<br /> --.. .. . �� " � . . . L_ _._
<br /> � �7�,0�49� . ..�;;�
<br /> 7. L'min�nt Dorn�in,Londor le horoby oactipnod all compeneetton,nwnrde,demapea and othnr poymunto or railef lhorolndltor "Pioceede") ,
<br /> In connectlon wlth condomnntlon or othor taklnp o}tho Proporty or port thoreof,ar for convayuncu In Iluu ol condomnntlon.Lender ehall
<br /> tnken�r Anmapod,Londqr nhall havo tho outlon In ite solo and abnoluto dlacrotfon,to nppiv oll nuch Procundn,uftor tioductlnp therefrom
<br /> all coote ontl oxponnoo incurrod by It In connuctlon wlth �uch Procoodo,upan any Indobtodnono oncurod haroby and In ouch otdor ue
<br /> Landor moy dotnrmino, or to npplV all auch Procoode,uftar uuch doductlona,to tho roatorntlon of the Proporty upon euch conditlona ao I
<br /> I Lender moy determino. Any opplicatlon of Proco¢de to Indobtadnaas sholl not axtond or poetpono tho duo dutu of any paymonte undor
<br /> i tha Note,or curn eny dafault thereundor or horoundor.Any unoppllad f unda shell bo pald to Truetor. I
<br /> 8. P�r}onnanc� by La�d�r. Upon tho occurronca of an Evont of Defeult heroundor. or If eny nct le token or lepoi procaedlnp I
<br /> I commenced whfch meterlelly affecte Lender's interest In the Property, Lendor may In ita own dlecretlon,but without obllgatlon to do so,
<br /> and wlthout notica tu or damand upon Trustor and without roleasing Truator from eny otslkgetlon,do eny act whlch Truetor hea eqrned
<br /> but feils to do and mey aleo do any othor act lt doems nocessary to protact the security hervof.Tnistor shall,Immodintety upon domand
<br /> � therefor by Lende�,pey to Lender all coste and expenaes incurred e�d sums expendod by Lender in connection with the exercfae by . ;t;=
<br /> Lender of the foregoing riphts,topethar wlth Intereat thereon et the dafeult rate providod In the Note, whlch ehall be edded to tha
<br /> indebtednosa secured hereby.Lender ehatl not incur uny IIablllty beceuae of anything It mey do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 8.Fl�zardous Msted�ts.Trustor shall keep the Property in complfance with eli eppl►cablo lawe,ordinancea and rogutatlona relating to :�
<br /> Induatrinl hyglone or environmental protection Icoilectively roferred to harein as"Environmentet Lews"I.Truator shell keep the Property :.:__
<br /> free from ali subotonces deemed to bo ha:erdous or toxic under any Environmental lswa lcollectivety roferred to hereln as "Ha:ardoue :.�,-'
<br /> Materiats").Truator hereby warrante end repreaente to Lander that thero are no Hezardoue Mnterinl on or under the Property.Truator
<br /> hereby aprees to Indemnify end hold hermles9 Lendor, Its dlroctore, offlcers, employeea end agoote, and eny succassore to Lendor'a �- -
<br /> Interest, from and ageinst any and ell cialma, damagee, losaes end liabllitiea erlsing In connectlon with tho pres�nce, us�, disposel or • _
<br /> transport of any Hatardoua Meterials on,under,from or ehout the P�oporty.THE FOREOOINa WARRANTIES AND REPRHSENTATIONS,
<br /> TRUST. _
<br /> 10.Aadgnment of Rsnte.Trustor heroby esalgna to Lender,end grante Lender a security Interest in,all pre3ent,future nnd efter _
<br /> } rising renta,lasuea and protita of the Property;provided that Truetor ahall,untli the occurrenco of an Event of Default hereunder,heve ,
<br /> the ripht to collect snd retaln auch rents, tssuea end profite as they bocome due end payabte, Upon the occurrenco of an Event of _ -
<br /> � Defeult, Lender may, elther in person or by agent,with or without bdnging any actlon or proceading,or by a recelver appolnted by n __
<br /> i court and without regard to the adequecy of ito security, enter upon and take poaseaslon of the Property,ar nny part thereof,in ite own
<br /> name or in the neme of the Trustee, end do ony acts whlch ft deems necassary or desirable to preserve the value, merketebllity or _
<br /> rentablilty of the Property,or any part thereof or intereat therefn,or to Increase the incame theretrom or protect the secur(ty hereot and, _-
<br /> � with or without taking possesalon of the Proparty,suo for or otherwfae cotlect the rents,iasues end proflte thereof,including thoae pest -
<br /> � due and unpaid,by notifying tenante to meke peyments to Lender, Lender may apply renta,fssue�and profits,less coete end expensna -
<br /> of operation end collection including ettorneys'fees,to eny indebtednesa secured hereby,all�n such order as Lander may de4ermina.The
<br /> e�tering upan and taking possesston of the Property, the collaction of such renta,Isaues and profits, end the applicetion thereof as ��..�_.
<br /> �. aforesaid, ahall not cure or weive any default or notice of defauit hereunder or invelidate any act done In reaponse to auch dofault or ,,,�;--�,
<br /> � pureuant to such notice of defeult end,notwithstending the continuence In possesalon of the Proparty or the collectlon, recelpt and '_�r
<br /> ,� # applicatlon of rente, issuea or profite, Trustee and Lender sheil be entitled to exercise every rlght provlded for in eny of the I.oan �
<br /> '�► } Inatrumants or by lew upon occurrence ot any Event of Default,including without Iimitatlon the right to exercise the power of eale. �;�
<br /> —.._..__..,..._—..�J
<br /> Further,Lender's righte end remedles under this peregreph shell be cumulative with,and In no wey e Ilmitatfon on,Lender'e rights end �
<br /> remedies under any assignment of ieasea and ronia rnw�uau' nyai�.si ihs^ro�sriy. Lastdas, Tr��:ss and Lhe re�p!yar ahall be Ilebin to �
<br /> account only for those renta ectually recelved. _
<br /> �. 11.Fv�nts of DsfauR.The following shnll constitute en Event of Dafauit under thla Deed of Trust:
<br /> (a)Fallure to pay eny Instelima�t of principal or Interest of any other aum secured hereby whon due;
<br /> � r (b)A breach of or defeutt under any provlafon contelned In the Note,this Deed of Truat,any of the Loen Instruments,or eny
<br /> ,, f other Ilen or oncumbranca upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ of execution or attechment or any eimilar procese ahall bA entered ageinat 7rustor whlch nheil becomo a Ilen on the
<br /> Propeny or eny portlon thereof or interost thereln;
<br /> (d)There shell be fited by ar epalnat Truetor or Borrower an actlon under eny preaent or iuture federal,etete or other statue,law
<br /> or regulation relating to benkruptcy, insolvency or other rellef for debtoro;or there ehall be eppointed eny trustee, teceiver or
<br /> Iiquidator of Trustor or Borrower or of ell or eny part of the Proporty,or the rente,Isauea or profite thereot,or Trustor or Borrower
<br /> � ehell m�kn eny genarel esalflnment for the banatit of creditoro; --
<br /> ' �� (e)The sele,trenafer,leaae,easignment,convoyance or further encumbrance ot ell or eny part of or eny Interest In the('roperty, �
<br /> either vatunterlly or involunterity,without the expreaa written conaent ot Lender;provldad that Trustor ahail be permitted to execute �
<br /> e leaae o}the Proparty thet doea not conteln an option to purchaae and the term of which daea not exceed one year; —
<br /> � ' (f) Abandonment ot the Property;or --
<br /> �� (g) If Truato� Is not an indivldual, the isauence, sele, tranefar, essiflnment, conveyance or encumbrance of more than (if e
<br /> l corporationl a total of percent of Its isoued and outetanding atock,or lif e partnorehip) e totel of k„� percent ot --------.
<br /> , pertnership Interests, or e mited Iiebllity companyl o total oi�N/p�percont of the Ilmited IIebllity company intereate or voting
<br /> rights durinp the perlod this Deed o}Truet remaina a Ifen on tiie PropeFfy: —
<br /> _ ._.___ _ 12,pemwd�es;AccdM�t►on Upon D�f�ult.In tha ovont of any Event oi Default Lender mey,without notice except as required by law, �
<br />