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201108442 <br /> BORIZOWER COV�NANTS that Borrower is lawfiilly seised of t11e estatie here�y conveyed and has tl7e right to <br /> grint an�l convey the Property�nd that the Property is unencLUnUered, except for encuinUrances of record. <br /> Borrower warrants�id wi11 defend gener�lly tlre title to the Property against a11 claims���d dem�nds, stitbject to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT coinbiiles unifoi•m covenants for national use aiid non-uniforin covenants with <br /> limited vftriations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniforin secarity instrument cove�ing real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant aild agree 1s follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charc�es, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shall pay when due ihe principal of, and interest on, the debt evidenced by the Note and 1ny prepayinent <br /> chai•ges and late ch�rges clue under the Note. Borrower s11�11 a.lso pay finids for Escrow Iteins pursuant to <br /> Section 3. Paymants dua under the Note and this Security In�trument sha11 be made in U.S. c�u•renoy. <br /> However, if auy ahecic or other instrun�eiit received by Lender�s payinent under the Note or this Security <br /> InstruYneiit is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender m2y r�quire that any or alI subsequent�ayments due und�r <br /> the Note and this Seeurity Instrument be mada in one or more of the following forms, as selected by Lender: <br /> (�) casli; (b)inoney order; (c) certi�ed checic, Uaizlc checic, treasurer's checic or cashier's checic, provided any <br /> such cliecic is drawn upoi7 an institution whose deposits are insured Uy a feder�l agency, instrumentality, or <br /> entity; or(d)�lectronic Funds Tr�nsfer. <br /> Payments�re deeined received by Lender when received at the locatioiz c�esignated in the Note or at such <br /> otlier location as in�y be designa�ed by Lender in lccordance with the notica provisions iYi Section 15, <br /> Lender m�y r�turn any�ayinent or partial pa.yment if the payillent or paLtial payments ara insLtfficient to <br /> bring the Loan cturent. Lencler may accept any payment or pai°tial payment insuf�cient to bring the Loa�1 <br /> current, withou�waiver of any righ�s liereLUlder oi•prejudice to its rights to refuse such paytnent or partial <br /> paymei7ts�in the fiittire, but Lei�der is not ol�Iigated to �pply such paymeizts at ihe Lune such payillents are <br /> accepted. If eacli Periodic Payn�ent is applied as of its schec�uled due date, thei�Lende��need not pay is�terest <br /> on unapplied funcis. Lender may hold sucla unapplied fiuids ttntil Borrower malces payment�to bring the <br /> Loan current. I£Borrower does not clo so within a reasonable period of tiine, Lender shall eiiher apply sLich <br /> funds or return tl�em to Borrower. If not applied earlier, such fLmds will be applied to the outstanding <br /> �rincipal l�alauce under the Note inunedia�ely prior to foreclosure. No offseti or claim whicli Borrower might <br /> have now or in the future against Lender sI1�11 relieve Borrowe�•from malcing paymants ciLie undar the Notie <br /> ��zd this Security Instrixment o���erforming the covenants and agreei�ients secureci by this Security <br /> Instruinent. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. �xcept as otl�el•wise desc�ibed i�1 this Section 2, 111 payments <br /> �ccepted and applied by LendeY•shall Ue�ppliecl in the following order of priority: (a) interest ciue under the <br /> Note; (b}principal dLie unc�er the Note; (c) ainounts dtte Llnclel' Section 3. Sucli payinents shall l�a applied to <br /> eacl�Periodic Pa�ni2en�i�the orcler in which it became due. Any resnainiilg lmounts shall be applied�irst to <br /> late charges, secoi7d to any other ainouiltis due linder tl�is Security Tnstrument, and t1�en to rec�uce the <br /> principal balance�oi'the Note. <br /> If Lender receives�p�yinont fi•om Borrower for a delinc�u�nt Periodie Payment which includes a suf�cient <br /> ainotu7t to pay auy late charge clue, the payment m�y be�applieci to the delinquen[p�ymeilt and the late <br /> chai•ge. If'inore tl�asi one Pei•iodic P�yinent is outstanding, Lerider inay apply any payiz�ent received frosn <br /> Borrower to the repayment of the Periodic Payments if, and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in <br /> fiill. 'To the extent tliat any excess exists after the payment is applied to�he fiYll payment of one or inore <br /> Periodic Payments, such excess may be ap�lied to any late charges due. Volullt�.ry prep�yments shall be <br /> applied i�i•st to any prepa.yment charges and then as described in the Note. <br /> 231209 <br /> NEBRASI<A-Single Family-Fannle M aelFretldle M ac UNIFORM INSTRUM�NT Form 302II 1/01 <br /> VM P O VM P6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 4 of 17 <br />