....�/�l�J._.�--.�.-J-l-.�•° - -- - ---�e�C�(il.��
<br /> - ----- �I
<br /> I�
<br /> „ ----------------------------------•--•-•-••••-•-----•..._...---.....---------••---.......................... �
<br /> ,.
<br /> !; ......-°•------•-----•---...--•--...-•----.._.._._..__.__.--•-•--••-
<br /> i --------------------------------
<br /> --°------------- -----_..............--•---------•---- ----......... -------_.............-----------
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<br /> t .................__._.._...--�---•....._.._......_..._.......••_••_•-••-•.........._..--•-•.._•---••• --.__....._.._..__._-•_•-_.._._____.._..__ �
<br /> . _ �-
<br /> � ' f
<br />