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<br /> , MANAG�MENT AGREEMFIe1T ��.s�����(� €,
<br /> "���� THIS ME4NACi�MEMT A(�REEMLNT (tho "�gm�") entered into�by and �
<br /> :� betwaan SUNVY�ST N.C.�tUST� a Delaware businesa tru�t(the"��"), having an officG �•
<br /> � � � at 1 7 7 7 6 Praston Roa d,Suite 100,Dallas,Tcxas 75252�WILMII�IG'I�ON TI�i�JST COMPANY, �-
<br /> �:
<br /> - ,� � not in ita indfvldual capacity but solely as Trustee of tho Txust ("WilminQton") and by =_-
<br /> WILLd�+i J. WADE, acting nat in his ir►divtdual capacity but solely as Co-ZYustea of the �-
<br /> 4;,� � Trust liaving an addsess c/o Richarda, Layton&Finger�One Rodney Square,P.O.Box SS�� _
<br /> ��'�-�`� - Wilmington,Delsware 19899,telophone numbar(302)658-6548("Wade"),hevIng an address =
<br />�`�.'�•�'��� � of Wilmingtan 'I'rust Company, Radney Square North, 1100 North Merket Street, �
<br />=:w;��;"°� Wilnaington,Delaware 19890�0001,Attn: Corporate �kust Administrator, telcfax number —
<br /> 4��,•'_ (362)427-4749,(�'rust,Wilmiangton andlor Wade ara referred to harain,as appropriate,as
<br /> :I�a.�� "�r�")and S'�V COAqR��YAY.A�A�fA��l�i!YJ.3.,�7�IG.,a`t'�xes wrporation,having -
<br />-`-�'-`�� en office at 17776 Preaton Road, Suite 100, Dallaa, �'eucas 7525?. (hereinefter called
<br /> =��:��
<br /> .f ��I�ana�;��). _
<br /> _�.�._s�—
<br /> vw���� WITNESSEZ'H:
<br /> .�a�
<br /> "�--"° WHEREAS,Owner is the fea Owner of those certain propereies dsscnbed on�
<br /> v�� " " attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes (hereinafter collectively
<br /> --._�zy��
<br />`���"� referred ta as the "&opert�'); and
<br /> _..__�_=.��
<br />--��r=���� W�-IERBAS,Owner desires to eppoint Manager as its sole and exclnsive agent to
<br /> _- --''' lease� oparate and manage the Propeny,and Manager desires to accept such appointme�st,
<br /> —�°�� all subject to the following tarms and conditions.
<br /> �' NOW�THEIiEFORL,in consideratlon of the mutual promis�s and covenants harCin
<br /> cuntained, Owner and Manager hercby covenant and agcee es followe:
<br /> I.
<br /> v
<br /> 1.1 �na�ement Duties. Manager shall perform all af tha following duties wIth
<br /> respect to the Property:
<br /> ,�
<br />