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{:� <br /> '1 . J <br /> ' ��. <br /> ..... . _ . . . . ...—_"—"�'_—"'_'�._. - <br /> . . . .� ( . � ��'•... <br /> ^ � . . . . <br /> ' � . . . � . ' 97+ 1a���� _ <br /> � . � � -- <br /> _� = <br /> HANSEN, HALL COZSNTY. NEBRASKA A;,�_- <br /> � Exhibit "A" -- <br /> •�;_ <br /> �:� <br /> All that portion of that cartain atrip of land of taparing width <br /> � eitumKe ia tbe SWI/4NEl/4 and NGIl/4SE1/4 of Section 32. T. 9 N.� R. 9 W. of <br /> ; the Siacth Pr7.nclpal Meridiaa in Hall County. Nebraeka� aa herecofore acquirsd _- <br /> " by Hastings and Grand Islaad Railroad Company (pradaceesor to Uaioa Pacific <br /> Railroad Company) from A. 0. Woodbu�y by Dead datad Jun� 30. 1879� ttacordud <br /> , July 1� 1879 in BooK H of De�de at page 125 of the Recorda of said Hall 4 <br /> ; Coun�y. that extenda northasly a disxance of 2000.00 f��t from a lina dravn at __ <br /> right anglea to thn herainaf ter desaribad centerlia� oE ths abandoned maia �_ <br /> ' track of the Grand Ysland Branch of said Railroad Compaay. a� fosm�rly __ <br /> �{ conetructed and operated. at a point zhareon that ie 1�682.80 f��t di�tane <br /> . northerly, m�asured aloag said cnaterliae� from eha eouth lins of eaid Sectioa <br /> 32. to a lina dsaom at right angles to eaid cant�rline at a point therson that <br /> _ � ia 1�606.80 feat dietant soutP��rly� maaeurad aloag eaid csnt�rlia�, froa th� <br /> -°`- north 'sia� oi aaid �eccion 3Z, naiu acyu.aau s�:l� af Z.:nd of ts�ez+^o �iaxL - <br /> ' bQing ad�acent to th• north-eouch centerlina of said S�ctioa 32 and 14.00 f��e <br /> + wids at tha north line of eaid Saction 32 aad 38.00 fa�t wida at th� eouth <br /> lin� of eaid S�ctioa 32. <br /> Alio� all thae portioa of that c�rtain atrip of land of taparing �' <br /> ' aidth aituata in tha SE1/4Ni11/4 and NE1/4SW1/4 of S�etioa 32� T. 9 N., R. 9 W. <br /> of eh� Sixth Priacipal H�ridlan in Hall CouaLy. Habra�ka. as har�totosa <br /> - acquirad by Ha�eing• and Graad ialaad Railroad Co�any (pradsca�aor eo Uaion <br /> � Pacific Raiiroad Cospany) froa M. B. Aoily by D�sd dat�d Juaw 30� 1879. - <br />- � Racordad July 1. 1879 in Booi� H of Desde at paga 123 oF eh� Racosds ot �aid ��-�,. <br /> . Hall Couaty, that extend• aorth�rly a di�tancs of 2000.00 faat fros a lina _ <br />- ' drawn ae right anglea to the hereiaafter described cantarliaa of tha abandoa�d —_ <br /> main track of th� Graad Island Branch of said Railroad Coapaay� as formsrly � <br /> - conetructed an� oparated. at a poir►t �h�raon th�t iv 1�682.80 fa�t di�tant <br /> " northarly. msaaured along eafd centarliae� from ths sauth lia� of oaid S�ction �- <br /> - 32, to e l,�ne dse� at aight .�ngbea to ea�d ceat�rlin� at a point th�reon tlaat �--���-�--- -� <br /> � ia 1�606.80 fnst di.stant southerly. mnaeured zloag eQid centarline� ksos tha �_�� <br />