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<br /> a Ft�e,E1ooa atl otl�e�nu�u+a i�murano�.Borcu�-�er s�alu i�ue al�impmve�ts�on'the Propetty.:��tba�'now.in . _
<br /> _ _ :.—.____--_..--_ - - -esiste(ure-orsob�equaKly aaqed,aigai�st any hair�r+ds.ca�uatti�.wd ao�i¢iugaicies,including fire. for v�fiid�I�r inqui�es �
<br /> — -_ _____._.-.,—__�
<br /> i�rance. '11iis insu�a�oe sEia[i�e maintauied ia tnr amounits anfifor tt�peri�d.c tt�t t�r�ai�es.-Bar�er�shaif�dsa _ _
<br /> --—�-�°� im�e ait uqxaveo�en�otr the Pcopeny.w�iether nos�in eaistenre ar subsaque�tf}erected,againsi loss by floods to tt�e extent
<br /> '°�,� - �quired by the Sa�y.All inwraace sdall be rairied K�th companies appmved by I.ender.The insur'ance policies and any
<br /> '.� — "', ' �s�#ati 6e t�t b}�L,cnder a�strsll ictclude.tvs�-ps�al�eeiauses ia favor of.and in a fc►tm acceptable_u►.Ir.nder. -�--
<br /> �. ..�..,. - - _ _ —
<br /> ���_
<br /> �� �_� .. _: •.
<br /> _� — �
<br /> ,�� ` tn the event of loss,Bamnwer shat!give I�cnder immodiate notice by mail. Lerder may malce proc�f of loss if aot made
<br /> . _ . :F�cL-imur.uw�,aumpany-�►nee�l-is�e�y-autl�oriaad-a�t dicaeted o�--su�:t�orss
<br /> - — -- -=--
<br /> _ _ ��, — -
<br /> �y �-� ,;.�,.���- d'inectly tu l.eoder.inuead of to Boriawer and ta Iendec jointl All or of the��.�-^P may be
<br /> �, �. - 9- �►Y Patt pc�s a�Ji��. .
<br />• - ;:=:�. LeMer.at its aption.eithor(a1 to the�aduction af the i�elxedness uuder t�N�te m�d dus Se�ritg CuSUU�'`�as�;(�:���..:,:.:
<br />' � -.;� '`� delinquent amounts applied in the arder in par�graiph 3.ana then to FteQaymeti�o�"�cinei�saf.or t6�E�tiie:,t;e�ta��+rz��•t�a�i����:'
<br />~:'�-� �.�'�. `::_:� af the dat�ged Prapeny. Any ap�iication of the pmc�eeds to the principai���x�a[';.�iir piist�uqti�e:,'du�`.�_iif�13�.�;;:::=.::
<br /> �- ''; atatuhlY QaYments wbic6 at+e referc�:tia ia pardgr��.2..or ehattge the aanuc{��i�`��•���'��� , .
<br /> * , �' over an araaunt ceqwred w q af.t'oxa��ted�e�rta�iness w�dec the N�A�sd this Secnrity Inttn�eaet sizall be paid io the ;
<br /> r�ij�f�, 'f?� - � F �� . ,.P17�1(}��C��If�l�@[j.1�1Ef'�� . � a' � . . ��', , � ' -`r. ,: `
<br /> I �f_r E� 4 f �. . � . . . t r \� ' � . ' � . � .• �'•
<br /> .i f. J,ti qi°+l �IJ� �,�% � ... � :. ��. •. � . � � � .� - _
<br /> i
<br /> ., ���.k�' _� _ � ' -
<br /> 'i;+Fo� j;,i� _? � �p��se{il;�'���ta��cvu��c�'�,i3�i�,',.'���:i���,;,I'n�it�,�a�c�ier tt��er-�af title to the Property that extiugui.�es tt�t _- - -
<br /> „� ��N'� '` , icndebi�:w.af�sr,g#a�„�i='�L,m�����f 8ci�uc�er u�;a`i�.fa3:c�r.�uc�uce pa!�i�i�°a�lO EAI�OC C�l3II p3S5Ip_IIIC.�,IlICt135C1r''� ` _ -
<br /> ' �R• �' �� - 'J ":C'� ' ` tr . i �h�.' ' ��_' _ .' _ �� _.
<br /> L _. , ' . 't.- `. �� � _ . ,;�', ` � _ :�1{ ' �.. " f ' `� _ .r�if'�` . . .. '�' — '_
<br /> .. . <a tc 1 �CF� � . :S_Ji•,���!'��r��C�����NNt ��'�_•'� Vi`3� ��CI�K ��S�S�S �`�r�� +��^�^� ..�u -
<br /> ��, ,;� f. ' . _ � _ . , .. .. . . , ...y }:� • '
<br /> �'���t��;��,''�;���. �;�- ,I� - Leasebaids. Bortnaet shall�g.establish:aidii�uge i�iE,fl�innp�tjr as Borrower s pn�(cipal s�si��ce�inti�iis4� ���.}s aftes �
<br /> ,"�.s���� ?�{�f'�� the esecution of Nis SecucitY Jty"�w!t�ten[at�!shafl contituit�;.en 4►o.."uPY��rtY as 6oii��et S.Pnii�tpat residc�f�is'at fe�st �,_ -_-
<br /> �`' ;j. rqr.���r- - — —_-
<br /> '=��-t;Y. �',: one year after the date of oocupat���oNess the Secnetary d��sr�urtes this requi�anent'a�1t caiite urdue hardship for Borrower. �.
<br /> �. (�. `,t;:.' �
<br /> : , `�',:.�'.... ,: ', or untess extenuatitig circumstarxes esist vthicb are beyo� Borrower's canaal. Borrawer shall aotify Lenders of any . � �- _
<br /> _ ___ _....._. .�:�.�::��:.` ::,:;;.;� excenu.ving ci�.Enrrowec sdali�aot_,�it waste ar destroy�d��PT su�tial_ly,change Efie Pcopetty or altovsr . -
<br /> . ,..��..` ::.�`•�� � the Property to deteiiorate. reasonable wear aQd i�ar eacepted. [.ender may irc,pect�he.�*cpperty if the Property is:vacant ur --'�:<: _::
<br /> . . ,.•::r., _
<br /> , ,,;:;1:;... ° . abandaned ar the taan is in defaul�.�Lender`imy taL•e rea�apable aztion to protect arid�'pn�e�e sucb vacant of�E�rdoned --
<br /> � • '-��� '•., Property. Barrawer sha11 alsa be in defautt if BotroKer.duti.iigti�e�lnan appticatian process.gare materially faise or imrcurate ., -
<br /> ; . .. , � infom�ation or statements to txnde�tos faiteiQ Y¢�;���iet��n�er tvilfi!��qnaterial infarmuios►1 i�z�m�ction w3th tfie toaa . ' � �
<br /> � t� "� evidenced by thC Note. includiag,bat aaf�n�itad•iY�.rep}�sent�tia�eq�oeming Borrower s occuFaiic�of the Praperty as a �?, ,,;� =
<br /> ;, < � .
<br /> ' ���'� '� . , rinei residenoo. lf this SeMtit ' tumehc'lc dn a 1 '�tpt�::&:isawes shaq ao i��tte the rovanans of the larse. If �,�t.'���'--
<br /> � .,.: , - P P� ,�1_� � �P� P ..,,. ___
<br />_. ' ,:>,,�•}%:` - ' Borrawer acquires fee title to the Proptrty,ihe teasehotd��f�e�icie shall nat be mrr�o�untess Lende�agrees ta the merger in � ��:�`'' -
<br />.. Z .�y o : Wt�tltlb'. " " .. . �� . �r r_ -
<br /> i;� � • , 'f '1
<br /> .. ':i � '-.. . .._ �r'.'1 .. _ ' � ' .t.� �' .'�,'
<br />. .�i"•.;';-
<br /> ';.�i�' 6.Cl�rges tp BormR�er And Pnntcetian of L'ender's Righ�s in tlie Rpprriy.Bonawcr sdalt:pay all go�emmental or , � ��. ,��:,
<br /> ; - .' :53,�.,- ..I• ..
<br /> �;�. ;. ;.:�; mu�ieipa! eharp,ea.'fines and impasiGans ihat are nc►t ithfudcd in�►aragtapb:. Bnrcower,shall pay these obligatiaTMc on time ,�..;. :'`x.;:
<br /> ',��'t � �';, :. •' •�:'�%:: directly ca the entity which ic owod the paymem.If faiiu�e to pa�°H�utd ad�enely affect•9:endet's interese in the PropPny,upon .
<br /> �' !," I.endePs request Barrawer rhall promptly fumish to l.endcr�eceipts e�iAencing these pat�teeaic�. .•
<br /> �.;i � ' ` � � .;.
<br /> .�,.y: . �.'�.�. � � � if Bnrrower faii�ta make these payments or the pay7nentc required b�paragraph 2:e�e,�aits to�eec��any other covenants _: • , . ' ;
<br /> �" auid agreemen�c cantai�i�t in thi�s Serurity In�tnm�rnt ar there is a 1ega1 prncredi��that r�a�ya�iyf%�mty�efect l.ender s rights �: < < ;•
<br /> ,.�.. .:� • .; - �
<br /> y� ' , �1 . . _,r;,,•, �
<br /> . ;; „�...:;,�. . .'� ,'",�.' �ti t�te Ptoperty(sucTe a��pr��Git�e in trankruptcy.far condemnati�n ar 1a enforce ft+!�+��c+�'r�u��u�na�tf:"then Lender may do�. ,,.�. �f;.-:.`�;�'ts:�;�l� . ••�:
<br />; " �'c��'( F`•�� �• and'paY whatever i4`'t�a�:ai-? ��n��iatect ihe valuc af thc P�operly and'i.cndcr c�igfiis�s sF�:.i'rco,�t�. inciuding paymenl af '• �'�;5,,�'%�'� �'f� ; ' ,
<br />�, ,. � '�i,"': .: . taaes.hazard insur�ice.a�cd dtlrer itimc mentivncvi in paragrapb 2. � . , . - . , .;: �'k��`!��)f�.;}��r t 'I,�/'
<br /> ' � . • .. ,t . , . 4.., .' � . .�,�. i 1 LiSj}IY;�i. '',j7•_.
<br />.:_ . .. .7; .����:iS;=:4'#nc`�;i,:r•.?',�.
<br /> ., ';.� > Any anxwnts dicbur.ced by Lender under thi�paragraph.rhaU beroii�ar�additinnal debt�P Boecrc�a e�and be seeured by.� ::�r;;%S�1`•'"';.,:, .,°
<br /> .:. � . . � „ ,�'.):if?t:,:.ff:;,;-.T�.:
<br /> ,;. � .;'��; this Security Instrament.Thcse amountti.trail hcar intcreN frum Ihr d�tc c�f di�bur.ement.at thc M1ate rare.and at tu�,�i�jtian o���' , � . '`',;,:S.�yF�:��:,rKF�;��•_-
<br /> .q�;`�i;�s3'�ii''� l.ender�shall be immediatety due and payable. . , , ,, ,:. • ,'�, . F.���'`��;.:�s.:.;
<br /> , , , � .• ..p4.
<br /> ,, r;r• � , , : '.�;�,� �.�. ., i�
<br /> ., 4 S �r • � . .... , .. . 1�;, tri� ._
<br /> � �,;_r •�j � , ; • T.Catdemns�tlon. The praceeds of any aw:ud ar rlaim*%Tr.�:��ii;�.�.,direct or c�muquentia} h}���anectian with any ,
<br /> �.';�,�'�� �' � rnrKlemnatlnn ar alhcr takin ��f an i; . ,
<br /> f�i t � S Y P3rt��f�e Pu�peny.ar F�r.w+s�eya�we:a�pl:uc uf cnrulemn�►uc�u .�l,ireby as.tiigned and • •�:.,.��
<br /> , �;,:.'•'. ,,.�,,..�,, shall ba paid ta l.endcr ta thc extent of the full anx�unt uf ehi�ui�i��itedneti.that remaim u�paid under���r tii�te and this Sccurity �; , ,;,�'• •�'
<br /> ";'=j�°;":""•' lnstniment.l.erxter shall apply�uch pr�xeeJ�G�the redactiian;��1'�lhe iudebt�;�ine„under dic Note;cnd Il�i�.�Security layttument. i, `;;,: . .
<br /> , .:�,,,, .
<br /> ` ��;�, � ;���'�:'�"r, � �. first ta arty detirtq�ent amnuncs applied in the,�rrcter p�ocfaed in pas:�r.ctth ;. and then co p<<�aci�m-.�; of princtipal. Any , "
<br /> ,,`�` a . • applicadan of the�xvG�v as tfle principa('sti��1»�lt ertcrtd or p»t�ri��: i�tiu,duc datr uf thc m�mi�zlr,;�sayments. which are ; . .,
<br /> -�I' �JIIIKF.Y °�7b3o�g -}, �
<br /> . O ' ' `�. �: . .. . i ,' :{r
<br /> �. . : '. . � .. -!' .. .;. . . � . , '. •,,i�(. .
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<br /> _ i'., , ,:". � , , • , . . , �f . . . .� '• •(�'1. .
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