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<br /> ��'�108'�Y�/ARRANTY DEED (�ievised� �a��' ` s �,� �c �:- �; �'The Hnf�an Gfeneral 6npp1� Honse, Lincoln Nebr'.�� E
<br /> �x� ,�,. '�� �„ . ��
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<br /> `� " KN,OVP AI:L,'MElv BY�THESE PRESErT7.5: � _
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<br /> � THAT �ohn;�Villma.n a�tel Est2�,er :C'. �P�]:lina.n, e�ch in h�.s or Her' own
<br />� �� r,ight arid as husban� and wife `��� (
<br />� �: ;ti - �
<br />� �� � '�
<br /> : .
<br /> ,_ . , .. . ,
<br /> � � , , . ,
<br /> j , . < �. , < ;
<br />� # of.the County of �Tall , State of Nebraslsa � ��for and in consideration of the ;
<br /> .
<br /> � , ,. - .
<br />�� . � . ..
<br /> j.�: , . � . .. : . : .�� .
<br />� ;;.,sum.of .One Dollar and other valuable consideration� - j = - - =� - - DOLLARS .
<br /> x . .
<br /> ;` �,,� �
<br /> }'`in hand ¢aid do herebygrant, bargain; sell, convey.and confirm.unto' ThOIIlaB F. : K1riTriaTi and Bertha J.
<br /> ;;. Ki nman- _
<br /> i.; . ,
<br />� f
<br /> "
<br /> i
<br /> o f�the County o f H d.l l , State o f Ne bTa.B k� the f ollowing described real esta.te
<br /> i :' situated in in H8.11 County, State of N@.bTd.s� , to-wit:
<br />� Commencing at a point on the South line of Anna Street in Grand Isla,nd,
<br />� 246.5 feet 8outhwesterly from a point where the West line of the Courity
<br /> I road `running North �nd South. through the Southwest Quarter and the
<br />' ,r, Southerly part of the Northwegt Quarter of Ssction Twenty-one, TownshiP
<br /> °Eleven, North, Range.Nine, �est of the 6th P. M.,, in Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska,intersects 'with the South line of Anna Street, runn;in� thence '
<br /> in a Southeasterly `'direction ,at right_ a.ngles 135 feet to an �iron pin, "
<br />� thence in a Northeasterly direction 125.9_feet to an iron pin, thence
<br />� in a Northwesterly direction 132 feet to an iron pin located on 'the
<br />; Southerly 'line of Anna Street, thence in a Southwesterly. direction
<br /> i along° the Southerly line' of Anna Street, a distance of 126.5 feet to
<br />� the point of beginning, said tract of land havin� a frontage of 126.5
<br /> I feet on Anna Street and a depth on the -West side of 135 feet a.nd a ''
<br /> i depth on the East side thereof of 132 feet.
<br /> ,
<br /> � ,�..,.�,�. ,�4�,. ,> � w, ;, .....
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<br /> , . . ..� . . . . . . . : . !
<br /> TO HAI�E AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together urith adl the Tenements, Flered�itaments nnd
<br /> � appurtenances the�•eunto belonging, unto the saidThomas F. Klnman and Bertha J. K1nmaT1
<br />� and to th62r heirs and assigns forever.
<br />, ' And gr¢nto�fi do hereby covenant with the said GranteeS and with th61Y' heirs and assigns, that we are
<br />� ` ldwfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encu�ribrance
<br />�
<br />�
<br /> I , . , .
<br /> that We. , have good right and lawful authority to sell tlae sar�ie; and grantorg - do hereby covenant to wayrant and �
<br /> E defend�the title'Eo-said Q�•emises against the�lazvful claims of all fiersons whomsoever.
<br />�: �" And t1�e,said ; T ohn �'illman and Esther C,. �1111ria.Ti hereby relinquishes all �
<br />� �,
<br />� � - th@lr lnterest in and to the above�described¢remises. .
<br />� Signed this•2g�h day of ':July', 9•54 •
<br />� ; ; : t ' �.; ' . �:: /���
<br />� ; In>Presence"of ------------- - ----------�/__i_/_ -.- --- -'--- -- - ---- - -
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