<br />in which any property, right, title, interest or estate belonging to, coming to or claimed
<br />by me may be concerned.
<br />14. Dividends. To receive all dividends which are or shall be payable on any
<br />and all shares of stock in any corporation which may stand in my name on the books of
<br />such corporation or to which I may be, in equity or otherwise, beneficially entitled; or
<br />to elect to reinvest such dividends, all as my Agent may deem appropriate.
<br />15. Vote Stock. To vote at all stockholder meetings of corporations and
<br />otherwise to act as my proxy or representative in respect of any shares now held or
<br />which may hereafter be acquired by me therein and for that purpose to sign and
<br />execute any proxies or other instruments in my name and on my behalf.
<br />16. Trans�er o Stock. To sell, assign, transfer, and deliver all and any shares
<br />of stock standing in my name on the books of any corporation, of which I may be, in
<br />equity or otherwise, beneficially entitled, and for that purpose to make and execute all
<br />necessary acts of assignment and transfer.
<br />17. Insurance and EmpTouee Bene�it Plans. To redeem, surrender, borrow,
<br />extend, cancel, amend, pledge, alter or change, including change of beneficiary, any
<br />insurance policies in which I may have an interest, as my Agent may deem proper and
<br />expedient, and for such purpose to sign and execute any documents, affidavits or forms
<br />required in my name and on my behalf, except however, my Agent shall have no
<br />power and authority over life insurance policies I may own on my agent's life; and to
<br />exercise all powers and options involving retirement programs, compensation plans,
<br />pension, profit sharing and other employee benefit plans.
<br />18. Social Securiti� and Governmental Benefits. To make application to
<br />any governmental agency for any benefit or government obligation to which I may be
<br />entitled; to endorse any checks or drafts made payable to me from any government
<br />agency for my benefit, including any Social Security checks.
<br />19. Business Interests. To continue to conduct or participate in any business
<br />in which I rnay be engaged or to carry out, modify, or amend any agreement to which I
<br />may be a party, and to sell, exchange, modify, or amend any agreement to which I may
<br />be a party, and to sell, exchange, modify, or terminate such interest to or with such
<br />person or persons as my Agent may deem proper and on such terms and with such
<br />security as my Agent may deem appropriate; to execute partnership agreements, and
<br />amendmenfs thereto; to incorporate, reorganize, merge, consolidate, recapitalize, sell,
<br />liquidate or dissolve any business; to elect or employ officers, directors and agents; and
<br />to carry out the provisions of any agreement for the sale of any business interest or the
<br />stock therein.
<br />20. Borrow To borrow from time to time such sums of money and upon
<br />such terms as my said Agent may think expedient for or in relation to any purpose or
<br />object which my Agent may deem proper or expedient, unsecured or upon the security
<br />of any of my property, whether real or personal or otherwise, and for such purpose to
<br />give, execute in my name, deliver, and acknowledge promissory notes and/or
<br />Prepared by Pence and MacMillan LLC, Lazamie, Wyoming
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