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<br /> ''""��y� 18. Foreclosurc Procedure.IP Lendcr rcquir�Immedlate payment in full under paingraph 9,Lcnder n�ay "
<br /> � Invoke the power of sale and any�ather remcdies permitted by opplicablc law.Lender ehall be entitled to�ollect
<br /> � ull expenses incurred In puy�suing the remedles under thls paragraph 18, Including, but not lim(ted tu, •�
<br /> +r
<br /> , reasonable attomeys'tecs and costs of Hde evidence. '
<br /> If the power of sale Is Invoked,Trustee shall record a notice of default in eacb county in which any part of
<br /> . the Property is tocated and shall mall copics of such notice in the manner prescrlbed by opplicable law to
<br /> . Horrower und to the nther peisons prescribed by appllcable law. After the tl►ne requlred by applicable law� ,_
<br /> Trustee shall give publtc notice of sale to ttie persons and in the manner prescdbed by appllcable law.Trustee, _
<br /> .», wlthout demettd on Boreower,ehell sell the Property at publlc auction to the tzighest bidder at the ttme and -
<br /> i� place and under the teria�s desig�eted In the nottce of sale 1n one or more p�rcels and i�n any order Trustee
<br /> � determines.'!'rustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the�'iroperty by pui�ltc anudui.cer,�en4 et the timc �
<br /> and place of any previously scheduled sale.Lender or its destgaee may purct�ase the Property et any s�le. �'±
<br /> , If the Lender's Interest in thls Security Instrument l� held by the Se•rretmry and the Secretaty requlres
<br /> . Immediate payment ln t5�11 uader �ragraph 9, the Secretary moy iavoke the nonJudlcial Power of sale �,'._
<br /> provtded in the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994("Act")(12 U.S.C. 3751 et seq.) by requesting _
<br /> " u foreclosure cowmisstoner designated under the Act to commence foreclosur�and to sell the Property as �.
<br /> provtded tn the Act. PJothtng ln the preceding senteace shall deprive the Sxretary of any rights othenv[se —
<br /> avellable to a Lender under this Paregreph 18 or applicAble Isw. �
<br /> Upon rccelpt of{u►yment of the price bld,Tn�stee shall deltver to the purchaser Tivstee's deed conveytng ��_�
<br /> the Pcoperty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed ahal!be prima facte evideme of the trutt� of the sta3ements ��'=
<br /> made theretn.Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale In the following order: (a)to all costs apd expenses of
<br /> . ' — exercising tt►e power o[saie, ann the saie,inciuding iue�x+ymeui oi inc 1`rii;�c'e's tt��t:ua::y..-,��:.. ° 20 ��
<br /> -�tl. ..02
<br /> exceed f i ve (5) %'o oi the prlacipal amount ot the note st the tla�e of the declaration oi default, ��`
<br /> • and reasonable attorneys'fee9 xs permttted by law;(b)to aU sums secured 6y thLv Security Instrument;and(c) _
<br /> '. any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it. r.
<br />,;.:�: -
<br /> 19.Recanveyance. Upon pnyment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, L.ender shall request Trustee _
<br /> r�,,,�,;,.. , to reconvey the Property and shall surrender tttis Securiry Instrument aad all notes evidencing debt secu�d by this
<br />.- .�'.,;.,•a; Security Instrument to Truscee. Tnutee shall reconvey the Property without warranry and without charge to the -
<br /> - -- .. . persoa or persons legaUy entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. _
<br />--:;;,
<br />- __ _ x0. Substitute Tscstee. Lender, at its option,may from time to time remove Trustee and nppoint a successor
<br /> =,-�""`�'' � tnutee to any Trustee appolnted hereunder by aa instrument recorded in the counry in which this Secudry Iastrument
<br /> .,..:�i�?�er�±r •
<br /> �`� � is recorded. Wlthout conveyance of the Property,We successar trustee ahall succced to all the title,power and duties
<br /> Y�-'��gT�` coafernd u n Tcuatee herein and b a licable law.
<br /> ---: �;X";.. P� Y PP R -
<br /> -l-�:�±��' 21.Request ior Notices. Barrower requests that wpies of the notices of default and sale be sent ro Boao�ver's
<br /> r=
<br />- �"�_-'''' address whlch is the Propeny Address. '"-_-
<br /> �.-
<br /> s��,, ---
<br /> hY R -- .
<br /> �s_W� '
<br /> _ __ � 22.Riders to thts Security Iastrumeat.If one or more riders aze executed by Borrower and recorded together
<br /> .��;� with this Security Instrurneat, the covenants of each such rider shall be inco►porated into and shall amend and -�
<br /> '�.;�;��M�.' supplement we covenants and agreements of this Securiry Instniment as if the rider(a) were a part of this 3ecurity "
<br />- ��:�+:�: � Instrument. (Check applicable box(es)].
<br /> y"y��-`��``" � Condominium kider 0 Growing Equlty Rtdcr � Other[speclfyJ _
<br /> ❑ Planned Unit Development Rfder 0 Graduated Payment Rider MORTGAGE ADDENDUM —
<br /> ��� �.�.
<br /> �-4RINE)tsao4� v.p•�oi e �m�im:�L� -
<br /> �
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