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201�0844G <br />ATTACHMENTTO UCC FINANCING STATEMENT—MADER FARMSJNC. <br />A irac/ of land comprising a part of 1he Souiheasl Quarler (SEl/4� o� Seclion r�e�iy Ft�� (25), <br />Township Twelve (12� Norlh, Range Ten �101 West of the 6/h. P.M, in Nall Counly, Nebrasko, " mo�e <br />porfcularly described as follo�s: <br />Baginning ot the soulheasl corner of said Southeas� Qua�ter (SEl/4); lhence running wes�er/y <br />a/ong lhe souih line of said Sou�heasl Quortsr (SEl/4), on an Assumed Bearing of N89'S1'D3"W, a <br />dislance of Two Hundred Sevenly Slx and Ninefy Seven Hundredlhs (276.97� feal, !0 1he ACTUAL <br />, point of beginning; tirertce coMinuing N89'S2'03"W, alonq the south line of soid Souiheast Quarler <br />(SE1/4�, a dis�arrce of five Nundred Nlnefy Four and For�y Hundred/hs (594.40) feet; /hence. <br />running N00'02'43"E, a distance oi Six Nundred Srxfy SIx ond Eighty Three Hundredfhs �666.83� <br />' feat; thence running S86'36'02 "E, o dis�ance ot Twenty Fivs and Ninefy One Kundredlhs (25..91� <br />'i feet; fhence running N00'37'50"E, a disfance of One Hundred Forty Four ond Five Nundredlhs <br />;(144.05) fee% lhence running S8B'11 '07"E, o disfance of One Nundred Nine�y Three and Sixty Four <br />; Nund�adlhs (193.64) feel; thence running NO1'23'S3"E, n dislance af One Hundred Nine and Nlnety � <br />; Four Nundredfhs (109. 94) fee}; lhence running S89'p0'2T "f, a disfonce of Three Hundred Sixteen <br />' and Sixty four Hundredlhs (316.8�) feel; lhence runninq S01'S4'46"W, a distance o/ Two Hundred <br />' Thirly and Forly Nine Hundred/hs (?30.49) feat; ihence running S89'41'S6"E, a d/slance of Three <br />Hundred Farty five and Ninely Hundredlhs (345.90) feef, 10 a poinl on /he aasl line of said <br />Saulheast Quarler (SE'1/4); thence running S00'18'25"W, along the eost line of soid Souiheast <br />QuaNer (Sfij4), a distance of four Nundred Twenly Eight ond Sixly Two Hundredlhs (428.62) feet; <br />lhence running N89'ST'00"W, a dislance of Two Hundred Sevenly Six and Six}y Four Hundredlhs <br />(276.64) fee�; thence running S00'23'00"W, a distance of Two Hundred forty Eight and Eighly Seven. <br />Hundredths (248.87) feei, to the ACTU,4L polnl of beginning and conlaining 14.150 acres mo�e or <br />less of which 0.7T5 acres more o� less is presenf/y occupled by public road righi of way, Nel <br />13.4T5 acres rno�e or less. <br />