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<br /> " Mortgaged Property pursiiant to the Loan Agteement or the Mortgage, this . „� �
<br /> ,. - Agreement shall be of no further force or effect. • -
<br /> .r. .
<br /> � (d) No Annendments to the Manag,ement Agreement. Manager �vill not , �'1� -_
<br /> amend, modify, supplement, extend or otherwise change the Management Agreement '� �}•-9�
<br /> .�� :..�.f.�
<br /> without the prior written consent of Lender. In the event Manager fails to secure ;-�t;�
<br /> such consent, the Management Agreement, at Lender's election, for the purposes of ..,,�=���=��`�-�-
<br /> Manager's obligations to Lender pursu�ant to this Agreement, shall be deemed not to `;�'�..y__ __
<br /> have been modified by such amendment. +.����:;
<br /> +:,,-.
<br /> �.:,��,
<br /> (e) Deliver,y of 1Votices etc.: Lender's Right to C:ure. Manager shall deliver ' �� •' ��
<br /> � .. (promptly upon Mana�er's receipt af any of the following) to L.ender (i) all niaterial • :— __
<br /> ,,:�; �`=a'-
<br /> notices, statements, information and communications delivered or required to be
<br /> ' delivered to Owner pursuant to the Management A.greement, including,without �����='--
<br /> �� limitation, any notice of any default by Owner or natice of intention to terminate the r��;��r;
<br /> Management Agreement, (ii}all material notices frnm any governmental authorities, �.��
<br /> '�� regulators, citizens groups or private litigants received by the Manager with respect to � r, � ,:
<br /> t ; any portion of the Mortgaged Properry, (iii) notice of the occunence of an.y of the
<br /> follovv�ng events within five (S) business days after Manager knows of such occurrence __
<br /> � (A) the filing, or the written threst of filing, of any mechanics' or materialmen's lien -
<br /> materially affecting the Mortgaged Yroperty�(ts j any breach of comracc by any -- �
<br /> contractar, subcontractor, service company, material supplier� or tenant which, in the
<br /> reasonable opinian of the N�anager, is of material signi�icance, (C) any labor dispute _
<br /> or work s4oppa�e of a materisl nature involving eny conuactor or subcontractor An
<br /> r. .. ; the Mortgaged Property, (D)any rejection of any item of work by any building �' ��
<br />-_: . insp�ctor,authorized governmental authority or public utility which results in total� :,::_
<br /> � substantial or prolonged (i.e.,more than three (3) work days')work stoppage, (E) any
<br /> �;:° � � casualty loss with respect to the Martgaged Property, (F) receipt of any notice from �
<br />: : . any authority having jurisdiction over the Mortgaged Property, or portion thereof, of -�—{�
<br /> '�=.r�*;�:�,.: the violation of any law, statute,rule, ordinance,court decision, regulation or Legal --�
<br />'_�a.� „b.e+�Y.:� .-
<br />;__:.o:.....�- Requirement� (G)receipt of any norice from an insurance carrier relating to eadsting _
<br /> :x��-�••�:• claims covered by insurance policies and/or cancellation or threat of cancellation of =
<br /> _ � � " any such insurance, (H) receipt of any notice r�lating in any way to the condemnation �-
<br />����� :.�.�_:�`� � of the Mortgaged Property, (I) any event which could have a Material Adverse Effect. -�
<br /> ..: . .
<br /> - ..__:,.: .�_�► • �___�:�_��_-
<br /> , ,.. „ Failure by 1��Sanager to gr�vic�e the nottces to Lender in this Section or any other � '��-�-
<br /> . , . � - ----.-
<br /> �, ^. .;. ���'� notice required to be delivered t� Lender by Msnager in thfs Agre�meni shall = —
<br /> - '. cr:�:� cons ti tu t e a n E v e n t o f D c f a u l t h e r e u n d e r. L e n d e r s h a l l h a v e t h e o p t i o n, b u t n o t t h e
<br /> :,a�,,��;
<br />� ��.- - obli�ation, to cure any such default(s) by Owner under the Management Agreement ° __
<br />:.,�. -•- . .
<br /> •-=;=n°@"� within the time periods provided in the Management Agreement for cure of Owner's -- _
<br /> _,... ,,r„;. .: --
<br />- :. . defaults or, if no time period is specified in the Management Agreement, within thirty ___ - ---
<br /> � (30) days,provided that if such default is not susceprible to cure within thixry (30) -_ --- ----
<br /> . :, •
<br /> �"?.�
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