� .
<br /> f
<br /> .. .. .._.. _ . .
<br /> -..... ____ -
<br /> �i7,� 10�14�'S
<br /> � by thie Mort�age.Mortgsgor ehall pry to Mortgagea the amounL o2 auy deSoienoy be n the aotu ea. s�eesa
<br /> mentA, iurursnoa premiumn ai►d 6round rente aYtd the da�oeits henundar c�rlthin 10 dqye attor demsnd le made upon
<br /> � Mortgagor requextln8 Pasrman4 4horeof. - -
<br /> I g, Repsir�Il+gafntenanae and O�o.To promptly repair,reatore or rebulld any buildin�e or impra�vemente now or =
<br /> � hezeafter on ths Property:to lceep the Properfy in good oondirion snd repair,without waete,oad tree tmm tnaohanio'a or _
<br /> � oiher lisne not ezpreeely eubordinsted to the lien hereof;not to meke,ei�tter or pormit aay nuiawnoe to e=ist. nor to T_
<br /> � dlminUh or impair the value of the Property by any aot or omie0lon to aot;and to oo�ply wlth ail requirementa of law
<br /> � � wlth se�paat to the Ps�operty. _
<br /> i _
<br /> � '7. Oond�mnttioa.In the event the Property,or anSr pe►rt Lhereof,ehull be tskeu by amiuent domain,tue •
<br /> IMortg�ngee ie ampowered to aoAeot and reoeive sll oompeneation whioh me�y be pe►id for en,y properiy tskea or for dsm• _
<br /> � sgee to prAparSy not talcen,end Mortgagee sholl epply euoh oompea[�ation,at its aption, eithor to s reduotion o!the
<br /> indebtedness eeoured hareby or to repair aad reetora We proper�y eo damaged. .
<br /> 8. Psrlormaaos by Mort�ee.Mortgegee me�y,but ehail hava no obUgation,to do as�y aat whioh the Mortgagor '-
<br /> hss Rgreed but f�ils ta do,and Mortgagee mqy alao da an3►uot it deame neaeee►nry to prateot the lien hereof.Mortgaqor
<br /> sgreae to repqy,upon demand, an�r eum�so enpended by the Mortgagea for the abova purpoeee,and ewy nume eo . -
<br /> espeadad by tha Mortga(;ee ahall be sdded to the indebted.neeo eeoured hanby�ud baoome sub�eat to tho lian hareoL . ,,.,, ,
<br /> • Mortgagee ehaU uot inour any peieonal 11�bilit3r beosuse oi wnythinQ iL a►q�►do or omiL to do hereundor. -=-"��'i'�
<br /> '"yi'�:���
<br /> p, Default; /l�af�eat o!Rents.Time is of the esseaae hereof,aad upon Mortgngor's default in�uy aovanant . __�
<br /> or agreemenL of Wie Mortgage,inoluding oovanaate to pqy whea due the eume eeoured by this Mortgege,the Morigagee
<br /> ahall be antitled,at ita:.alo optlon and Ev[6houL notioe,to deolare sll aums eeoured by thie Mortqage to the lmmedisteyr :"._.�
<br /> due aad payabla snd mqy aommenoe foroolosure ot thie Mortgege by judioial pmoeedinge;and.pnovided further,fhoi �i��"°°-"•�-`-
<br /> upon auoh default the Mortgsgee.or a reoaiver appointod by s oourt,ma,y at tte optioa and without regard W the adec�ta +�
<br /> oy of tha seourity,enter upon and teke poasess�ion oi the Prope��►and oolleat the rente.ieauee and pmSte thereirom and �'''�'-°°�"
<br /> �T ..
<br /> apply them flrst to the aoet of aolleatioa sad o�►aratSon ot tha Property and then upoa the indebteduase eaoured by tLU ,,;t t _
<br /> , Mortgage;edd reats,isauea snd profite beiag aseigaed Lo the Mortgagae ss lurther eeourltq for the paymont of the � �•,,. „
<br /> indebtedneee eeoured hereby.
<br /> �� 10. Traartss o[Property.If s11 or snp part of the Propert�ie eold or traneferred without the e�reee arltten aon• ,
<br /> senL of ths Mort��gee, Mortgages mqv at its sole option,deoLns all suau�eoured by thie Mortg�ge to be immediately
<br /> � due and p�able. +i`��' �
<br /> , �
<br /> .. v...,..� �n��nwa.unon reauest oi MortRUBOr,Mortgegee may make additional and future �dvanoes W ���� '�
<br />- -_ .
<br /> Mortgagor.Buoh sdvanoee,with intereet theraoa,nl�all be eeaured by this Mortga�e when evldenoed by promtu�wry nota � •;
<br /> sq�tinA that eaid notes are seoured hereby.At no timo ehall the prlaoipal amount o!tha indebtedneee eeoured by thie �
<br /> MortgaBe.not lnoluding sums edvauced to pmteot the eaourit,q of thie Mortgege,ezaeod the originnl Note. � �;
<br /> i8. S[i�oellaaeou�Pro�ion�. �1 -
<br /> �� (�) Aqy forebearanoe ia esenniein$an,Y riBht or remedy ehall nof be a waivsr thereoL ` .� �
<br /> � ,.
<br /> (b) All remediee provided harein are di�inoL sad oumulstive to aqy ofher right attorded by law or equity.
<br /> wud ma,q be ezernised oonourrently,iadopandeat�y or euoaeesive�r. a
<br /> (o) The oovenaate and sgreements oontained herein eh�ll bind end the rlghte inure to,the reepaotive eua _ `�
<br /> '' _.�.r
<br /> aeseorei and wlgus o!the Mortgagor aad the Mo r t g a g+e e. r----
<br />-, �� d�=-�
<br /> �' (� All oov�enanie sad agreement�of the Moxigagor 4re Joint oud eseveral. L��=--__
<br /> � ,�; (e) The hesdings of the pan�rsplu of thie btortgage are tor oonvenienoa only aad ehall aot be t�ed to inter �
<br /> �.;r
<br /> _ fi :7 pret or deane thA pmviniona heraoL �;.�_.�_ ._—-=
<br /> •> � iS.ltelws. Upon p�yment of sil eume seoured by this Mortg+�ge.Mortgagea ah�ll disohatge this Mortgaga and 4_��
<br /> h
<br /> ��.. �'. - --
<br /> �. � s h a l l e z e o u t e a n d d e l i v e r a s a t i s f a o t o ry rel�a�e therefor. ;-__.��. =-
<br /> , . :�_----.'Y-..,.�
<br /> ' 27th February _1e 97 ,�'�s�.`,�
<br /> ' t IN WITN�SB WI�R.EOF,Mortgagor hae ea�eouta+l tLie Mortgege on tha d�q of �'`' '
<br /> ���r,,,q �.�2..-
<br /> ...�7`r-'+::irtC:in 1hlt+,-
<br /> v:;:.•;. •,�:riv-.-�
<br /> . . _. .�Z..._-t..
<br /> f��L�'rRw�./c�� BoriV�r t . ".�: ..
<br /> P-larsha P1ed ery ��_
<br /> Btt►►te of Nebrasku. Ha11 counsy sn: ,
<br />_ pa� �7 t h d�y of F P r ia ry .18�L befom me.the undereigned,a Notary Publlo
<br />, duly oommiesioned and qusliHed for eaid oounty.pereonally oame Georae edberv dfl�
<br />- Marsha htedbery. husband and wi fe _ to me imown tobo the �
<br /> v —_._• �ao..r�.�.,�,rmntsl vhone namo(ol aro subeoslbed to the foregoing instrumeat and aokaowledged the ezeoution theneof
<br /> -- -------�- _
<br /> W be thel r: - - -voluntaiy aot and deed. _ _ _
<br />?" Witnese�yhandandaotarinleealst Grand Island. Nebraska_ tneatflooua�yr.sne
<br /> . dnto atoseeatd.
<br />'° �EpAi NOIAAY•Suu ot Nebr�sk� � � � ��
<br />-- My Commission eucplrea; 9EVRJ►IACEtROY
<br /> ��.�P qug�yt 25.1997
<br /> _ I � Natsiy Putbflo
<br /> - � .
<br /> . NBC tOGB B/DS
<br /> ' O Natbnal Bank o1 Cortxnera Tn�tl arW SaNnp�Astocialbn.Unodn.Nebruka
<br /> � •
<br /> .. - - -----r- -,._ - -•. .- - -
<br />