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�olzos53o <br />(K} "Commnnity Association Dnes, �ees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments and other <br />char�es that ara imposed on Borrower or the Propecty by a candazninium association, horneowners association or <br />similar organizaiion. <br />(L) KEiectranic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, other than a traszsaction originated by check, <br />drai� or similar paper instrument, which is initiated throagh an electronic terminal, teiephanic insirurnent, <br />computer, ar magnetic tape so as ta ocder, instcuct, or authorize a financial institution tt� debit or aredrt an <br />account. Such term includes, but is not limited ta, point-of-sate transfers, autarnated teller machine iransactaons, <br />trac►sfars initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and sutomated clearin�house transfers. <br />(1V� �`Escrow Items" means those itenns that are described in Section 3. <br />(1� KMisceilaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or pmceeds paid by any <br />third pariy (other than insurance proceeds paid under the coveranes desan'bed in Section 5) for: (i} dama�e to, or <br />destruction of, the Property; (ii) cnndemnation or othe�r taking of all or any part of tha �'roperiy; (iii} conveyance <br />in lieu of condemnation; ox (iv} misrepresentations of, or amissions as to, tha value and/or condition of the <br />�roperty. <br />(0) "Mortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, or default an, the <br />Laan. <br />(I'} "Peniadic Payment" means the re;ularly scheduled amount due for (i) principal and interest under the Nate, <br />plus {ii) any amounts under Section 3 of this Security Instrument. � <br />(Qj uR.ESPA" means t�►e Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. §2501 et seq.) and its implementing <br />regulation, Regulation X{24 C.P.R. Part 3500), as they mi;ht be amended frorn time to time, or arty additional or <br />successor legisiation or reb lation that governs the same subject mat#er. As used in this Seaurity Tnsmtment, <br />"RESPA" refers ta ali requirernents and restrictions that are irnposed in regard to a"federaliy related rno�aa�e <br />loan" even if tha Loan does not qualify as a"federalty related mortgage loan" under RESPA. <br />(R) "Succcssor in Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken title to the Property, whether or not <br />that pariy has assamed Borrower's obli ;atians under tha Note and/or this Security Instramen� <br />TRANSPER OF RIGHT5 TN TH:E PR02'�RTY <br />The beneficiary of this Security Iastrument is MERS (solely as nominee for I,ender and Lender's successors and <br />assi�ns) and the successors and assi;ns of MERS. This Secu�ity Tnstrument secures to I.ender: {i) the repaymerrt <br />ofthe Loan, and all renewais, extensiorts and madif cat4ons ofthe Note; and (ii} the performance of Borrower's <br />covenants and agreements undar this Security Tnstrument and the Nate. Par this purpose, Borrawer <br />irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property <br />locatad in the Countv af I�ali <br />[Type of Recording 7urisdiction] [Narne of Recording 7urisdictionj <br />Lot Two (Zj, �Ieavenly Haven F'our#h Subdivisioa, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />which currently has the address of3542 S Btaine <br />[Slreet� <br />Grand IsIand , Nebraska 68$Ol ("�roperty Acidress'�: <br />[City] jZip Code] <br />TOGETHER WI`TH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the properiy, and all easernents, <br />appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. Ail replacements and additions shall also be <br />covexed by this Security Instrument. Atl of the foregoing is referred To in this Security rnstrument as the <br />"Property." Borrawer understands and a,�ees that MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted by <br />NEBRASKA—Single Pamrty—Faenie Mael�'reddic Mac C1Nl�'ORM 1NSTRUME1�tT (MERS) Form 30281/01 (page ? of 9 pagss) <br />12439.CV (4t11) 4300102506 CrCgtivc 1'hiniting, tnC. <br />r,oTaoo3ais�a� <br />,.� ": `��� <br />��-- � �� <br />