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201108381 <br /> sentences shall not�pply to t1�e preseiice, use, or storage o�1 the Property of su7a11 c�Llantities of Haaardous <br /> SuUstances tliat are geneNally recogniz�d to be appropri�te to normal rosidential uses and tio maintenlizce of <br /> tlie Property(including, Uut not linuted to, hlzardous substances in consunler products). <br /> Borro�ver shall piomptly give Lender written notice of(a) any iiivestigation, claiin, deinand, lawsui�or other <br /> action by any governmental pr regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or Enviromnental Law of which Borrower has acttial knowledge, (b)any�nvuomnental <br /> C'ondition, incltidi�g l�ut not limited to, any spilling, lealcing, discharg�, release or tlu•eat oP releasa af asry <br /> Haz�s•dous Substance, and(c) any conditio�i caused��the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> which adversely affects the value of the Property. If Boirower leai•ns, or is notified liy any goveriuilental or <br /> regtilatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or other rein�diation of any Hazar�ous Subs'ta�ice <br /> a.ffecting the Property is necessary, Borrow�r shall proinptly talce all necessary reinedial actions in <br /> accordauce with Envirorunental Law. Nothing herein sha.11 create any ol�ligation on Lendei• Cor an <br /> �iivironmental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lencler shnll give notice to Borrower prior to Rcceler�tion followiug <br /> Borrower's breach of any covenant or;►gree�nent iu tl�is Security Iustrwnent(but not prior to <br /> �cceleration nnder Section 18 nnless Applicnble L�w provides otlierwise). The notice shall specify: (a) <br /> the default;{b) tlie action reqniretl to cure the defanit; (c) a date, not less than 30 dnys from tlie date <br /> the�iotice is given to Borrower, by which the defanit mnst be curecl; and(d) that failure to care the <br /> clef�ult on or before tlie d�te specified in the notice m�y result in acceleratiou of the sums seciu�ed by <br /> this Seciu•ity Instrmneut�utl sale of the Propei�ty. The notice sh�►ll further inform I3orrower of tlie <br /> right to reiiistate nfter acceleration aud the riglit to bring a court action to assert the uov-existeuce of n <br /> clef�ult or nny other defense of Bo1•rower to lccelerltion nnd s�le. If the def�ult is not curecl ou or <br /> before tlie date specified in the notice, Leuder nt its optiou may reqYiire i�mnedi�te payine�it in full of <br /> �11 snms secnred uy this Secnrity Iitstrument without furtlier demnnd nucl�nny iuvolce the powei•of s�le <br /> and �►uy other reinedies peruiitted by Applic;�ble Lnw. Lender sh�ll be entitlecl to collect all expenses <br /> incin�red in puesuin�; the remedies l�ro�vided in tTiis Section 22, uiclnding, but not liinited tio, rensonable <br /> attoriieys' fees nnd costs of title evicleuce. <br /> If the power of sale is iuvolced, Trustee sh�ll i ecord n notice of defa[ilt in each conuty in whicli 1ny <br /> part of the Property is loc�ted aaid shall mnil copies of such notice in the mnnuer pi•escribed by <br /> Applicable L;tw to Borrower nud to the otlier persons prescribed uy Applicaule L1w. A4'ter the time <br /> reqi7ii°ed�y Applic�tble Law, Trustee sliall give public notice of s�le to the persons anci in the inauuer <br /> prescribed by Applic�►ule L1w. Trustee, witltout demnnd on I3orrower, sli�ll sell tlie Property nt public <br /> aiiction to the hi�hest bidder at the ti�ne auel pince 1nd iuider the teruis desrgnated in tlie uotice of s�le <br /> in one or more parcels and in nny order Trustee deter�nuies. Trustee inay postpoue sale of a11 or nny <br /> t��►rce1 of tlie Property by public ,uuiomicemeirt at tlie time and place of any pi•evioi�sly scliediiled s�le. <br /> Lender oi�its desiguee inly pnrcli�se the PY�operiy at nny snle. <br /> Ur�on receipt of pnyment of the price bid, Trnstee sh�ll deliver to the piu�ch�ser Trnstee's cleed <br /> conveying the Propei�ty. Tlie recit�ls in the Trustee's deed shall be priin� f�cie evidence of the trtitlt of <br /> the st;►tements made therein. Trustee shnll apply the proceeds of the s11e in the following order: (a) to <br /> all costs and expenses of exercising the power of sale, �tud the sRle, including tlie pnyment of tlre <br /> Trnstee's fees nctually incurred and relso�i�ble �ttorneys' fees :�s permitted by Applicnule Law; (b) to <br /> all suYUS secured by tTiis Security I�istru�nent; and(c) �ny excess to Clie person or persous legally <br /> entitled to it. <br /> 231205 <br /> NEBR4SKA-Single Family-Pannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3020 1/01 <br /> VM P O VM P6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluw-er Financial Services Pac�e 14 of 17 <br />
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