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�oi�os423 <br />5. TYris Agreement is a continuing, absolute and unconditional agreement of subordination without regard <br />to the validity or enforceability of the Pxomissory Notes or other instruments of indebtedness between the DSbtor. <br />and the Secured Party evidencing sums due ar documen,ts granring a security interest in the Callateral, irrespective <br />of the time or order of attachxnent or perfection of the security interest in the Collateral or the order of filing the <br />Y7eeds of Trust or other instntments of security with respect to the Coliateral. <br />6. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and is binding upon the Subordinating Creditar and <br />upon its successors and assigns, so long as any parkion of the sums secured as described in Paragraph 3 are <br />outstanding and unpaid. <br />7. The Subordinating Creditor and agrees that the �romissory Notes or other instruments of indebtedness <br />of the Debtor evidencing tt�e obligation between the Debtor and tkxe Secured party may from ame to time be <br />renewed, extended, modified, compromised, accelerated, settled ar released, without notice to or r,onsent by the <br />Subordinating Creditor. <br />PLATTE VAI,LEY STATE BANK <br />TRUST COMPANY <br />By: � `___.,.-« Subordinatin Cre Ytor <br />g <br />STATE O� NEBRASKA ) <br />{ss: <br />COUNTY ��� ) <br />Be£ore me, a Notary Public qualified in said County, personally came �� •�� as <br />� u.�so,�,u,Q b�t,ru�er n� f Pl��e V��Iev State Bank & Trust Company, a ..wrSrJrV , <br />laiown to me to be tJas id cal person who signed the foregoing Subordination Ag ement on behalf of such entity, <br />and acknowled ed th� exe tion thereof to be is er volun act and deed on behalf of such enti . <br />g (h )(1i ) �Y h` <br />Witness my hand and Notarial seal an this � day of <br />GENERAI. NOTARY - State of Nebraska <br />� VENUS M. KtNG <br />.. .. My Cnmm. Exp. March 27, 2�t 3 <br />Sui�abtohf 12/98 <br />