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� 103—WARRAIVTY DEED �The Hui�an(aeneral Snpply Honee, Linaoln, Hebr. <br /> i <br /> ! grrow �. MErr BY �sE Pi��rrs: I <br /> ; <br /> � TH11T �,aWrence J• McFadden & 1�ary M. McFadden, huaband and wife, ( <br /> as 3oint tenants, and each in his and her own riaht � <br /> , <br /> ! of the County of � H&,7.1 and State of Nebraska f�'and in consideration of the � <br /> " aum oj One �Dollar & other valuable aonsideration - - - - - - - - - DOLLRRS � <br /> in hand aid do hereb arrt bar ain sell con�e and con rm unto P&til R. �eDermott a sin 12 mt�21 � <br /> � y s� � g , , .v .f . , g ! <br /> . <br /> � ; of the County�of H�1 and State of Nebraska the following described rea!estate ! <br /> ' situated in �*rand Isl&nd =n H&11 County,and Statc of Nebx'�8k& to-wit: ; <br /> . � <br /> ; ( <br /> 5 , <br /> Lot one (1) in Bl�ck Five (5) in Windolph�s Addition ; <br /> ' to the City of arand Island, Hall Couuty, Nebraska, i <br /> �. _ . <br /> , �,� <br /> �. <br /> j, � i <br /> I <br /> Sub�eet to the mortgage in favor oY the Union Loan & 8a.rin�s Aasociation�'. <br /> oP Lincoln, Nebraska, recorded Book 9� page 30j �ortgages as recordea � <br /> ; in Mortgages Register oP Deeds, Hall Cou�y, Nebraska, the balance oP <br /> said mortgage now being ��� �-? �, n 2 • <br /> TO H�1YE �1ND TO HOLD the premises aboot describtd, together rvith all the Tenements, Hereditaments and ' <br /> appurtenances thereunto belonging,unto tlu said grantors <br /> and to h18 heirs and assigns foreoer. � <br /> flnd qVe do hereby cooenant with tlu said Grantet and with hi8 heir.c and assigns,that <br /> lawfully seixed of said premises;thatthey arefree from rncumbrante exeept t11e mOI'tg&ge &.fol'e 8&1d <br /> that W8 haoe good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and W6 do hereby coaenant to warrant and <br /> defend the title to said premises against tlu lamful claims of all persons whomsoeoer. <br /> llnd [he said gramtors hereby relinquishes all <br /> their right, t1t16 and interest inandtotheabocedefcribedpremises. <br /> Signed this 7� day oj MAy ,B.D.19 �j� <br /> In Presence of kS�l..�f�!�Z-�.� ___ _�.'..l�.�� <br /> � ••--�- v GCse�i�e%t.Lr�et/•--'--- <br /> �-•-/!%! !/ - - -� C-°---� --- <br /> --------•-°--°................•°-------°-----•--•-°-------°-°....-°---•-•-------°°---- --°----._..----°--------°°°--°-------°°-°°°---------•-°•-°••---°---°----°•-°-• <br /> •-------------°•-•-°---°--...°-----------°°°--.......--------------------°-•--�•-------- --------°°------•----°-----•---°°--°--------------°------°•-°°--•--°---°----•------- <br /> ST�TE OF.__Nebraska----------� On rhis------7�--------�da.r�.f----------���3Y-----------------------------� �1.D.19��_,before ' <br /> ss. . <br /> ---------------------F�ial��.----------County me,the undersign�d_----------I+a._.�,---.B�'021•----•----------------------------•--•--•-------•------- <br /> a Notary Public, duly eommissioned and qualified for and residing in said county, <br /> ,- ..: personally came__I.��wre�c�---�=---��Fad�.�.�.--�---Max�y.---Ma•-----------•---•-•---•••--- <br /> � OU�! _ .: <br /> �,� �'` --McFaddens---huaband__�?a__y�i���----as_.. Olt��---t_�xl�a�8-,----------- <br /> #*�+ . ._ - ---- ------ - - -- - - �- <br /> �► � �-� ° � . . . <br /> �5.�'� ' } a �� - _and__e aen in_ni s .and_ne r__own�right-------------------------------------------- <br /> ;� �*� „ t; . � <br /> ,:;`_�.�''�-'�`' + • : - to me�Enoam to be tlu iderrtical person S----- -------------whose names--&2"�---- <br /> ` .., w�' . , F : P.: <br /> - --- - ---°--------- <br /> :`;�..�: ;;; ' = - : a,�xed to tTu foregoing instrument as grantor_S_______________and acknowledged the same ' <br /> .,.� 1 �,1 . - <br /> ��l4_•. .� ,: • <br /> °` ' " ' • Q to be---•---....the�'--------------ooluntary act and deed. <br /> r ... <br /> �r� ,�r�. A•�•a�� <br /> '•,,,��. Wirness my hand and N 'al tlu da a d year last aboae written. <br /> . <br /> ------ •---------- -t---- - --- - -- -- --•-- otary Public. <br /> M commission exp:ra.�rh�.____�2� ._____day of_____ ���mU�r______________19__ ._. <br /> Filed for record Ma 8 1 4 at 11•40 Re e �e <br /> _ , � <br />