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<br /> A tract of land cowprioiag a part o� Lot 8our (4). Mainlsnd. and a past of Lot 11+0
<br /> (2). 3oland, �ogetdier aitE� tlhc e+c�xetion bend theroto, all eitunted in the Southeaet ,
<br /> Qusrter (S8�) of Saction Thirty Sia (36). Tovnehip Eleven (11) tiorth. Rsnge Ten (10)
<br /> ••-�^�'`�' West of the 6th P. H.� Hall County. Nobraeka. and �ore particularly deecribed Re
<br /> .,
<br /> � ,
<br /> follovs: •
<br /> ",°.
<br /> Begi.nning at the southweet corner of eaid Lot Zrro (2); thence ti OS' 13� 59" B. �=i�_
<br /> a distance of �hree Bundred Forty One and Si.sty Three Hundredthe (341.63) feets ��
<br /> �r=.:
<br /> thence N 00° 34'' 15" {i. a diatance of Four flundred Sisty Six and tiinetg Seven —
<br /> � Hundredthe (466,97) feet to the southwest corner of Block Siz (b)r Ponderoaa I.eke
<br /> ,�, Eetatea Subdivision; thence N 83' 10' 27" 8 along and upon the sout� 11nn of eaiai �
<br /> � Ponderosa Lake Betates Subdivision, e di.etance o€ ZV�o Sundred Sighty Four and � _
<br /> ' `' Seventeen Hundredths (284.17) feet'Co the eoutheast corner of Outlot "CI". of eaid
<br /> .''� `__
<br /> Ponderoea I.ake Eatates Subdivision. said point aleo being a point on the xeet line
<br /> of Ponderosa Lake Eetates Second Subdivision; thence S 09° S5' S6" E. along and
<br /> � upon the west line of eaid Ponderosa Leke 8statee Second Subdivisioa. a d3steuce
<br /> of Thirty 8ight and Fourteen Hundredthe (38.14) feet to the southveat corner of
<br /> 8810 rOIIaeiotia Litit� cesi.n�@s uca:.'3ltu uif�f��:����'.�� �_Q�° � 7S• 4(1� 01�� E� ilODi[ dIId
<br /> upon the south line of said Poaderosa Lake Estates Sacond Subdivisioa. a distaac�
<br /> of One Hundred Forty Nine and Four flundredtha (149.04) feeC to tha sautheast
<br /> ,,•� -_ +.;•• ' ,
<br /> cosaer of eaid Ponderosa Lake Eetates Secoad Subdivisioa; thence S 17' 42' 37"
<br />;�;:.;;. v:,:;� .
<br />- :4:1 E. a diatance af One Hundred 1V�tenty Four and Eighty Seven Hundredths (124.87)
<br />-"",=`i;.� ' �
<br />_ �• ` feet; thence S 32° 32' 33" E; a distance of Bi�hty Five and Eighty One Sundredthe
<br />- �'�'={, (85.81) feet; thence S 45' 47' 14" 8. a distance of Oae Hundred Thirty and Thirty
<br />�-���r�'-- One Sundredths (130.31) feet; thence S 40' 41' S7" E, a dietance of One Huadred .
<br /> •..:v. �
<br />=����' TWenty Trro and Eighty Four Hundredthe (122.84) feet; thence S 64' 21' 48" B." a
<br /> '�'.-.�,r.-• ,
<br /> :'�.. ..,ti�� �
<br /> �:�:;x�� distar��e of One Hundred Five end Seventy • Sia Hundredthe (lOS.76) feet; thence S
<br />�-�oi;�� 12' 4Z' 24" W, a distance of Three Sundred tiin�ty S�x and Sixty �ight Hundredths
<br /> - '-'��'�'� �39h.00j feei. Eo a pcAi.n� uu ei��. �auth l�e o€ the Srnrthear�t �ur�rter (SE$) of ea�d =
<br />- -� Section Thirty Si�c (36); thence S 87' 39' 45" W. along and upoa the south liae
<br /> ��*��:',.
<br /> -=z��=�
<br />-=-- - - of eaid Southeset Quarter (SE�), a diatance of Seven Hundred Forty Tdree and Fifty
<br /> ;h;�"��4�i
<br />--���;a;,;,�� Five Hundredt2�e (743.55) feet to the �oiat of begi�ning and containing 12.183
<br /> ��•���
<br /> -�,:�...'`;�",� acres. �ore or less. of vhich 0.564 acres. nore or Yeas. ie presentl� occupi�d
<br /> _:='��.r. .. .
<br /> ._., �;., by public road right of vay.
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