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201108442 <br /> sentences shall not apply to tlie pr-esance, use, or storage on t1�e Property of sma11 qualltities of IIazardous <br /> SuUstances that are generally reeognized to be appropriate�o nos•mal residential uses a�1d to maintenance of <br /> the Property(inclucling, but not liinitecl to, hazardous substances in consumer products). <br /> �orrower sllall prolnptly give Lencle�written notice of(a)�ny investigation, claim, demaszd, lawsuit or other <br /> action by any goveriunental ar regulatory ag�ncy or privat�party involving the Property and any 1Tazardo�is <br /> S�abstance or Eiiviror�nental Law of which Borrower has actua11a1owledge, (b) any Enviroi�izent�I <br /> Condition, inchiding but not liinited Eo, arly spilliiYg, lealcing, clischarge, relelse or threat of release of any <br /> H�zardous Substance, �iid(c) any condition caused by t11e presence, tise or release of�Hazai�dous Substance <br /> wliich adversely affects tlie value of t11e Property. If Borrower Fearns, or is notified�y auy goverrunental or <br /> regulatory authority, or any privlte parly, that a11y reinoval �r otller remediation of any Hazardotits StiUstalice <br /> �ffectii�g the Property is necessary, Borrowei•shall promptly talce a11 necessary remedial actions in <br /> accordance�witli�nvironniental Law, Notl�iug herein sh�11 create a11y obligation on Lender for an <br /> Enviromllental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenantis. Borrower�nd Leiider covenaiit�nd�gree as Follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; RemEdies. Lencler shnll�ive notice to Borrower prior to ncceler�tion ibllowin� <br /> Borrower's brencli of�ny cove�i�ut or ngreemeut in this Sectirity Instrainent(but not prior to <br /> ncceleration under Sectiou 18 uuless Appliclble Lnw provicles otherwise). The notice slinll specify: (a) <br /> tlie deflult; (b) the nction required to cure tlie def�ult; (c) n d�te, �rot less tli���30 d�ys from the date <br /> the notice is given to l3orrower, by whicli the defnult must be cured;nnd (d) tihat faih�re to enre the <br /> defaillt on oi•befare the dntie specified in tlie notice may resalt iu�►cceleratioii of the siuns seciu�ed by <br /> this Secnrity Iustrument�►�rd s�le of the Pi�operty. The notice shall further inform Borrower of the <br /> right to reinstnte aftier;tecelerntion aud the riglit to bririg � court netion to assert the uon-existence of a <br /> default or �ny otlier defeuse of Borrower to acceler�tion�nd s11e. ff the def�ult is not cured on or <br /> before the dlte specified in the notice, Lender:�t ita optiou m�y require immediate payment in fi�ll of <br /> all sums secured by this Security Instruinent witihout fnrther dein�nd ancl inay invoke the power of s11e <br /> and auy other remedies peemiEted by Applicable Law. Leuder shall be entitilecl to collect all expenses <br /> incurred in piu�suing tlie reinedies pi•ovided iu tliis Section 22, inclncliitg, but not limited to, re�son�ble <br /> �ttorneys' fees �nd costs of title evicle�ice. <br /> If tlie power of s11e is invoked, Ti•ustee s1iR11 recorcl n notice of defnult in eacli connty fn which aixy <br /> part of the Property is locnted aud sh111 m�►il copies of sucli notice i1i the mnainer prescrfbed by <br /> Applic�ble Law to Borrower and to tilie other l�ersons I�rescribed by Applicnble Lnw. Afrer tlie time <br /> required by Applicable Law, Trnstee sliall�ive public notice of s�le to the persons aud in tlie innniier <br /> prescribed by A�plic�ble Lnw. Trnstee, withoiit clem�nd on Borrower, shall sell the Property nt public <br /> �nction to the lughest bidder at the time �nd place�and iu�der the teims c�esignited i�i the notice of salc <br /> iri one or more p�rcels and in�uy c�rcler Trustee detei�mines. Trustee�n1y postpone sale of�Il or�ny <br /> pnrcel of tlie Propet�ty by public �irirYOnncemeut�t tlie time ancl pl�ce of Tuy previo�isly scliedi�led sale. <br /> Lender or its designee may pm•cli�se the Property�t 1uy s�le. <br /> Upon receipt of pnym�nt of the price bic�, Trnstee sh�ll deliver to the pnrchnsei•Trustee's deed <br /> conveyiug the Property. The recitRls iu tlie Triistee`s deed sli�ll be pa�imn facie evidence of the truth of <br /> the st�tements m�de therein. Trnstiee shnll �pply the proceeds of the s11e in the followin�ortler: (a) to <br /> all costs �nd expeirses of exercising the power of sale; and the sale, includiirg the p�yment of the <br /> Trustee's fees�ctu�lly incuri�ecl nnd re:�sonnble nttorneys' fees �s permitted by Applrc�ble Law; (b) to <br /> �11 siuns secnred by tliis Secnrity Listri►ineut; �irci(c) auy excess to the pea•son or persons leg�lly <br /> eutitled to it. <br /> 23120�J <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannle Mae/Ftetldie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1I01 <br /> VM P O VM P6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 44 of 17 <br />