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201108345 <br /> BORROWER COV�NAN'TS that Rorrower is lawfully aeised oC tl�e estate hareby conveyed and has the right Eo <br /> graut and convey the Property and that ehe Property is Luiencumbered, cxcept£or encumbranoes af record. <br /> Borrov�er waa•rauYe znd will defend generally the Citle to tiha Property ag2inst all claims aud demulds, subject to <br /> any cncumUra�ices of record. <br /> THf S SECURITY INSTRUMENT coinUinc�a nniform eovenanta for nationKl Ltse and non-uniform covenants with <br /> IimiCed vaiiat[ons by jw�isdiciion to consti6uto a qnifonn security insri•umenC wvering real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower nud Lendcr covenazit and agree as Pollows: <br /> 7. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> ehntl p2y when due the priucipal of, and if�Cerest oi�, the debt evidenceci by the Note aud any prepayment <br /> charges nnd lnte oharges due Lmdcr the Note. Borrower shall a7eo pay funds for Fsorow Ite7ns pLirsuant to <br /> Section 3. PAymenYs due nnder the Note aud this Security Inetrument sl�all Ue made in U.S, cmrency. <br /> Howover, if any check or other insirument recc;'tved by Lender as payment under Uie NoYe or this Seourity <br /> Insfrumcnt is rehuned to Lender unp�id, Lender may require til�t eny or all suUseyuent paymeuts dus uncier <br /> the Note nnd this Socurity insfrLUnenE be mnde in oue or more of the Following forms, as se1ected by Lender: <br /> (a) cash; (b)money order; (c) certified check, l�e�ilc check, tieasm�er's check or cashier'a cheok, prov'rded Euiy <br /> sucl� checic is drawn upon ut instituCion whoec deposits are insurect by a Cccieral agency, inst�•wmentalidy, or <br /> enfity; or(d)L+lcoh-onic Ptimds Ti<nnsfer. <br /> Payn�ents aro dcen�ed received by Lencler wheu xeceivui at the 1oc�tion designaCeci in{he Note oc aS such <br /> other locnd9on as may be dcsignated by Lander in accoxdnnoe�vitli the notice provisiona in Sccfion 15, <br /> I.ender may retmn any p�tyinent or parNal payinent if'the payment or partial payments are insufffcient Co <br /> bring the l.oa�i current. Lender may accept any paytiieut or,pu�Ual poyment ii�suffioient tio bring the Lonn <br /> eLUrenti, without waiver of any righYs herennder or prcj udice to its rights to refitise such payment or pArtial <br /> payments in LAe fuhYr¢, Uut T,ender is not obligateei to apply such paymairts at the Lime�ucl�payments are <br /> accepted. If e�ch Periodic Payu�ent is applied as of its echeduleci duo date, filien Lender need uot pay interest <br /> on nnapplied'liuids. Lendae may hold such unapplied htuds until Borrower mal<cs payme�rts to bring the <br /> Lonn currenG lf Borrower doee not do so within n reasonabl�weriod o�F time, Lender sha11 oither a�ply attch <br /> funds or return them to Borrowcr. if not applied esrlier, such fiuids will be applied to the oulstanding <br /> principal Ualance under the Note inunediatc7y prior to foreclosure. No oPfsct or ci�im wlucli Borrowec v�igl�t <br /> have now or in the fulure againet Lender sha11 relieve Boxrower faom�nalting paytneuts due imder thc Nota <br /> and this Security Histrtmieut or perTorming kl�e covenairi's and a�xeemeul.c eccured Uy this Security <br /> Inslrxunent <br /> 2. Application of Payments or PYOCeeds. Lacept as otherwise described in tl,is Section 2, n11 payments <br /> �ccepCed and applied by Lender shall be applied in the fo1lowiug order of yrioriLy: (a) interest dne under the <br /> Note; (b)principnl due uudcr the Note; (oj auiounte c[ue micie�r Scction 3. Such pn}m�ents shail bc applied Yo <br /> eaoh Periodic Payment in the orc{er in which it becaAne due. Auy rev�4iining amoLmts sli�ll be applied first to <br /> 1a[e oharges, second to auy other nmounfs due uvdcr this Sectuity Instrumenk, and H�c�� to reduce the <br /> princip�l bnl�noe oF thcNoto. <br /> Tf Lender receives a paqmcnt from Bon�ower £or�dalinquent Pcriodic PaymeuC wkuoh inoludcs a sufficient <br /> amount Yo pay any]nte chnrge ciue, tl�c pa}nnent inay be npplied to lhc ciolinquent pa}nnent ttnd the lnte <br /> char�o. ]f uiora than one Periodic Payment is o�rtstending, Lender n�ay npply any paymant receivad from <br /> Bon�owe��to the repayinent of the Periodio Paymeiite if, and to the extent th�t, each paymenY can be paid in <br /> firll. To th€exCcnt U�af any excesa exist.s etter tliapaymenC is applied to the full peymenC of oi�o or more <br /> Periodic Paym�uta, snoh excese may be applied to eny late eharges due. Vohmtaiy prepfl�nnents shall Ue <br /> a��lied fiirsC to any prepa}nnent charge.s and tl�eu as ciescribed in the Note. <br /> zs�zo3 <br /> N[�RASKA-Sin9leF�mily-Fannleblae(FreddleMaclINIFOR�d WSTRUMf-NT Form30201/07 � <br /> Vlvi P(� VM P6(NE}(11061 <br /> Woltere Kluwer f-inanolal5arvloes I�npe A oi 17 <br />
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