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, . , , 201108366 <br /> - LUAN #: 9879365 <br /> or ground rents on the Property,"rf any,and Community Association Dues,Fees,and Assassments,'rf <br /> any.To the extentthatthese items are Escrow items,Boaower shall paythem inthe manner provided <br /> in Section 3. <br /> Borrower sha4!promptly discharge aoy lien which has priarity ouer this Security tnstrument unless <br /> Borrower: (a} agrees in writing to the payment ot the obligation secured by the lien in a manner <br /> aCCeptaiale to tendsr,but only solong as Borrower is performing such agreemeni;{b)eontes#s xhe�ien <br /> in good#aith by,or defends againsf enforcement o#ttte lien in,lega!peoceedings which in!_ender's <br /> opinion opera#e to prevent the en#nrcemen#Qf tk►e tfen+nrhile those proceedings are pending,but oNy <br /> ur�til sach procee.dings are concluded; or (c} secares from the holder of the #ien an agreemen# <br /> sa#isfactory to Lender subordinating#he lien to this Secur+iy lnsirs� Lender deie►�mines that any <br /> pat#flfthe#?ropertyissubjecttoalien�nrhichcanattain psiorityovsrthisSecue+tyanstrument,Lendermay <br /> give Borrower a.notice identi#ying the Iien.Withirr 10 days of t�e daie on which that rtotice is giuen, <br /> Borrower shall satisty the lien ar take one�r more sf the actions se##o�th above in this Section 4. <br /> Lender may require Bwro�ver#o pa�a one-tit��charge far a real�taYe#ax verifica#ion and/or <br /> reporting service used by LQnder in connection with this Lear�. <br /> 5. Peoperty lnsurance.BocrowEr shallkeep the impr�vements now existing nr hereafter ereeFed <br /> on the Property insurecf agaie�st loss by fire,hazards induded wr�thirrthe Eerm"extended coverage,"and <br /> arry other hazards ineludin�, but no#aimt4et�to,earthquakes and floods,tor which L�r►der requires <br /> insurance.This insurance shaN be maintained in the amuurrts(ir9ctucfing deductible levels}and for 1he <br /> Reriads tlrat lender requires,What Lender requires pursuantfo#he prececfing sentences can charrge <br /> during theterrn ofithe toan.The insurancecarrier providiFlg the irtsuranceshalFbe chosen by Borrower <br /> subject io Lender's righ# to disapprove 8orrower's choice, which righ#shall not qe exercised <br /> unreasonabty.tender may requfre Sorr•owerto pay,in conrtection with this toan,either:ta)a one-fime <br /> charge for flood zone determinetion,certi#ication and tracking services;or{b)a orte-time charge foe <br /> ftood zone determina#ion arni c�rti#ication serviees and subsequertt charges each Hrne remappings or <br /> similarchanges occurwhich reasonablymight affectsuch determination nr certificatio�.Borrower shall <br /> also be responsible for the payment af any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency AAanagement Agency <br /> in connectio�with the reaievv nf any floQd zone determination resulGng irom an objection by Borrawer. <br /> If Borrower fai4s to mai�tain any af the coverages described above,Lender may obtain insurance <br /> coverage,at Lender's option and Borrower's Qacpense.Lender is under no abligation to purchase any <br /> particular type oramountof coverage.Therefare,such coverageshalt cover Lender,butmight ormight <br /> not protect Borrower,Borrower's equity in the Property,o�theeontentso#the Property,against arty risk, <br /> haza►d or liability and might proviEle greater ar kesser coverage tMa��vas pre�riously in effecL Borr�nrev <br /> acknowledges that the cost of ihe insurancQ caverage so ohtained might significantly exc�ed#he cost <br /> of insurancethat 8orrov�r�er cou�d have obtained.Any amoants disbwrsed by Lender under this Section <br /> 5 shalf become addftiona!debt of Bs3raower seeured by this Secu��ty Instru�rrerrF.Fhese amounts shall <br /> bear i�sterest af the Note rate#om the da�o#ctis►sursemerTt and sha11 be payable,rovi#h suekr i�terest, <br /> upon notice fram Lendee to 8orrawer eequ+�sting paymeni. <br /> Alt insurartce policies ret{uireci by Lender arrc#renewals o#such poticies shal}besubjectto Lender's <br /> right ta disapprave such paticies,shatF incfude a standard etiartgage cVatrse,and shaA rram�Lender as <br /> martgagee and/or as an additicrnaf t�s p�yee. LencPer shalt have the right to hoid the pcsl�cies a�d <br /> renewa!certificates. If Lerrder requires, Borrower shaN protnpiiy give ta Lendsr all receip#s of paid <br /> premiums and renewal notiees. 1#Barrower obtairts aisy#wm of insurance caverage,not otherwise <br /> required by Lender,fior da�rageto,ar destruetion of,the Property,such poficy shalk inetadea s#ar�dard <br /> mortgage elause and s�iaN narne Lender as mortgagee aetcys�as an addKionat ioss payee. <br /> 1n the�ven#of Ics�s,Borrower shall givsprampi notice io the insurance cacrier and Lender.Lender <br /> may makaproofo#loss ifncstmade pranpUy byBorrc�ver.Unless L2ndsrand 8orrawer ofherwiseagree <br /> in writing,ariy insurance proceeds„whether ar not ihe undexlyi�g insurance was rec}u"ved by k.ender, <br /> shaUbe appliQd toresfaration orrepairof theProperty,i#the restoration aF repa'uis econc>micaUyfeasible <br /> and�ender's security is nof lessenad.During such repair and tsstoration period,Lendershall have the <br /> right to hokf such insuranoe proceeds un�l Lender has had an oppnrtunity to inspect such Proper#y to <br /> ensure the work has been completed to Lender's satisiactian,prouided that such inspecTion shall be <br /> undertaken prompt4y.LendeF inaydishurse:psoceedsforthe�e}2aa�s anci restcuatior►in asinglepayment <br /> or in a series of progr2ss paymen#s as!he v,��r�c 4s comptated.Ur�less an agreemen#is made in v✓riting <br /> orAppGcablQLawrequiresinterest#obepaidons�+�hir�surance�sroceeds,Lendershaltnatberequ+red <br /> to pay Bcur-owrer any inteFest ar earreings cro sueh proceecls.Fees for public adjristers,or other third <br /> parties,retainecF#y Borrower shall not be paic�ocrt of Ehe irtsuranee praceeds artct skrail be the sole <br /> obligation of 8orrower.Iftherestarai�snorrapairisnoteeonomicali�rfeasibfeorLender's securitywould <br /> beiessened,theinsurance proceeds s#ralf bea�iiedtothe s�mssecured bythis Seaut�tylrtstiument, <br /> whether or not then due,wi#h the excess,'rf any,paid to Borrawer.Such insurance proceeds shatt be <br /> apptied itt the ord�r provided for in Sectiarr 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons ihe Property,Lender may�ife,negotia4e arrd settle any au�ilable insurance <br /> ctaim and related mat#ers.�#Sorrower do�not respond wi#hin 30 days to a�oticeirom Lenderthat the <br /> insuranee carrier has offered to sef#{e a etaim,iher�Ler�der tnaq negoYiate and setFtethe ekvm.The 30- <br /> daq period witi begihwhen#he not�ee is giuen;In eit#�er event,or it Lender acquires Fhe Pro ureder <br /> Iaitials:,� �C. <br /> NEBRASKA—Single Family—fannie�fae/Frs�lisl�c ilNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 30281 J07 <br /> Online Documents,Inc. 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